Cockatoo apistogram - care and maintenance in the aquarium

An aquarium fish called a cockatoo apistogram can be watched for hours, its life is so interesting. And the combination of the color palette is very interesting for her, and the thought involuntarily arises - is it not the prototype of the Golden Fish from the tale of A. Pushkin? True, its habitat is not the bottom of the sea, but quiet shallow rivers or bays, streams and backwaters that are located in the tropics of Colombia, Brazil and other countries of South America. These fish most often prefer places with weak currents or stagnant water, located near stones where you can always hide, and also near sites where the bottom is soft and there are a lot of plants.

Cockatoo apistogram

It got its name due to its resemblance to a cockatoo parrot - due to the structure of the dorsal fin. And she is loved among fans of aquarium fish as the most beautiful among cichlids.

Bright and radiant

This fish was described in detail for the first time in 1951. Cockatoo apistograms are small, but noticeable, have a body that is typical of dwarf cichlids. Some differences:

  1. Males are much larger, have a length of up to 10 cm, but in captivity they are born a little less - up to 8 cm, brighter. The first rays of the dorsal fin are located upward, on the fins of the caudal and dorsal rays are more elongated and sharp. The caudal fin is noticeably concave, but the ventral ones are elongated.
  2. Females - up to 5 cm. Much paler, their yellowish color dominates. But during the period of caviar care, their color becomes a bright lemon tint and longitudinal dark stripes are indicated.

The body is powerful and elongated, flattened from the sides. The dorsal fin of males is characterized in that the first rays are longer. The color is very multifaceted, and depending on the place of residence it is completely different - from gray-yellow to brown, blue color may appear on the sides. The back of the olive shade, the abdomen has colors from yellow to saturated orange. Now, thanks to selection, more and more color options appear, for example, double red cockatoo.

These fish have a longitudinal dark strip. It begins at the snout and stretches to the caudal fin. Its end is a dark spot with a white border. But sometimes this strip represents individual spots. There are dark spots on the back that capture part of the dorsal fin. Almost all males on the caudal fin can see spots of purple.

The close-up of the cockatoo apistogram looks quite frightening due to the massive jaw protruding forward.

Fish live under good conditions for about 5 years.

Cockatoo apistogram nutrition

These fish are not picky. They, like true predators, are used to eating all those who are nearby. First of all, insects that live on the bottom, their larvae, plankton, fall into this category. Aquarium species are also omnivorous, because they eat live, frozen and even artificial food. But still they prefer mosquito larvae, tubule mumps, daphnia.

Life behind glass

Even a novice can take care of cockatoo fish, so these aquarium inhabitants adapt quickly and behave quite peacefully.

Aquarium fish apistogram cockatoo

An aquarium is purchased for the couple, the volume of which is from 70 liters. But usually the apistogram of a cockatoo prefer a harem way of life, therefore it is better to keep one male and several females. But for such a large family, a larger displacement will be required - up to 100 liters.

The composition of the water should be with a high content of dissolved oxygen, and the flow should be moderate. To create such a microclimate, use a filter, preferably an external one. It must be remembered that this fish is sensitive to ammonia levels and to nitrates.A siphon of soil and a periodic change of water are required.

The soil is needed soft, better sand, so that it was convenient for the fish to dig in it, they are almost constantly at the bottom. You should take care of a large number of plants, put dry leaves at the bottom, prepare all kinds of shelters for them using stones, driftwood, thickets, caves. Each female should have them, but in different places, so that a certain one has its own safe territory.

The temperature comfortable mode is from 23 to 27 degrees of heat. There should be soft light in the aquarium.

Compatibility with other types

The cockatoo apistogram is generally not aggressive, so it gets along well with other species that are similar in size to them. These are, first of all, tetras, barbs, haracin. Only in isolated cases does a large male attack fish that are much smaller. If you add small shrimp and fry to the aquarium, it is likely that they will be eaten. During spawning, one can expect from this type of aggressive behavior.

However, at other times, these are real phlegmatic people. And due to the fact that they are not as agile and active as others, there is a possibility that they will be pushed aside from food.


For these fish, there is no problem spawning in an aquarium, not only separate, but in general. About 80 - 100 eggs can be laid by a female cockatoo, attaching them to the walls of shelters.

Breeding Apistogram Cockatoo

Owners of the aquarium should make sure that the temperature is 23 degrees before spawning, but then over the course of two days it will rise, but no more than 5 degrees. Aeration and replacement of water is required, moreover 1/5, preferably peaty. In spawning, the temperature should not be lower than 29 degrees, and the pH should not drop below 7.5, only then the eggs can hatch. Water should be acidic and soft, then spawning will be with a positive result.

A good pair is needed for future offspring, but it is better to buy more than 5 fry and grow them. In most cases, many are rejected, and often a single pair remains.

During courtship, the male’s behavior is very original: he dances in front of the chosen one, bends, performs intricate movements, simultaneously demonstrating his bright color. Having achieved attention, the male attracts the attention of the female, and they go to shelter. After the eggs have been attached to the surface, the male's task is to fertilize them, and then protect the clutch. If there are several of them, the male manages to visit each shelter, mating alternately with several individuals. But he does not refuse anyone, protecting future offspring. The incubation period is usually from 2 to 3 days.

When several females have fry at one time, their theft begins. Moms try to take them away from each other and transfer them to their shelter.

In order for the fry to develop and grow without problems, stable parameters must remain in the aquarium for the first 21 days. Offspring are growing rapidly, the smallest microorganisms, live dust, rotifers and even egg yolk serve as the starting food for it.

Females can breed after 8 to 10 months.

Professionals advise when breeding apistograms that it is necessary to conduct selective breeding work by sorting fry, leaving the most vivid colors. If this is not done, then several generations will be enough for the fish to lose their festive appearance, and the representatives themselves will completely degenerate.

Video: aquarium fish cockatoo apistogram

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