Garlic for hair - useful properties and applications

Folk cosmetology has always been popular, so in the modern world it is given an honorable place. More and more girls and women want to improve the condition of their hair, resorting to products that are at hand.

Garlic for hair

The effect of garlic on hair

  1. The teeth have sulfur, it takes an active part in the formation and accelerated production of keratin. This substance is necessary for the hair to get a healthy structure.
  2. Without selenium and tocopherol, hair begins to fall out and grow slowly. You can cope with these problems if you start making garlic masks on time.
  3. Garlic boasts an accumulation of manganese, calcium, phosphorus. Without these substances, the pile looks dull, pigmentation and healthy shine are lost. A burning vegetable copes with this task.
  4. Iron in combination with potassium ensures the proper nutrition of the hair follicles and their saturation with oxygen. Against this background, the bulbs are firmly fixed in their places, the likelihood of hair loss is reduced.
  5. Garlic boasts ascorbic acid and thiamine. These vitamins are needed to prevent peeling of the scalp. Garlic is used for therapeutic purposes to combat dandruff and seborrhea.
  6. Everyone knows the bactericidal properties of a vegetable. They allow you to overcome the fungus of any etiology, so garlic masks are strongly recommended to rub into the scalp.
  7. If hair loss is caused by an accumulation of harmful microorganisms, garlic will come to the rescue. It will kill the harmful environment and restore blood circulation, enriching the bulbs with nutrients.

The subtleties of using garlic for hair

  1. You should refuse to use garlic-based products if you have microcracks or other damage to your scalp. Otherwise, you risk worsening the situation.
  2. Garlic rarely causes allergies, but it does have a place to be. Before starting the manipulations, apply the cooked mask with the vegetable to the area behind the ear and wait 15-20 minutes. After washing, evaluate the result. The procedure can be performed if there is no itching and red spots.
  3. Vegetables accumulate many active substances, which are mentioned above. All of these minerals must flow into the bulbs for maximum results. Therefore, insulate the head with a cap after distributing the mask.
  4. In the first few minutes after the start of exposure to the product, you can feel a slight itching and burning. If unpleasant symptoms persist for a long time, rinse off the mask before the specified time. So, garlic does not suit you, choose another product to improve the condition of the hair.

Garlic Hair Masks

Garlic Hair Masks

  1. Garlic Butter If the task is to completely improve the hair, mix garlic with natural oil (castor oil, burdock, olive, sunflower, etc.). Measure out 3 teeth, pass them through the press. Heat 80 ml in a steam bath. oil, mix with gruel. Transfer contents to a dark bottle and insist 5 days. Strain, rub a little into the roots every evening. Rinse with shampoo after half an hour or an hour.
  2. Milk with garlic. Heat on a stove 100 ml. high fat milk. Add to it a pulp of 4 teeth of garlic and boil for another 5 minutes. Cool, then rinse your hair with this product. Squeeze lightly, leave for 1 hour. Rinse with conditioner balm first, then shampoo and rinse again.
  3. Sour cream with onions. If you combine garlic with onions, you can enhance the effect of the procedures 2-3 times.The main thing is to make sure that you are not allergic to the proposed components. Combine the two cloves of garlic with half the onion porridge. Add 30 gr. sour cream, three chicken yolks (chilled). Whip, apply, wait an hour.
  4. Honey with lime. Prepare a steam bath, melt honey in a bowl, but do not boil it. Mix 60 gr. beekeeping product with juice of half lime or a third of lemon. Now add the gruel of one garlic prong. Rub this composition into the scalp, do not wash your hair before the procedure. Get rid of the mask after 25 minutes.
  5. Aloe vera with an egg. Select some dense stems of aloe vera, then squeeze the gel out of them in any way possible. Mix it with 2-3 yolks, whisk and enter 40 gr. honey. Grind two garlic cloves into porridge, mix with the main ingredients and apply. Wrap yourself in polyethylene, detect 20 minutes.

After applying any mask, it is recommended to rinse the hair with acetic solution. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to take the proportions 1: 3 (6% vinegar and water). The rinse aid can be further enriched with citrus essential oils.

Dandruff Garlic

  1. In cosmetology, garlic extract has shown itself well in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. To prepare a mask based on a vegetable, you need to grind a head of garlic into a uniform gruel.
  2. Do the manipulation in any way possible. Take from composition 20 gr. and combine with 15 gr. homemade sour cream. Add 4-6 ml to the products. flower honey and castor oil. Bring the ingredients to a uniform consistency.
  3. Rub lightly into the scalp for several minutes. Warm yourself with a film and towel. After half an hour, the product must be washed off. The mask is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week.

Garlic for moisturizing hair

Garlic for moisturizing hair

  1. To get rid of dryness and brittle hair it is enough to include garlic in the composition of home masks. After a systematic use of the composition, the curls acquire noticeable softness, silkiness and obedience.
  2. Take 10-12 teeth of garlic, peel and turn into pulp. From this mixture you need to take about 60 grams. finished mass. Add equal amounts of burdock oil to the raw materials. Inject 6 ml into the product. fresh honey and 2 egg yolks.
  3. Get components of a homogeneous mass in any way possible. The mask should be applied from the root area. Do a light massage, distribute the rest of the composition along the entire length. Warm your head in the standard way for half an hour.
  4. After the allotted time, remove the mask using shampoo and rinse aid. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week for a month. After that, take a long break without fail.

Garlic and onion for hair

  1. A mask based on such components is considered one of the most effective in the fight against baldness. Onion acts as a protector of hair, strengthens. Garlic improves nutrition of the skin and follicles.
  2. Combine in a separate container of 60 ml. kefir and yolk. Knead the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Stir in 30 ml. onion juice and gruel 1 clove of garlic. Apply the finished mixture to the head with massaging movements. Insulate, remove the mask after an hour.
  4. There is an alternative way to prepare the product. To do this, pass 2 onions and 4 cloves of garlic through a blender.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass with gauze. Add 2 ml to the liquid. rosemary ether, 60 ml. burdock oil, 30 ml. skate and 1 egg.
  6. Rub the finished composition with light movements. Do massage for several minutes. Next, proceed according to the method described above. Finally, be sure to use a rinse aid.

Garlic odor for hair

If after the manipulation, the smell from the hair is not completely washed out, you can use simple tips for preparing a conditioner based on various additives.

  1. Combine in a convenient container of 30 ml. apple cider vinegar and 1 liter of purified heated water. Use as directed.
  2. Mix in a cup 1 liter of warm filtered water and 40 gr. mustard powder. Stir the ingredients until smooth. Use for rinsing.
  3. Dilute 50 ml in 1 liter of non-hot water. lemon juice. You can use fresh orange in this recipe.
    Rinse aid is recommended after masks. It will also not be superfluous to re-wash the hair the next day with one of the compounds.

Hot cloves of garlic can cope even with the most difficult problems with regard to hair. However, it is necessary to use masks and products correctly so as not to harm the hair.

Video: garlic mask for hair growth

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