Birnbaum squirrel - description of where it grows, poisonous mushroom

The discussed variety of fruiting bodies is attributed to the champignon family and belongs to the genus White-handed. Mushrooms cannot be consumed as they are considered inedible varieties and serve as “food” for observation. People remember mushrooms according to their characteristics in terms of external data. In today's article, we will study all aspects in order of priority, and also consider similar varieties so that you can make your own opinion.

Birnbaum shed


  1. Earlier, we already mentioned that the Birnbaum sheds belong to the champignon family due to their partial external similarity, although not everyone agrees with this statement. Also, these fruiting bodies are included in the genus of the white hives.
  2. The top in its diameter does not exceed 5 cm., And then this is rare. It is not too dense, the young in egg format, rounded or oval. Then it takes on a canonical form, at the end it becomes open or bell-shaped. There is a small tubercle in the middle section.
  3. The skin of the apex is dry and smooth, but some yellowish coating may be present. The edges tuck, but soon straighten. They are with grooves, so this variety can be distinguished by this characteristic.
  4. The base is located directly in the center with respect to the hat. Often bends, in the lower part there is an extension and the so-called tuber. The leg is empty inside, but in young animals it is cotton. Covered with rings and flakes of yellow pigmentation.
  5. The ring is located in the upper part, it is narrow in its format, and is also painted in a yellow tone. The plates are gray in color, often located in relation to each other, thin and free. The spores have a pinkish tint, oval format and a smooth structure. The soft part with yellowness does not replace the color with an incision, there is no smell and taste.
  6. It is not consumed in food. As for the growing area, these fruiting bodies are grown in park areas, greenhouses and greenhouses. They need soil with fertilizers, namely manure. Hence the name of the mushroom. Instances are of the decorative type, they are admired year-round. Once again, they do not eat.
  7. It’s hard enough to confuse this family with self-similar ones, because it is quite recognizable. However, for unknown reasons, people compare the variety with the Pilate white horn and the rosy white champignon. In Ukraine, this species is not found in nature, is listed in the protection book and has the corresponding status.

Pilate the White Carrier

  1. Another variety of fruiting bodies, which is also called Pilate white champignon. The hat is 9 cm in diameter, brownish red, in the center is a dark tone.
  2. The foot is attached directly to the center of the cap. However, at the bottom you can see that there is a small tuber. The leg in height can reach up to 13 cm. Moreover, its thickness does not exceed 2 cm in diameter. In addition, a central ring can be seen on the leg.
  3. There is a ring on top, only it is painted white. Also, it is from below, but the color is red-brown. When cutting the pulp, you can pay attention that a faint aroma of cedar wood will be heard.
  4. Fruit bodies are relatively rare specimens. If you suddenly meet them, then they will most likely grow in a small group. In addition, such mushrooms can be found in oak groves, parks and gardens. As for the edibility of this species, there is simply no information. Therefore, it is not worth collecting them.

Flaming white champignon

  1. In such fruiting bodies, a hat in diameter can grow up to 10 cm.Moreover, according to the structure in the center, it is quite thick and fleshy. If the specimen is young, then you can see that the hat has a hemispherical shape. It is round, as if bell-shaped.
  2. Over time, it takes on a slightly convex and open shape. The tubercle remains low and wide. It is located strictly in the center. The hat can be dyed white, grayish, whitish, and nutty. At the same time, it is silky and smooth.
  3. The mushroom has loose plates with a small gap. They are frequent, wide and thin. Painted in white or cream color. Over time, they turn pink. The leg can be up to 10 cm high, and up to 2 cm in diameter. It has a cylindrical shape, and sometimes it is curved.

Note that fruiting bodies of this genus can grow in the natural environment only in the Southern Hemisphere. As for the North, they are found exclusively in places specially created for growing decorative mushrooms.

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