Parrot aquarium fish - care and maintenance

Before acquiring an aquarium, an amateur or professional studies each species of fish in detail, then draws conclusions and prepares a home for them. Just 20 years ago, an interesting variety of aquatic inhabitants was bred, we are talking about parrot fish. The name comes from the interesting appearance of the pet. Front and side, the fish really resembles a grouchy bird. Therefore, we can not pass by without touching this species as the future inhabitants of the aquarium.

Aquarium Parrot Fish

Species and description of fish

Before you go in search of the desired fish, you need to determine its variety, because today there are several basic types. Naturally, they differ not only in appearance, but also in character.

The parrot fish is famous for its funny manners, behaves like a cat. Let us explain: when the owner puts his hand into the aquarium, the fish literally begins to rub against the palm. She loves stroking, chatting.

To obtain such a unique breed, it took several years of hard work. In this, South American cichlids took a direct part. On their basis, a parrot was obtained. Otherwise, the fish are called sea elves. A distinctive feature is the mouth in the form of a beak.

To date, there are 3 popular varieties, we consider the characteristics of each of them in order of priority.

  1. Scar. They differ in average dimensions, pets grow in length by 19 cm. There are about 50 subspecies of scar. The following are considered the most popular and beautiful: guacamaya, striped-belly, dark, striped-belly scar. In natural conditions, they prefer to live near coral reefs. In nature, they feed on certain types of corals, as well as mollusks. In an aquarium environment they can eat everything, most importantly, choose a food based on the breed.
  2. The red parrot. The most popular type of aquatic pet from the parrot family. From the name you can understand that the fish is red with yellow splashes. It grows to a length of 25 cm. It looks amazing in the aquarium. A distinctive feature is the presence of fangs and incisors that protrude from under the lips. When a pet only grows up, it is able to change color several times. In their natural environment, fish are lonely, live among corals. But they are good-natured with their neighbors when living in an aquarium. An interesting feature of red parrots is that during a night's rest they wrap themselves in mucus, creating a cover for protection from external influences.
  3. Green bumpy. The aquatic creature in nature grows to 1 m. With a weight of 35-40 kg. But the aquarium type of pets is much smaller. However, even against the background of everyone else, he looks bulky and amazing. If the green parrot suddenly starts a quarrel, then it will end badly for the opponent. Its frontal part acts as a kind of ram. The fish picks up speed and literally blows the enemy. The attack looks clever, so the neighborhood is carefully chosen.

Of course, you can find fish of this family in a different color. But we have given the most common and sought-after varieties. In general, fish can be reddish, purple, pearl, blue, etc. You can meet pets with a beak of many colors.

Compatible with other fish

Parrot Fish Compatibility

  1. It is worth immediately highlighting the livability and benevolence of the family in relation to other varieties. Parrots are peace-loving, nimble, but can be calm. It all depends on the conditions of detention and temperament of individuals.
  2. Active parrots get along well with the same nimble fish who like to dig the ground and take part in the destruction of vegetation.
  3. With scalars, it is better not to contain parrots, because aquatic representatives with a beak pluck algae and generally treat them scornfully. If, at the time of the collapse of the vegetation, a scalar hides in the thickets, quarrels cannot be avoided.
  4. In any case, if you decide to bring obstetric fish as neighbors, provide aquatic pets with an aquarium with enough water.
  5. With small fish it is strictly forbidden to keep parrots, otherwise scaly friends up to 5 cm in length will be mercilessly eaten. No need to tempt fate, drop all the little things into the second aquarium.

Maintenance and care

  1. The fish in question have a playful disposition, an excellent mind, cunning, mobility and a tendency to attack. It's hard to believe, but such individuals really resemble ordinary parrots. If you decide to get a pair of these fish, you need to take care of a spacious aquarium.
  2. The volume of the tank should be about 200 liters, no less. In the wild, such fish live in underwater coral reefs. Therefore, it is recommended to install a special pump in the aquarium. Without it, the inhabitants will feel uncomfortable. In addition, fish can eat poorly.
  3. Keep in mind that the water temperature should be within 24 degrees. Without fail, water needs to be additionally enriched with oxygen. Permanent aeration is simply necessary. Representatives of this species can live exclusively in running water. Change half of the water in the aquarium should be at least 1 time per week.
  4. In addition, the aquarium should be covered with a net. Otherwise, the fish can jump out without any problems. Such individuals do not need special decoration of the aquarium. Fish are not whimsical. It is enough to add small stones and soil to the tank. Fish are used to tearing the bottom with their beaks. Among other things, it should be noted that it is the red parrots that love to build nests. Therefore, do not be surprised at what you see.
  5. It is highly recommended that you do not contain different types of fish that are used to using shelters. Because of this, conflicts can occur. Also, slow and inactive fish should not be present in your aquarium. Otherwise, the parrots will constantly attack them.
  6. Mandatory in the aquarium must be present densely growing algae, 5 cm. Soil and all kinds of caves made of stones or coconut shells. At the same time, do not forget to enrich the water with oxygen and regularly replace it. Clean your aquarium systematically. Such requirements are necessary for almost every species of fish.


Feeding parrot fish

  1. If you need to take care of the fish adhering to certain rules, then there will not be any questions with feeding. Parrots are completely unpretentious in food, regardless of variety. Feed the fish several times a day. Servings should not be large.
  2. A few days after getting used to, the fish begin to swim on their own to the edge of the aquarium, demanding food if you are nearby. Such fish eat granules, bloodworms, bread, vegetables and all kinds of herbal supplements. Individuals may also prefer live food and dry mixes.
  3. If you choose the right diet, provide proper care and maintenance, the fish can live with you for up to 10 years. Such individuals are unique in themselves. You can watch them for a long time. They also quickly get used to the person. In a way, you can even play with them. Such fish are smart enough.

Gender difference

  1. Distinguishing between a female and a male is a rather complicated procedure. In appearance, the fish are practically no different. Until that moment, until the individuals reach puberty, they cannot be distinguished at all.After this, you can notice that the male is slightly larger than the female and has a brighter color. The weaker sex in this regard is noticeably inferior.
  2. Also, gender can be distinguished if you carefully consider the fins. In females, they are more round, in males, on the contrary, they are pointed. It should also be noted an important fact, parrots find only one partner in their entire lives. They stay together until the end. That is why it is not recommended to disconnect a couple.

Parrot fish are quite interesting representatives of the fish. They differ from the congeners by their unique character and sharp mind. Such individuals become attached to humans. Do not be afraid to put your hand into the aquarium, the fish can play with you. Also do not forget about timely care and proper maintenance. Feed the fish with quality food. Pamper them with various goodies.

Video: red parrot fish

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