Thyme - medicinal properties and contraindications

Thyme is a simple plant, but its composition contains many useful substances that give it healing properties. It consists of essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, mineral salt, vitamins C and B. In addition, the plant contains some chemicals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications thyme

The use of thyme in medicine, cooking and cosmetology is widespread. For medicinal purposes, thyme has been used for a long time, has a wide range of applications. Most often, grass is used:

  • For the treatment of the circulatory system.
  • As an antiseptic for wounds and inflammations.
  • As an anesthetic.
  • For the effective treatment of different types of skin fungi.
  • For the rapid treatment of coughs and colds.
  • Elimination of non-hazardous inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  • Prevention of the development of various kinds of cancer.

In cooking, thyme is used as a fragrant spice for cooking. It adds a savory flavor to snacks. Good marinade supplement. By adding this spice to the meat dish, the meat is easier to digest. For brine, it is used as a spice. Also often used as a seasoning for smoking fish.

In cosmetology, this plant is necessary for skin and hair care. Most often used to eliminate oily skin. Promotes rapid hair growth, prevents the appearance of lice. Cosmetics containing thyme even out the tone of the face. Perfectly eliminates age spots and inflammatory reactions. Broth from such a plant removes oily hair.

The healing properties of thyme

For many years, they have been studying thyme and the effect it exerts on the human body. First, traditional healers did this, and then scientists began to study the beneficial properties of the plant. It must be said that this plant is mentioned in the works of ancient scientists. The inhabitants of Greece believed that the thyme was sent by the Gods to help people. They were cured of many diseases and even tried to prolong their life and stop aging.

Beneficial features:

  1. The composition of this plant contains many strong biologically active components, all of them only positively affect the human body. The first thing that people paid attention to is that the plant gives a disinfecting effect and is a good prophylactic for many diseases.
  2. This plant helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Used as an expectorant. Copes with cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough.
  3. For heart disease, thyme performs good therapy. Its anti-inflammatory properties contribute to improving the functioning of the heart muscle. In patients with heart failure, the plant has a positive effect.
  4. Maggot will help to cope with bronchial asthma, pulmonary inflammation, bronchitis. Eliminates cough in smokers. In diseases of the respiratory system, the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant contribute to a speedy recovery.
  5. Thyme urethra is treated more by the male half of the population. The plant positively affects the mucous membrane of organs, disinfects them. After the use of drugs containing such a plant, the genitourinary system is immune to infections. Many problems of men in the sexual sphere are solved.The process of the entire urethra system is normalized due to anti-inflammatory properties, potency is also restored.
  6. If for a long time to take a decoction of thyme, then this will relieve bloating. The intestinal microflora will recover, the composition of microorganisms and the digestion process will normalize. Eliminates cramping.
  7. When suffering from insomnia, frequent stressful situations, psychological stress, thyme will help to normalize the work of the nervous system. Disorders and depression, a melancholic state will eliminate trace elements of thyme.

Such a plant, which has many useful properties, is widely used for the treatment of other various diseases:

  1. Cystitis. Genitourinary disease, represented by inflammation of the bladder membrane. It can occur in both women and men, but usually this disease occurs in females. Due to the structure of the female body, there is a greater likelihood that the infection will enter the body. Thyme will eliminate pain and remove pathogenic flora from the surface of the mucosa.
  2. Bronchitis. This is an infectious respiratory disease that causes inflammation of the bronchi. The main symptom of bronchitis is a persistent cough. Thyme calms a cough. The process of inflammation is stopped thanks to the essential oils that are in the thyme.
  3. Radiculitis. Disease of the back, in which the patient feels severe pain, and the ability of the muscles to move is significantly reduced. The plant has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Headaches. Microelements that are contained in the plant relieve pain, vascular tone is normalized.

Why do men need thyme?

Thyme for men

  1. To maintain the male body is always normal and toned - use thyme. For men, this is an indispensable plant. The herb has healing and expectorant properties. If you drink a decoction of thyme, then smokers will be able to get rid of cough. For women who smoke, such a decoction can also bring beneficial substances to the body. But he will endow the male body with great beneficial properties. It is not for nothing that our ancestors called this plant “male grass”.
  2. The provision of anti-inflammatory effects on the body. If you take a decoction of this plant inside, inflammation of the genitourinary system will be eliminated. For a decoction, take several flowers of thyme and brew in tea. It is enough that he stood for several minutes, and you can drink.
  3. During prostatitis in men, there are not only problems with urination, but also swelling. To get rid of such ailments, you need to take a bath with thyme. To collect a bath of hot water, and pour into it a previously prepared decoction of grass. It is imperative for a positive result that it is important that the lower back is also in the water while taking a bath.
  4. Due to the fact that the plant contains selenium and molybdenum, thyme is used in the fight against erectile dysfunction. Still such components improve testosterone production in the body in men. But, besides all this, the seed composition improves, and premature ejaculation does not occur.
  5. Thyme oil is necessary for men to increase sexual energy, increase sexual stamina. You can get a positive result if every day the oil is rubbed into the groin and perineum.
  6. There are times when a man has problems in his sex life. This is not due to physical ailment, but rather due to a nervous and stressful emotional state. Thyme is a good sedative, which in such a situation will become an indispensable assistant. To bring yourself into a calm state, you need to cook a decoction. Shredded thyme leaves are poured with water and boiled for ten minutes. How the broth is infused (half an hour will be enough) it needs to be filtered. Take before meals 1 tbsp. spoon.
  7. Many men experience the problem of early baldness. Thyme oil can help deal with this problem. It has ursolic acid, and it contributes well to the growth of hair and even nails. Rubbing oil into the skin every day, it will help wake up sleeping bulbs, which will make hair growth stronger.
  8. Almost every man drinks alcohol, but not everyone can stop in time and control their actions and actions. Those with alcohol problems can benefit from thyme. But, to deal with such a problem is better, of course, at an early stage. Thyme infusion is taken orally, which causes a gag reflex.

