Border Terrier - breed description and dog character

The Border Terrier is the smallest representative of hunting dogs. But this does not mean that his abilities are inferior to other breeds. This breed is considered English. Even today, these dogs sometimes participate in hunting. Border Terriers are very active and agile. They are distinguished by good endurance. They cope well with the role of companions.

Border Terrier

Origin history

The story of the Border Terrier begins in Chevyot Hills. This place is located between England and Scotland. There are many hills that belong to one of the national parks of the country.

The first mention of this breed was found in the book "Dogs of the British Isles." This edition was released back in the 19th century. Representatives of the breed were depicted in the paintings together with their owners. Images said that at that time dogs were actively used as hunters.

The English club recognized the breed in 1920. During these years, a club of lovers of terrier terriers appeared in the country. In England, this breed is popular now. In other countries, they can be found in families as companions, and they are practically not used as working dogs. Only in their homeland has such a tradition been preserved in some places.


At the sight of this dog you cannot say that she is able to become a good hunter. Dogs are quite small in size, and their appearance is so cute that they can be mistaken for decorative ones. But appearance is deceiving. Border terriers have tremendous stamina and mobility. This helped the dogs keep up with the horses and hounds, with whom they went out into the forest for hunting. After a long run, the dog can dig the earth, fight with prey.

The growth of males and females of this breed barely reaches 34 cm. Their weight is 5-7 kg. Males are somewhat larger.

  1. Their head is small, their forehead is wide. The shape of the head of these doggies is somewhat reminiscent of an otter.
  2. The muzzle is short, there is a small beard. The eye sockets and cheeks are tightened. And their lips are of moderate thickness.
  3. Teeth are densely arranged, large fangs. Scissor bite.
  4. The nose has a proportional size. It is desirable that it be black. The lobe may be brown, but it should not contrast with the color of the dog.
  5. The eyes are almond-shaped, set quite wide. The dog looks carefully and interestedly. Eyebrows are mobile.
  6. The ears are small, have a triangular shape.
  7. The body is quite powerful. The dog is folded harmoniously. A moderate length neck is slightly curved.
  8. The back of the dog is wide, and the chest is of medium width.
  9. The tail is set high. It has an average size, tapering towards the tip. It is not allowed to spin.

Purebred Border Terriers have a red, blue or light brown color. The coat is dense. On the dog's face there is a beard and mustache.

Border Terrier Character

These doggies are very funny and active. They are smart enough, they can catch changes in a person’s mood. In the family, they feel good, become universal favorites. These dogs get along well with the owner's child. They can play together all day, creating a lot of noise.

Border Terrier Character

Although these dogs have courage and courage, they are very sociable and good-natured with people. These dogs are good defenders. If they feel any threat to the owner or household, they will immediately actively protect them. Moreover, it does not matter for the dog how big or strong the opponent is.

Border Terriers love activity. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that they go anywhere for their master.It can be a morning run, games, training classes.

Representatives of this breed look like decorative dogs. But in fact they are hunting. Therefore, they do not observe the instability of the psyche, which is characteristic of decorative doggies. They do not arrange tantrums, show self-discipline in any situations.

If you decide to buy a border terrier, it is important to remember that this is still a hunting dog. This means that if you have other animals living in your house or in the yard, then problems may arise.

Even if you have raised a dog well, and it has been living with some kind of pet for a long time, sometimes instinct can prevail, and for no reason the dog can chase the animal. At the same time, they find a common language with other dogs and can get along with them.

During the walk, the owner must constantly monitor the border. It’s best not to let him go if you are walking in the city. You will not have time to come to your senses how the dog will run after the bird or cat. Although this breed belongs to terriers, which are famous for their pugnacity, boarders do not have such a feature. Sometimes, of course, a pugnacious dog can be caught, but this is rare. If the border meets his own kind, he will react to it normally.

In European countries, these dogs are almost never used for hunting. But they found another useful application. They are brought in nursing homes and hospitals for communication. It is proved that communication with these cute dogs improves the condition of a person, improves his mood.

These animals cannot be called modest. They like to show off, get approval from others. These dogs are recommended for those families who like to have fun. Border will feel good in a family where there are several children. These doggies love noise, games and fun, and are happy to actively participate in any entertainment of the family. Noise and screaming will not scare the dog.

