Celandine - medicinal properties and contraindications

Such a plant as celandine has long interested scientists from different countries. After a long study, it turned out that this plant is endowed with many healing properties. The composition of the celandine includes various useful components. Ointments, tinctures, creams, and many other medicines that are used by traditional and traditional medicine are made from it.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of celandine

There are few vitamins in the plant, it’s only A and C, but there are more than 20 alkaloids. The celandine consists of essential oils, citric, ascorbic, organic acids, as well as sanguinarine, tannins, coumarins, saponins, bioflavonoids.

Each part of the plant can be involved in the treatment, but the most important thing in celandine is milk. Most of it is contained in the root of the plant, it is a bright orange color. Of course, there is also milk in the leaves, but not in such quantity. Therefore, the root system is used to prepare the medicine.

Celandine has a bactericidal, diuretic and analgesic effect on the human body. It is also an anticonvulsant, wound healing, choleretic, antitumor and sedative. It is important that the correct dose of the drug is observed and there are no contraindications in the patient.

What are the healing properties of celandine?

Sorcerers and healers of celandine are often used, this plant fights well with many ailments. Due to the content of natural substances in it, it is considered the guardian of health.

  • It treats skin diseases, warts, papillomas, psoriasis, eczema, lichen, herpes.
  • Normalizes the digestive system.
  • It is used for diseases of the kidneys and liver, but not all.
  • Used to treat arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • Eliminates viral infections and bacteria.
  • It treats cough, bronchitis, asthma.
  • It treats gout, some thyroid diseases, and diabetes.
  • It is used in the treatment of cancer, only in the early stages.
  • Treats nail fungus.
  • Gum disease, stomatitis and other oral diseases.
  • Female diseases - uterine erosion, ovarian cyst, colpitis, breast mastitis.
  • Treatment and prevention of rheumatism.
  • Used to cleanse the body after poisoning.

It has a calming effect, and together with other herbs relieves of nervousness, sleepless nights and stress.

Benefits for women

For representatives of the female half of humanity, this plant, one might say, is simply a find. Its healing properties positively affect the skin of the face. Cleanses, prevents rashes and inflammation and, importantly, eliminates the initial signs of aging. Organic acids activate the action of the epidermis, due to which this result is obtained. Pure plant juice can be used infrequently, since it is poisonous. They use masks with its contents, lotions, creams and other cosmetics.

To make the hair begin to grow better, become silky and smooth, stop falling out, an infusion of herbs will help. After washing your hair, you will need to rinse your hair with boiled water, to which add a few drops of this infusion. If the scalp quickly becomes oily, then you need to add chamomile, nettle, sage to the celandine and make an infusion to rinse your hair. To avoid baldness and hair loss, make a mask based on grass juice, and add burdock oil to it.

Women use celandine not only for cosmetic purposes, caring for skin and hair, treat skin diseases and female diseases in the reproductive area.

To cure diseases in the field of gynecology, oil is used. I make oil swabs and treat thrush, fibroids, increased leucorrhoea, bacterial vaginosis. This procedure is performed for an hour no more than two weeks.

If the flora of the vagina is violated, the menstrual cycle, erosion, infusion is used.

Help with skin diseases

To eliminate corns and warts, ointment will help. It is also used for cosmetic procedures. Brown spots, freckles can be removed at home without the help of a specialist and cleanse the skin yourself. An ointment with celandine will help with psoriasis, diathesis and eczema - this has long been proven by experts. To prepare the ointment, you need celandine juice and petroleum jelly. Prepared in proportions of one to four. The components are mixed and refrigerated. Celandine milk can be replaced with dried celandine.

For people with skin diseases, it will be useful to take a bath with a decoction of celandine. The grass is poured with hot water and allowed to infuse. After taking a bath, you don’t need to rub the body with a towel, let it dry on its own.

