Bearded Collie - Breed Description and Dog Character

Bearded collies belong to those Scottish shepherds that were previously used as shepherds. For a long time, these dogs lived in a harsh climate, worked hard. Therefore, representatives of the breed are distinguished by hard work and endurance. This type of collie is not very popular, but has a lot of advantages, therefore, it deserves special attention. Sometimes bearded collies are called "bearded men" or birdies.

Bearded collie

Breed history

The history of these dogs is overgrown with many myths, as they appeared a long time ago, and there is no exact data on the origin. Although this breed is old, it was officially recognized only in 1944 by the English club. And in 1977, the breed was recognized by the American club.

Researchers argue a lot about the origin, but two main versions are considered the most probable. According to the first, these dogs appeared from a cross between a bobtail and a long-haired collie. Scientists came to this conclusion based on the appearance of the dog. Another version suggests that in the 16th century lowland shepherds were brought to Scotland, and birdies were the result of their assimilation. Bearded collies became a separate breed in 1891.

They appeared in Russia in the 90s, but still are not very popular among dog lovers.


By their appearance, birdies resemble a large lapdog, as they have a lot of hair. They weigh 18-27 kg, height 51-56 cm. Bitches are slightly lower than males.

  1. The head of a bearded collie is wide, the back of the nose is straight.
  2. The muzzle is muscular, lips are tightened and pigmented.
  3. The jaw is strong. A scissor bite is common.
  4. The nose has a square shape. Most often it has a black color, but may be lighter if the dog's coat is light.
  5. The eyes should be in harmony in color with the color. The dog’s look is always smart and attentive.
  6. Ears in a calm state are lowered to the sides, and in an excited state they rise and turn forward.
  7. Birdies have a rectangular body. Due to the nature of the coat, the dog looks squat.
  8. The back is muscular, moderately sloping, the chest is wide.
  9. The limbs are straight and even, the joints are strong. The paws are oval, have fleshy pads and thick skin.

Color and coat

Dogs have a long and even coat. On the face there are eyebrows, a pronounced beard and mustache.

The coat is soft and dense, and the undercoat is quite voluminous. The top coat may be slightly wavy. If she is shaggy and curly, then this is considered a shortcoming of the breed. Too thick coat is not allowed, beyond which the outline of the dog is not visible.

The peculiarity of the breed is that the hair can change its color until the dog is three years old. A puppy can be born dark, and then gradually lighten. In some dogs, this discoloration of the coat can last up to 5 years. Therefore, the puppy is difficult to determine even an approximate color. Until he turns one month old, it is impossible to predict whether the dog will be gray or black. If the puppy is brown or red, the color is easier to predict. It will be the same, only with time it will brighten.

Bearded collies can have a gray, black, brown color. There are also beige or reddish brown dogs. There may be white spots on the limbs, neck or chest.

Dog character

These are very sociable and cute dogs. They are strongly attached to the owner and his family. To strangers, they also do not show aggression. Birdie have a clear voice that sounds in a welcoming tone.

Bearded Collie Dog Character

Bearded collies treat children very well.If the dog grew up in the family with the baby, then they will have a very strong and warm relationship. Many representatives of the breed are very fond of activity and games. They treat babies with care and gentleness. Throughout life, birdies retain their playfulness. Therefore, even at a respectful age, the dog will still be fun to run, as if she is not even a year old.

For them, communication with people is very important. They require attention from the owner and all household members. If you leave the dog alone, it will become sad and bored very quickly. Do not buy a dog of this breed for those who have to quite often leave it alone. This can significantly affect the behavior and nature of the animal. This applies to all types of collies.

With other dogs, bearded collies can also find a common language, since historically they worked in a pack, managing large herds of cattle. It will be easier for a modern dog to get used to another animal if she knows him from childhood. Owners of bearded collies have noticed that they are not trying to take the lead over other dogs. Sometimes they can be harsh, but this is quite rare.

They will find a common language not only with dogs, but also with other pets. Even if you bring the puppy to the place where adult cats live, they will soon become friends. These dogs may show signs of hunting instinct while running after animals in the yard. But there will be no dog.

Shepherd’s shepherd abilities are more pronounced. They tend to monitor and control the behavior of other animals. Cats do not always respond well to such control, but it will be impossible to re-educate a bearded collie.

