The danger of smoking in the early stages of pregnancy

Tobacco is a habit that harms the health of both the person himself and those around him. Systematic inhalation of cigarette smoke can cause many diseases. Smoking is particularly harmful to women's health. It is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. Why is this period considered critical and why is tobacco dangerous for the baby?

The danger of smoking in the early stages of pregnancy

Stages of embryo development

In order to understand why cigarette smoke is so dangerous in the early stages, you need to know what happens to the fetus at this point. The first is called the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, the first 12 weeks. At this point, the embryo is also called an embryo.

In the first week of pregnancy, a multicellular morula is formed from a unicellular zygote. On the second, cells appear, from which temporary organs later link the mother and the fetus: the placenta and umbilical cord. In the third week, the nervous system begins to form, in the fourth - the musculoskeletal system. In the fifth week, the main morphogenetic changes occur, giving rise to other systems of the body.

At the sixth week, changes in the brain occur, the heart acquires four chambers, the kidneys and ureters develop, the digestive system is divided into parts familiar to the adult. At the seventh week, utero-placental circulation is established, the embryo begins to receive nutrients from the mother. At the same time, the facial skull and central nervous system are developing rapidly. By the eighth week, the head of the embryo becomes like a human, it develops hearing organs.

From 9 to 12 weeks, the embryo grows, its tissues develop, from a shapeless bunch of cells it turns into a creature that looks like a person. By week 12, the genital organs of the fetus are formed. Further development involves the improvement of organs and systems laid down in the first trimester.

The impact of teratogenic substances on the mother and fetus during this period can disrupt any of the above processes. It is worth remembering that pregnancy is usually diagnosed no earlier than 5 weeks. By this time, cells have already been formed that will give rise to vital organs and systems. Smoking during this period can have disastrous consequences for the life and health of the unborn baby.

What is contained in tobacco smoke

It should be understood why cigarettes are generally considered dangerous? What is the reason for their negative effect on the mother and fetus?

Toxic smoke contains toxic substances such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene, aldehydes, hydrocyanic acid and methanol. It is worth to know why each of them is dangerous:

  1. Nicotine. It causes addiction, constricts blood vessels, increases the concentration of dopamine in the synapses of the central nervous system, and leads to a feeling similar to euphoria.
  2. Carbon monoxide. A synonym is carbon monoxide. Forms a strong compound with hemoglobin - carboxyhemoglobin, leading to hypoxia of tissues and organs.
  3. Nitrogen oxides. Toxic to the nervous system, form compounds with hemoglobin and myoglobin molecules.
  4. Benzene. It is not only toxic, but also a carcinogen. It causes dependence, contributes to the development of anemia and leukopenia, toxic to the central nervous system.
  5. Aldehydes. They cause mutations in the genetic material, contribute to the development of congenital enzyme deficiency.
  6. Hydrocyanic acid. It blocks the respiratory chain, leading to tissue hypoxia.
  7. Methanol. In the body, it is oxidized to aldehydes.

Thus, substances contained in tobacco smoke are not only toxic to the body, but also cause mental dependence. This fact explains why some pregnant women, aware of the negative effects of tobacco on the fetus, continue to smoke.

It is also worth noting that the substances presented above are able to penetrate the placental barrier, exerting their effect directly on the fetal tissue.

What is the danger of smoking for a pregnant woman and her fetus?

Tobacco smoke affects both the course of pregnancy and the fetus. It has been proven that smoking increases the risk of toxicosis in pregnant women. Even passive inhalation of cigarette smoke can cause early gestosis. This means that under the influence of tobacco, in women increase the risk of complications such as:

What is the danger of smoking for a pregnant woman and her fetus?

  1. Vomiting of pregnant women. A common occurrence even in non-smokers, but its extreme degree is possible - severe vomiting. In this case, the only treatment is termination of pregnancy.
  2. Dermatosis Rashes on the skin can have any localization, as a rule, subjectively, they are itchy. This is the easiest type of toxicosis.
  3. Bronchial asthma. In some women, it occurs only during pregnancy. In this case, tobacco smoke can become causative factors also because it is a fairly strong allergen.
  4. Tetany. Life-threatening complication, manifested in a tetanic contraction of various groups of skeletal muscles. Abortion is indicated.
  5. Osteomalacia In this case, the bones of the pregnant woman become too fragile, lose a significant amount of calcium. Pregnancy in this case is contraindicated.
  6. Anemia. In pregnant women, the hemoglobin level decreases normally, reaching boundary values. Tobacco smoke can lead to a critical reduction in health hazard.
  7. Cardiovascular diseases. Pregnancy is a serious burden on the heart. Nicotine also contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, which leads to poor nutrition of heart tissue. This can cause serious complications, up to myocardial infarction.
  8. Vitamin C Deficiency During pregnancy, a woman needs more vitamins, but tobacco smoke, on the contrary, reduces their concentration in the blood. First of all, smoking women suffer from a lack of vitamin C.

In addition, smoking is also dangerous for a developing fetus. Tobacco smoke can cause:

  1. Teratogenic effect. So called various mutations under the influence of external factors. Tobacco smoke is a serious mutagen. Its impact on the embryo in the early stages of its development can lead to severe anatomical and physiological deformities.
  2. Violation of placental blood flow. While in the mother’s body, the child cannot receive nutrients and oxygen from the outside. His only connection with the world is the umbilical cord. Violation of blood flow in it leads to fetal hypoxia and its death from a lack of oxygen.
  3. Miscarriage. Tobacco smoke can cause miscarriage or spontaneous abortion by affecting the muscles of the uterus. The uterus in this case begins to contract as during childbirth and pushes the fetus.
  4. Genetic mutations. Changes in the genes of the embryo may not manifest itself in him, but may cause abnormalities in his children.

According to statistics, women smokers are three times more likely to die in the early postnatal period than non-smokers. The cause of death in this case depends on the formation of which organs and systems was affected by tobacco smoke. In addition, latent defects in the development of organs are possible, which become known only a few years after the birth of the baby.

It is also worth knowing that smoking causes mutations in the germ cells of women long before pregnancy. This can lead to genetic inferiority of gametes, which will lead to infertility or congenital malformations in children.

Thus, we can conclude that smoking has an extremely negative effect on both the body of the expectant mother and the life of the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, all the vital organs of the unborn child are formed, because at this time tobacco smoke is most dangerous. It is worth not only giving up smoking, but also protecting yourself from cigarette smoke.

Video: the harms of smoking during pregnancy

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