Botia clown - care and maintenance in the aquarium

Among experienced aquarists, the botsiya clown is considered quite popular. She fell in love with many for its diverse color, as well as unpretentiousness in content. If you are new to this field, then it is enough to study all the subtleties in the care and feeding, after which you can start fish. They are famous for their peace-loving nature, so they can get along with different varieties of self-similar. They are considered centenarians, common in all countries of the world when it comes to keeping in an aquarium.

Botsia clown


  1. Otherwise, representatives of this breed group are called macracantes; they were first described in 1851. Indonesia is considered to be the birthplace of these aquatic inhabitants, and there are also fish in Sumatra and Borneo (islands). In the early 2000s, fish were brought into a separate group, they became an independent species. It is thanks to this that the popularity has increased many times, today fish are desired by many aquarists.
  2. In their habitat, they settle in small rivers, but when spawning begins, aquatic inhabitants migrate to other places. They can successfully exist in stagnant water sources, as well as in rivers and tributaries with a moderate current. In most cases, clowns go astray.
  3. When the monsoons begin, the fish swim across the flooded plains. Regarding water requirements, fish can feel good in a polluted or crystal clear environment.
  4. When it comes to nutrition, these aquatic representatives eat vegetation, as well as larvae and insects. Judging by numerous sources, in nature, fish reach a height of 30-40 cm with a life expectancy of 20 years. They are considered centenarians. In some regions, these fish are consumed and caught for sale.
  5. The fish belongs to the category of overall, the body is proportional in shape, the representatives of the group look very harmonious. The case is elongated format, the oral cavity with lips is directed down. The clowns mustache in the amount of 4 pairs.
  6. To protect themselves from predators, the bots have spikes in the eye area. When the fish is in danger, she pulls them out. Therefore, when catching these inhabitants, people encounter difficulties, the spikes cling to the net. But professional fishermen know that fishing is carried out only using a plastic container.
  7. Earlier it was mentioned that under natural conditions these fish reach a length of 40 cm. However, when living in an aquarium, such impressive results cannot be achieved. Typically, clowns are 25 cm tall. The duration of existence while in the aquarium is also equal to 20 years.
  8. Elegant fish are famous for their orange color with a red or reddish glow. On the case there are strips of a wide format black in color. From English sources it can be concluded that otherwise these fish are called tiger beats.
  9. One strip extends through the eyes, and the second is directly in the fin area on the back. The third passes along the dorsal fin and goes further. In combination, the fish get a very beautiful and memorable color. However, the peculiarity of these fish is that young growth is much brighter than adult representatives of the family.


Clown Bots Content

  1. Fish prefer to dwell at the bottom, but sometimes rise in the middle strip of water. When the pets get used to the aquarium environment and the person passing by, they will stop being scared and will behave more liberally.
  2. Botsia grow to impressive sizes, with all this they are flocking. Pets need a spacious home. 50 l is relied on per individual. water minimum. If you keep a pack, count the quantity individually.But you need to remember - the more space for swimming and maneuvers, the better. It is necessary to contain at least 3-4 fish, then they will feel protected.
  3. These representatives of the clown family love a soft aquatic environment, the rigidity of which does not go beyond the boundaries of 5-12 units. In this case, the pH balance is also important; the optimum level is considered to be a value in the range of 6–6.5 units. As for the temperature regime, it is 24-30 degrees. Heat-loving fish, any decrease in temperature will lead to health difficulties.
  4. In advance, make sure that the fish have a lot of secluded places and corners for shelters. They are peaceful and cheerful, therefore, in any conflicts they prefer not to lean out. As the soil, gravel or soft prepared sand is selected.
  5. You can not run the boat in the aquarium, which only today was filled and prepared. Let the water settle to make it stable. Otherwise, abrupt changes can lead to the development of stress and various diseases in animals. Fish like the flow, for this purpose an external filter is installed. It is easy to use and matches the volume of the water tank.
  6. Fish have the ability to jump out of the water, so for the aquarium you must pre-order the cover. Also, clowns have small scales, any damage will lead to infection. Do not place driftwood or stones with sharp corners.
  7. Since bots are demanding on water, the aquarium environment must be constantly monitored. Part of the liquid is drained, a new, prepared one is poured instead. Usually 25-30% is removed, this amount will not affect the health of pets.
  8. The considered representatives of this species love to hide in tight shelters. Therefore, when decorating an aquarium, this must be taken into account. As shelters, plastic or ceramic pipes are perfect. Often such individuals independently dig out shelters under stones and snags.
  9. If the fish acted in this way, you need to carefully monitor that nothing collapses. Otherwise, the individual may die. There should be plants on the surface of the water. Such a move allows you to create more diffuse lighting in the aquarium.
  10. Botsia have a rather unusual character. Therefore, watching them, you can see some rather strange and interesting things. Not everyone knows that the presented individuals often sleep on their sides. Do not be alarmed if you see a fish swimming upside down. It's quite normal. Many people think that the individual has died.
  11. For bots, this behavior is considered absolutely normal. Do not be scared if you see a friend that one of the individuals has disappeared. Soon she will come out completely from an unimaginable place. If the fish provide the correct content, they will be quite hardy.
  12. Anyway, it is not recommended to start such fish for beginners. Individuals are quite active and large. The problem is that such fish need stable habitat indicators. Individuals have rather small scales. It is because of this feature that the bots are very sensitive to various ailments. They must be treated with a medication.


Feeding the Clown Bots

  1. In wild habitats, bocci feed mainly on bugs, larvae, plants and worms. Fish are omnivorous, so you will have no difficulty feeding with aquarium keeping. Such individuals can be given artificial, live and frozen food.
  2. Botsias are especially fond of freezing and pills, as they pick up food from the bottom. Otherwise, feeding will not cause you any difficulties and questions. The main thing is to provide fish with a varied and balanced diet.
  3. When feeding, the bots emit rather strange clicks. In this way they show which food they like the most. Do not lose sight of pet preferences. Pamper your favorite foods often.In addition, the considered individuals help get rid of snails.
  4. Botsia actively eat snails and do not allow them to actively reproduce. Therefore, if you have divorced too many shellfish in the aquarium, it is enough to get these fish. In addition, the considered individuals willingly eat all kinds of plants. Therefore, consider this fact when decorating an aquarium.
  5. Try to purchase exclusively hard-leaved algae. But do not be surprised that you will regularly see bite marks in their leaves. So that the bots do not feed on aquarium plants, it is recommended to add a significant amount of plant food to the diet.
  6. Thus, the fish will no longer harm the aquarium plants. Plant foods can be presented in tablet form. As an alternative, fresh vegetables are also allowed. Most often, bots eat slices of cucumbers, zucchini and lettuce with pleasure. The amount of vegetable feed from the total diet should be about 40-45%.


  1. Do not forget that the bots are quite large and very active aquatic inhabitants. They are allowed to be kept in a common aquarium. Please note that at the same time small individuals should not be present in the tank. Also, do not hook on fish with long fins.
  2. The problem is that, regardless of the situation, the considered individuals will constantly break the fins of the fish in which they are long. It is highly recommended that you keep a few bots. Such fish simply adore companies. The number of individuals must be at least 5. Keep in mind that there will be dominants in the family.

Botsias are completely unusual fish. They have a unique appearance and not at all typical behavior for aquatic inhabitants. The presented fish are very interesting to watch. Do not forget that such individuals are not recommended to be given to beginners. Botsia are quite complicated in content.

Video: aquarium fish botsiya clown

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