How to wash the eyes of the dog at home

It happens that one morning the owners notice that something is wrong with their four-legged friend. Suppurations, dried crusts, turbid discharge appear. If it is not possible to immediately contact a veterinarian, then you will have to cope on your own. The question arises: how to wash the eyes of the dog? Let's get it together.

How to flush the eyes of a dog

How to rinse your eyes if there are no therapeutic drops

There are several fluids that are often at hand. Or cooking them is very simple. This is important because procrastination can adversely affect your dog’s vision.

Of these, the most affordable are:

  1. Chamomile decoction. To prepare it, you don’t even have to stomp in the field behind the plant. Today in pharmacies chamomile is already packaged in disposable bags. It remains only to brew them with boiling water and cool to a warm state. A good option, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Drunk tea. Some sources recommend a very strong, freshly brewed drink. Interestingly, did the advisers try to wash their eyes with chifir? Yes, he even eats away a razor blade! And you say - eyes. Only drunk or slightly brewed tea is suitable for washing the dog’s eyes. An ideal option would be green tea.
  3. Potassium permanganate. The solution should be very weak, pale pink. About 1 crystalline per 250 ml of water. Make sure that potassium permanganate has dissolved! Otherwise, you risk burning your pet’s eyes. Better filter the liquid before use.
  4. Aloe juice. The tool is good, relieves inflammation, promotes recovery. But have you seen this substance? It looks like a thick gel or jelly. Rinse her eyes with a dog will be very problematic. Try to dilute the juice a little with boiled water and strain. Then things will go better.
  5. Saline solution. Sold in every pharmacy, it costs a penny. To buy in ampoules or in bottles - it does not matter. Use is very easy. No need to filter or filter anything. Just take and rinse the dog’s eyes.
  6. Chlorhexidine. You cannot wash your eyes from a pharmacy! It is necessary to dilute with saline in a ratio of 1 to 5. It is most convenient to measure with a syringe.
  7. Boric acid. Have to prepare a solution. One quarter teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of pure boiled water. Be sure to filter before use!
  8. Furatsilin. You can order a solution in a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. A 20 mg tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.

These are the most popular and effective means to flush a dog’s eyes. But remember that they cannot eliminate the cause of discharge and suppuration. This is not a medicine! Therefore, having provided first aid to the pet, urgently go to the veterinarian.

General rules

Every dog ​​owner should know some aspects by heart. Observing them is very important, but simple. For example, each eye is washed with a separate piece of gauze bandage or a lint-free cloth. It is not recommended to take cotton wool or cotton pads. Invisible fibers can be separated from them, which will irritate the inflamed eyes even more.

Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Do not listen to advisers repeating about seyfgardy and others like them. The operating rooms still use the good old laundry soap. Science hasn’t come up with anything better.

There are recommendations to fix the dog before washing the eyes. Nonsense. The animal from this only gets scared and will not allow the procedure. Any dog ​​unconditionally trusts its owner. It is enough just to talk to her in an affectionate voice, to let the tool and tools smell.So the pet will understand that it will not hurt. You need to pat, praise and give a tasty treat. Of course, this rule only works when the dog is a member of your family, and not an interior item or a means of earning.

All flushing movements must be strictly from the outside in! Only from ears to nose, and not vice versa. No doubt, sometimes it is not very convenient, especially with long-haired breeds. But no other way. And do not try to get a bandage directly into the eye. The animal can be hurt.

By the way, if you see foreign particles on the cornea that are not washed off by tears or washing, then do not try to wipe them with a napkin. You can rub them even deeper. Urgently to the vet! Or call home. Otherwise, the dog may lose its eyes.

All products, tools and fluids must be warm. Think for yourself - would you be pleased to get something cold in your sore eye? So the dog might get scared.

And further. More convenient than the simplest flushing syringe has not yet been invented. Just control the strength of the trickle so as not to hurt the animal.

We highly recommend purchasing commercial dog eye rinse products in advance. In pet stores and veterinary pharmacies are sold:

  • lotions
  • drops
  • solutions

Prices are suitable for any wallet. In addition, each tool works well. But you do not have to bother with cooking, if something happens. Indeed, in such an important matter, procrastination is unacceptable.

By the way, after visiting a doctor, the animal will be prescribed drops or medicinal ointments. But this does not save the owner from washing the eyes of the dog. After all, purulent discharge does not disappear instantly. Therefore, crusts will have to be soaked and removed for some time. So, before each instillation or laying of the ointment, you need to rinse your eyes.

Before the procedure, be sure to read the composition of the drug. For example, some already contain chlorhexidine. So you can’t use chlorhexidine solution for washing.

How to rinse a dog’s eyes? Not human medicine for treating eye diseases! Otherwise, you can only do harm. The best way would be to contact a veterinary clinic. After all, there is a high probability that this is not just a speck or a wind blown. Have pity on your pet and take care. Then you will always be pleased with clear eyes, a wagging tail and a wet nose of your dog.

Video: how and with what to wash the eyes of the dog

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