Beauceron - breed description and dog character

Perhaps many of you have already met these animals, which are easily confused with the Doberman or outbred Rottweiler. Beauceron is one of the shepherd dog lines that is not suitable for every owner. Representatives of this breed have an ancient history, and they were born thanks to the natural course of evolution. Alas, there is no detailed information about the breed, so you have to be content with different versions.


History and interesting information about the breed

These impressive dogs with self-confidence have a rich history:

  1. According to the first theory, people believe that peat dogs are the forerunners of beauceron. The first mention of these dogs appeared in the sixteenth century, and a century before there were peat dogs in France.
  2. A number of other researchers prefer to believe that this breed appeared from the wolves, since you can find direct external similarities and some similarity of character.

Officially, the Beauceron breed was recognized in the 19th century. The main role of these dogs was security. Shepherd dogs in French lands were used as shepherds to help return the sheep that fended off flocks, and protectors that scare away wild predators. Despite a number of excellent qualities of this dog, in Russia they are not very popular.

Breed standard

Beauceron is not widespread on the planet, it is often found in Europe, and in recent years it can be found in Russia. Often, people think this is a cross between a Doberman and an ordinary shepherd, but this assumption is at odds with reality.

The following description is accepted as standard:

  • Growth does not exceed 68-72 cm.
  • Weight is usually around 52 kg.
  • Dogs have a lean, strong build.
  • Ears are triangular in shape, stand high.
  • The coat is tough, short and shiny.
  • The tail hangs long enough.

The color is often completely black, tan marks are often found. Marble stains are allowed. Appearance of white spots on the wool is unacceptable.

Beauceron Character Features

These dogs have the perfect makings of a true leader. By nature, his character was dominated by other animals, since the predecessors of the current dogs could easily control a large flock of sheep. If the owner of the dog cannot demonstrate his own superiority, then the dog will consider himself the only owner in the family, which will lead to appropriate behavior. As a result, Beauceron will become too aggressive, will not succumb to education and training.

Note! This dog must choose a person with a strong and confident character. When priorities are set in the right way, the owner will receive a bold, kind and companionable dog, which will become an excellent defender for him.

The Beaucerons mature quite late, at the age of about three years. Bitches can become adults a little earlier. And until this age is reached, it is recommended to pay a lot of attention to the upbringing of the pet, teach it strict rules, and train better by combining the process with games. You will need to carefully monitor how an adult behaves. At first, it’s important not to overwork the dog in the learning process, but to encourage it is recommended to treat.

Beauceron is a dog that ignores the rules and framework of fashion, while also having considerable value.If initially the French Shepherd was characterized by a certain ruthlessness, certain cruelty and aggressiveness, then due to the accurate approach to breeding and the right policy regarding education, it was possible to achieve excellent results. As a result, admirers of shepherd dogs began to have the opportunity to get an independent pet with developed intelligence, who is a sensitive defender, friend and watchman.

In their historical homeland, representatives of the breed are engaged in a variety of activities, except perhaps a shepherd. They can be in the service of the army, playing the role of a bloodhound, a guard or a connected dog. Policemen use the help of the Beaucerons when it is necessary to find missing people. They are considered faithful pets, and if the owner sincerely cares for them, they answer him with true reciprocity and beyond love.

Security qualities and aggression

Representatives of the breed do not show excessive aggression:

Beauceron dog breed

  1. In relation to strangers, they demonstrate tolerance, do not show excessive suspicion and anxiety.
  2. Beauceron casts his voice only in situations that truly require such behavior.
  3. The shepherd is considered to be an ideal option for the protection and conduct of guard activities. The appearance of the dog is the subject of intimidation of criminals.
  4. When the real danger arises, the pet will turn into an enraged protector of all members of the family.