Celandine Recipes

Celandine Recipes

  1. To restore strength, strengthen the immune system, support the nervous system, you need an effective tool. In folk medicine, they have long been using celandine infusion to eliminate such problems. It will be good if you make an infusion from a fresh plant, then all its healing properties will go into action. But dry celandine will be useful no less. For the preparation of water infusion, a fresh plant is dug up. There must be a root, then it is thoroughly washed and finely cut. Add to 500 gram capacity. Fullness should be half. The rest of the tank is poured with boiling water. The jar is wrapped with a towel and allowed to cool. You can store the infusion for no more than three days. If the infusion will be made from dried grass, then you need to fill the container by a quarter.
  2. Taking the infusion, an adult takes half a glass of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of infusion, breeds and drinks 15 minutes before eating. How much to take such an infusion of times - depends on the complexity of the disease. This is usually three times a day. The duration of treatment is 14 days, then a break for the same time, if necessary, the infusion can be repeated. If a child will drink such an infusion, then the dosage should be this: a teaspoon of infusion in a third of a glass of water. Drinks in 10 minutes. before meals three times.
  3. With psoriasis and eczema, you need to use grass juice. The affected area is treated several times a day. Perhaps there will not be a strong burning sensation. Such procedures are done for three weeks.
  4. Treatment of papillomas and warts also occurs with the juice of the plant. The growths need to be steamed and, if possible, the hardened layer is removed. Then they are treated with juice three times a day. After some time, the affected area will begin to darken, and the growths will disappear. It is important that celandine juice does not get on the skin, if this happens, then immediately rinse this place with water.
  5. For the treatment of colds, celandine juice helps a lot. Drink 20 drops of juice. Dilute in water 1:10.
  6. An alcoholic infusion or decoction of the plant can help get rid of cancer at an early stage. Reception of tincture should be like this: 50 drops of infusion are diluted in the same amount of water and taken orally. Treatment of external neoplasms is performed by ointment or plant juice.
  7. As soon as you see that herpes begins to appear, redness appears, a burning sensation and tingling are felt - lubricate this place with celandine ointment, and if vesicles appear, burn with juice.
  8. Diseases of the genitourinary system are treated with vodka tincture. In proportions one to one take one hundred grams of the roots of the plant and pour 100 ml of vodka.A week she must be infused. Take 20 drops before meals.
  9. I do enemas from the infusion of celandine when polyps formed in the rectum. For one liter of boiling water take 50 g. herbs. Insist two hours. The first enema is made ordinary, and the subsequent enemas are already from the infusion of celandine. Such procedures are performed from 6 to 8 times.
  10. To treat stomach diseases, plant juice is diluted in vodka and left for 24 hours. The proportion should be 1: 2. Accepted by 1 tbsp. spoon before eating.
  11. To eliminate toothache, make an infusion of celandine roots. One spoon in a glass of boiling water. After the liquid has cooled slightly, the oral cavity is rinsed. The rinse should take at least 15 minutes.
  12. If periodontitis bothers, you need to mix in equal parts tincture of celandine and olive oil. Gum is smeared with this fluid. Leave for 10 minutes. rinse after mouth.
  13. With atherosclerosis, one spoon of grass is brewed. Drink on an empty stomach 50 ml, morning and evening.
  14. For cosmetics, you can prepare a lotion. Take celandine leaves and fresh cucumber, finely chop and pour 200 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 14 days. Wipe your face with this product. If the skin is very sensitive, then after five minutes of application, you need to wash off and anoint the face with cream.
  15. Mask for rejuvenation. You will need egg protein, 1 tbsp. celandine, 15 gr. starch and 10 gr. honey. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. They stand it for 20 minutes, remove the remains of the mask with a napkin. The skin becomes fresh, healthy, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

How to cook and prepare celandine juice

Celandine juice is most applicable in the summer, but you can get sick in the winter, spring and autumn. Therefore, traditional healers are advised to prepare celandine juice so that it retains its healing properties and can help at any time.

How to cook and prepare celandine juice

Interesting fact! Animals pass around the places where this grass grows, and no matter how attractive the leaves of celandine are, they do not eat them.

Celandine juice can replace iodine, it is also a good antiseptic, and some people may be allergic to iodine. He cauterizes wounds well and does not pinch. But the use of juice is possible only if there are no contraindications.

In order to prepare the juice, you need to dig a young plant with a root. Wash it thoroughly. Cut into small parts and grind in a blender or mince. We squeeze the mass that turned out through a gauze cloth and pour it into a container with a lid. The liquid is put in a cool place for 5 days. Since the product will begin the fermentation process, sometimes you need to open the lid, to release gases. When the fermentation process is completely finished, the product is ready for use. Such a medicine can be stored for no more than three years, during all this time its beneficial properties will be preserved.

Contraindications and recommendations for use

Celandine should be used as a medicine carefully and carefully. Not everyone knows that the juice of a plant contains poison, which means it is dangerous. It must be applied correctly.

It is important to know that even the smallest drop of celandine juice leaves a burn on the skin and can cause inflammation. Before taking medications with celandine, it is important to study the contraindications.

Celandine should not be taken by people who suffer from heart failure, angina pectoris, constipation, epilepsy, and have nervous disorders. The plant is contraindicated in women in a position who are breastfeeding and children under 12 years old.

Medicines based on celandine are allowed to take no more than two weeks, after which you need to pause. Since the plant is poisonous, it is better to take it together with other herbs that will neutralize toxic effects (the treatment effect will not get worse).

If the plant is taken for the first time, you need to pay attention to your condition after this. Are there any deteriorations. Dosage must be strictly observed. After taking the celandine should not appear:

  • sudden intense thirst;
  • growing headache;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • heart rate changes;
  • heaviness in the stomach, cramping;
  • sudden vomiting, constipation.

If the case of an overdose is severe, hallucinations may begin, the person may lose consciousness. Such side effects can occur if celandine is taken incorrectly. Violation of the intestinal microflora can be the result of a neglected attitude to your health. If this happens, you should definitely call a doctor, since in such a situation you can not do without the help of a medical specialist.

Video: what treats celandine

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