Useful properties of thyme for the female body

Thyme has many useful properties not only for the male, but also for the female body. The calming effects of the plant are beneficial for women, as well as for men. Only, as with the male body, in the thyme there are some properties that are useful exclusively for women.

  1. Almost every woman during the menstrual cycle experiences pain. Most often, this happens for the first time in his days. To cope with this pain will help a decoction of thyme. Half an hour before eating, you need to drink it every morning.
  2. To support the microflora of the genitals, medical experts recommend douching. For a decoction you need a small handful of plants. Pour in water and boil for ten minutes. Cool and fill the syringe. If douching is done only for purification purposes, then this procedure should not be performed often. Due to daily douching, the work of the vaginal mucosa will be impaired, the consequence will be dryness and itching.
  3. Thyme is not recommended for women who are expecting a baby. This will help to avoid premature birth and miscarriage. Also, the plant does not affect the fetus in the best way, it can cause irreparable pathological changes in the child. But, when breastfeeding, tea from thyme will be useful. If you add a little of such a decoction to tea, then there will be an improvement in lactation and the quality of mother's milk will also increase.
  4. Thyme is popular with overweight women. This is a great tool for weight loss. You can use it as you like, for example, as a seasoning, adding to dishes, or you can make tea. Well dulls the desire to eat. The digestion process is improving.
  5. Women always wanted to look beautiful and tried to do it in every possible way. To improve the growth of nails, hair - use thyme. Its components also have a beneficial effect on the skin. Steam baths on the thyme will help get rid of oily skin. The person is kept above the steam bath for several minutes.
  6. When puffiness begins after an insect bite, you need to apply a compress soaked in thyme infusion. Itching and swelling will pass. Such a compress will help bring the skin in order, return it to a healthy color, narrow the pores, and relieve the flabby appearance.
  7. Oils obtained from this plant are often used by cosmetologists, pharmacists and perfumers. This can be seen in the composition of cosmetic products for the care of the body, hair, face and also in perfumes.

Prescriptions for thyme medicine

Traditional medicine for the entire practice of using this plant collected a large number of recipes with thyme. Probably, for almost any case there is a recipe. Those most commonly used are listed below.

Prescriptions for thyme medicine

  1. Thyme tea. Perhaps this recipe is the most famous and most often used. To make tea from this plant, take a little dry grass and pour boiling water. Then you need to wait a bit, so that the tea is properly brewed, it will be enough 10-20 minutes, it is filtered and drunk like black or green tea. Or add in small portions to another drink.
  2. Soothing herbal harvest.In equal parts, thyme, knotweed, oregano, hops and Chernobyl are taken one to one. Pour it all with boiling water. Approximately half a liter of water is taken per 15 grams of grass. Let it brew for half an hour. Strain blades of grass, drink 30 ml each morning and evening as a quick sedative.
  3. Bronchitis and dry cough. For such an infusion, 1 tbsp will be enough. tablespoon of thyme, it needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water. The grass should stand for half an hour. Take at least three tablespoons two tablespoons.
  4. To restore the nervous system or, if rheumatism suffers, you can use the bath from the thyme. Before you take a bath, you need to cook a decoction. You will need dry thyme - one glass. It is poured with two liters of hot water and left to brew. Let stand a couple of hours. Pour liquid into water. Such baths take 20-25 minutes twice a day.
  5. Periodontal disease. For infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. After the liquid is infused, they rinse their mouth, but only after the teeth are brushed.
  6. Hypertension. In such proportions 3: 2: 2: 1 mix thyme, oregano, fireweed, chamomile and pour boiling water over it. For every 15 grams of grass take half a liter of water. After infusion, take half a cup twice a day, you can drink it like tea.
  7. Such a simple broth is made against hair loss: thyme, nettle, hops, young birch leaves are mixed and filled with water. A liter of water for every 20 grams of grass. Cook for 15 minutes. This broth is rinsed with hair or can be rubbed into the scalp.

What are the contraindications for consuming thyme?

In all its properties and qualities, thyme is a unique plant that saves from many ailments. Despite all these advantages, he has contraindications, which, unfortunately, not everyone knows.

  1. The use of this plant is strictly prohibited for patients with cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis of the brain, or if atrial fibrillation is diagnosed.
  2. People with kidney and liver diseases should not use thyme categorically. The plant has essential oils, and they contain a lot of thymol, which will adversely affect the patient's condition.
  3. Those who have problems with the thyroid gland or simply have a predisposition to this, do not internally apply any infusions containing this plant. They are also not recommended for people with high acidity of the stomach.

When a person is healthy and does not bother anything, then it is not worthwhile to constantly use medicines from thyme for prevention. This can lead to hypothyroidism (a condition where the thyroid gland lacks hormones). A person must understand how this condition can threaten him, so it is better to take care of yourself.

If the woman is in position, then before taking the thyme, she definitely needs to consult a doctor. This will help to avoid the appearance of negative factors and unforeseen disturbances of the body.

I must say that thyme is a plant that has many not only useful and healing properties, but also enough contraindications. Therefore, in order for the body to receive benefits and health from taking such a plant, all the rules must be observed when taking it.

Video: healing properties of thyme

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