Borders do not like to sit at home. Therefore, the dog will constantly ask for a walk when he sees that the owner is going somewhere. These dogs should be given to families in which there is a person who is often able to walk the dog. For example, it may be an elderly person who is no longer working. Or a schoolboy who will take a dog for a walk after school.

Borders love the company of people very much. You should not buy a representative of this breed if you need a dog that you put on a chain. They will be constantly bored and yearn alone. Moreover, if the dog remains alone for a long time, he can become aggressive.

If you don’t have time to walk the boarders often, but still want to buy a dog of this breed, the only way out is to buy two individuals. They will spend time together and the dogs will not be bored. If you live in a private house, make sure that the dog can run out into the yard himself, without waiting until you come to walk him.

It is important that the representative of this breed as a puppy learns to find a common language with people and other animals. When the dog gets used to them, it will be easier for him to communicate. If you need a guard, then the Border Terrier is not suitable here. He rarely shows caution. They are mostly friendly and trusting.

The Border barks loudly, but more affably than menacingly.

Parenting and training

Although these dogs are smart enough, they mature more slowly than others. They also have stubbornness characteristic of other terriers. During classes, it is important to remember that these dogs are quite vulnerable. Therefore, do not treat them rudely.

Education and training of the Border Terrier

They well distinguish the intonation of the host. It is important to praise the dog for success, stroking. The dog will understand that your intonation is approving and friendly.

These dogs bark loudly enough, which can be very annoying. Therefore, as a puppy, the dog should learn to bark only if necessary or on the command of the owner.

You can train and train boarders as soon as you bring him to your home. They are smart enough to understand many things from childhood.

Dog lessons can be carried out in the form of games. Borders are very curious and smart, so they will be happy to do it. Training should not be long so as not to overwork the dog.


  1. These doggies are unpretentious in leaving. So that during the molting in the apartment there was not too much hair, you should pluck it with your hands so that the new cover grows better.
  2. Every few days comb out the border with a brush. Do not cut these dogs so as not to ruin their coat.
  3. After a walk, inspect the dog’s eyes and ears. They run a lot on the grass, and can pick up a parasite.
  4. Every month the dog should cut its nails, brush its teeth several times a week.

If you properly care for the border and feed it well, the dog will live up to 15 years.


This breed has good health. This is due to the fact that it was formed naturally. Border terriers do not freeze due to good coat, so they are not common colds. Injuries are rare. If this happens, then the wounds heal quickly. Infection also practically does not develop, since their immunity is very strong.

But sometimes, boarders can get the following diseases:

  • ocular problems such as retinal atrophy or cataracts;
  • epilepsy;
  • ataxia;
  • allergy.

The dog needs to be vaccinated, treated against worms.


These dogs love to eat. And they eat almost everything. Therefore, you need to monitor nutrition. So that the dog’s stomach does not stretch, it is better to feed him a little bit several times a day. Up to three months of age, it is recommended to feed the puppy with natural products. Then a little dry food can be added. It must first be soaked.

Dog breed Border Terrier

An adult dog can be fed with prepared food or mixed. Borders are very active, so it's hard to say what the calorie content of their daily food should be. The main thing is that it should be left to such an active and lively dog.


This dog can be brought to people who live in an apartment or in a private house. But if you have your own yard - this will be a huge advantage, since the dog will be able to run around it freely. If you live in an apartment, but still got this active dog, it is recommended to walk with him often. Assign this to your child, who still walks in the yard, or an elderly person who often goes out to sit on a bench. The dog must waste its energy. This breed is not intended to sit at home without movement.

The dog should have its own place. It should not be near a radiator or in a draft. You can make a dog a special house or lay a small mattress.


If you want a companion dog that loves activity and fun, then the Border Terrier is perfect for you. In Russia there is a club of lovers of boarders, but in general, dogs are not very popular in the country. There are nurseries that deal with the breed, but they are few. If you decide to buy such a dog, then most likely you will have to go after it to the capital. A good puppy will cost about 35-45 thousand rubles.

Video: Border Terrier dog breed

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