These dogs bark softly. They can give a voice if something catches their attention, or if they want to play. Representatives of the breed can also bark from boredom and longing when they are alone.

Parenting and training

Birdie, like the rest of the shepherd dogs, shows independence and independence. Sometimes the dog itself makes a decision to perform an action without paying attention to the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to educate and train a dog from childhood. If you properly raise a dog, then it will implicitly listen to its owner.

After the command, the dog may not respond immediately. But this does not mean that she did not understand her. Birdie will first think it over and evaluate the situation, and only then it will begin to act. The owner in this case should be patient and understanding. It is important to encourage the dog to obey better.

It is impossible to show impatience and rudeness during education. The dog will become stubborn and naughty. Puppies of this breed are very fond of games. You can start learning basic commands when your puppy turns 3 months old. A bearded collie can be a good guide if he is properly trained in this.

These dogs love sports and active games. Since they are working dogs, they must be provided with physical activity. If this is not done, then the dog will show excessive activity at home, which may cause property damage in your apartment. Sometimes it happens that bored dogs, who have nothing to do, gnaw their paws.


Since bearded men have a chic coat, they must be properly looked after. It is advisable to brush the dogs twice a week. For these purposes, you need to buy a special brush. When the animal sheds, the hair should be combed out every day. If it gets stuck in tundles, it is better to carefully disassemble them manually.

Bearded Collie Care

Every month, bearded men need to bathe. But, if this is not urgently needed, then this can be done less frequently. At the same time, special funds should be bought. Many use dog hair for practical purposes. Of these, knit or spin products. Things made of such wool are very warm. It has been proven that wearing them is good for your health.

It is important to look after the beard of the pet as well. If food remains on it, it must be removed.

Check your dog’s ears and eyes regularly. If necessary, they should be cleaned. If you follow these rules, you can avoid possible inflammations and infections. The hair near the eyes can be gathered in a ponytail so that its length does not cause discomfort in the animal.

If you properly care for the dog and feed well, then your pet will live with you for about 15 years. Until this age, he will be quite active and healthy.


Bearded collies have good immunity. If the dog is sick with something, then most likely the disease is hereditary or has come due to the dog’s old age.

Bearders can suffer from dysplasia of the joints. Sometimes they have Addison's disease. It manifests itself as a malfunction of the glands.

In addition, dogs may suffer from hypothyroidism or allergies, although the latter are quite rare.
Among eye diseases, cataracts and retinal atrophy can be noted.

Most of these possible diseases are inherent in every type of collie. If you take care of the dog, take vaccinations and drive for examination, then these diseases can be avoided.


If you are not a supporter of ready-made food, and will prepare food for the dog on your own, it is important to consider that the diet should contain all the important components in the required amount.

Bearded collie dog breed

A third of the total diet should be meat. It should not be bold. It can be rabbit, chicken or beef. Sometimes it is necessary to introduce dairy products and fish into the diet. The dog should eat these foods at least once a week. Every day, in addition to meat, cereals and vegetables should be in the diet. It is necessary that the dog receives not only proteins, but also vitamins and carbohydrates. You also need to add vitamins in food in the form of additives.

If you feed the dog with ready-made feeds, you should very carefully approach their choice. They should be of the highest quality. Choose food for large or medium dogs that love activity.


Often representatives of this breed are bought by people living in apartments. But here it is important to keep in mind that the dog has a long thick coat, and will shed heavily twice a year. Even if you follow all the rules, and comb out the dog every day, the apartment will still be strewn with shreds of wool.

If you plan to keep such a dog on the street, then you need to provide her with a comfortable booth. Although beards tolerate frosts, they need a comfortable shelter.

Dog breeders are convinced that the ability to move is extremely important for these dogs, they need space. But the owners of small apartments still often start birdies, which eventually get used to the restriction of space and to the rhythm of their family's life. If the dog lives in the apartment, it is important to take her to the yard more often, where she can run and play. If there is no possibility to let the dog out in the yard, then at least once a week it should be taken out of town.

Buying a puppy

Recently, red collies were very popular in Russia, and a bearded representative could be met very rarely. Today things are exactly the same with birdies. In addition, Russians began to get red dogs less and less.

But in the country there are nurseries dealing with this breed. You can buy a puppy for 35-60 thousand rubles. Cost depends on gender and standards.

Video: bearded collie dog breed

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