Socialization process

The following qualities of beauceron are worth noting:

  1. Representatives of the breed can coexist quietly within the same territory with other domestic animals if they live with them from puppyhood.
  2. It is undesirable to have such a pet if the house already has a pet who has a tendency towards leadership and dominance. The endless struggle for first place in their internal hierarchy is bound to happen.
  3. These dogs treat kids with full favor. However, they never tolerate bullying, as well as games that are combined with cruelty and humiliation. It is likely that such actions of babies will turn into anger of Beauceron, therefore it is not recommended to start such dogs if the children do not have an idea about the proper handling of a pet.

Breed features

If you pay attention to their character, you can see incredible stubbornness, special arrogance and self-confidence of Beauceron. They will not put up if the owner shows disrespect to them and uses force. If we talk about the process of upbringing, then such dogs are reluctant to obey and obey, so it is important to cheat a little and expose the upbringing in such a way as if it were a collaboration with a dog. In other situations, the Beaucerons love to work, gladly respond to encouragement and affection, have excellent courage.

Despite the independent disposition and considerable size of Beauceron, some representatives of the breed face problems associated with the psyche. As a result, dogs instead of courage demonstrate fearfulness, often go into themselves and become anxious. Sometimes strangers can be frightened. This can happen after a mental trauma, and this can only be corrected through a sensitive and warm attitude towards the pet.

Care Features

Beauceron is an unpretentious animal. It is best to give him the opportunity to dwell in the countryside. A massive dog can result in a number of inconveniences if he lives in a small city apartment. In other situations, it is best to put the pet in a spacious aviary, if it is possible to walk it often.

Beauceron Care Features

  1. The coat of the dog needs regular brushing. Often dogs molt, and during this period you can use a special comb in combination with scrapers.
  2. Shepherds well perceive water procedures, but it is not recommended to bathe dogs more often than 2 times a month.
  3. It is necessary to trim the claws if they are excessively overgrown and turn into a problem for the pet when walking.
  4. Dirt that can accumulate in the corners of the eyes is easily removed with a cotton swab.
  5. Ears are important to keep clean and tidy.
  6. Beauceron is a street dog, so it is important to walk with him often and regularly.


Along with many other breeds of "shepherds", the Beaucerons often experience problems with well-being. They may experience bloating, retinopathy, and retinal atrophy. Also often suffer from a common dog disease - hip dysplasia.

If pets are not fed properly, they often face digestive difficulties. Beauceron is particularly sensitive to medications, and it is important that the pet from puppyhood is under the supervision of a good doctor.

Beauceron Nutrition

First of all, the well-being of your pet is due to the right choice of diet. You can stop at both natural food and dry, balanced feed.

Beauceron Nutrition

It is important to understand that food sold in stores is balanced for different breeds. If you choose a natural diet, you will have to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Exclude pork from the diet, as this meat is too fat. It is advisable to choose chicken or veal.
  2. Avoid eating dairy products. Occasionally, you can offer cheese, as well as low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. It is certainly worth including cereals in the diet, it is advisable to cook cereals.
  4. The pet must offer vegetables and various fruits.

Food is offered to an adult pet once a day, and also there should always be clean water for drinking next to it. If you plan to feed Beauceron with natural food, it is important to remember that this breed is not omnivorous, but dogs of this breed may well have preferences for some dishes.

As delicacies, it is best to use the products intended for this, which can be purchased at the store. Chocolate products and sweets are important to eliminate completely from the diet.

The process of training and education

It’s hard enough to properly train the Beauceron. The owner will need to show all his patience and calmness. It is important to remember the nature of your pet.

Beauceron has a developed and keen mind. It is important to train puppies of this breed as early as possible, but do not immediately make the set of commands extremely diverse. In order for the training to always proceed efficiently and without conflict, you should understand your pet and learn to trust him, then he will reciprocate.

It is strictly forbidden to physically punish a pet, otherwise it will result in increased aggressiveness of behavior. When the Beauceron will completely trust you - it's time to start learning commands. It is better to use deserted and quiet places for training, where nothing will distract your pet.

It is also important that the puppy immediately after getting into the apartment understand where its place is located. The puppy should not be allowed to chew on a variety of objects and ask for treats.

Video: Beauceron dog breed

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