Dalmatian - breed description and dog character

Dalmatian is a popular breed of dog that has an unusual spotty color. There are probably no such people who would not see or hear anything about this species. Many remember the previously popular cartoon "101 Dalmatians." These dogs created the image of good-natured and faithful pets. It is worth noting that in life they are the same as in the cartoon, and even more interesting. Indeed, in reality, they take pride of place for dogs that saved many human lives during a fire. Also, the Dalmatians accompanied the carriages of aristocrats in England. Those who think that the whole charm of this breed in its color are deeply mistaken, because they fulfill a more noble mission, and their spots are just an original addition to the image.


History of breed origin

The most popular version of the origin of the Dalmatians is considered to be the one that insists that the first representatives of this species appeared in Dalmatia, which is located in one of the parts of the Adriatic. And the ancestors of this breed were marble dogs with pointers.

The drawings of the ancestors of Dalmatian dogs are depicted in Santa Maria Novella, an Italian cathedral located in Florence. And these murals were made in the distant 1360th year. In England, these refined animals were called as "Dogs of the Lord." And this is not the only fresco, because there are many of them around the world. And they are not stored anywhere, but in historical museums.

There is another country that is considered the birthplace of these dogs - this is England. But here they did not appear initially, but were introduced by sailors. These beautiful and graceful animals simply could not become unnoticed by local aristocrats. And therefore, the Dalmatians were considered a certain attribute of the stratum of the elite.

As already noted, the Dalmatians accompanied the carriages, but they performed not only a decorative function, but also an auxiliary one. They ran between the horses, thereby helping the coachman steer the carriage.

They taught them to fulfill their role from a very young age. At the age of 5 months, they already began to participate in escort along with adult Dalmatians. It would seem that this is rather cruel, but the fact is that it is at such a young age that these dogs are easily trained. And when they turned one year old, they already became full-fledged workers who were not afraid of either horse hooves or steep expensive. The positive side of this training was that by the young age they acquired a fairly athletic physique. Also, these brave animals served as protectors of carriages, which could be attacked by predators and thieves. And so that the Dalmatian was less vulnerable in a fight, his ears were stopped.

In addition to the above roles, the dog also performed the role of a fireman. She also accompanied the fire truck, and at the same time barked loudly so that people who were on the road diverged around and did not interfere with traffic. But, besides this, the Dalmatians pulled people out of the fire, while sacrificing their lives.

And the Dalmatians do not end on this role. In the old days, they performed in a circus with clowns, demonstrating their skills in the form of artistry and obedience. Unfortunately, soon the number of these animals began to decline sharply. It is believed that the reason for this event was that the carriages lost their status.

But, despite this, soon, the breeders picked up this wave, and began to breed the Dalmatians, but not as assistants and circus artists, but as a companion for humans. The nature of the animal made it possible to quickly and easily establish contact with any person.Therefore, soon in England and America began to open clubs for dog lovers of this nature. It is believed that the Dalmatians gained their popularity due to the fact that American President George Washington was personally involved in breeding these dogs.

During the Second World War, these dogs served as patrol and guard. But besides this, the Dalmatians were also assistant pilots.

The widespread distribution of the breed was also influenced by the release of a book written by Doddy Smith entitled "101 Dalmatians." Based on this book, the famous cartoon was shot by everyone.

Intelligence Dalmatian

Representatives of this breed are quite intelligent and intellectually developed. They love a mobile lifestyle and constant communication with the owner. Therefore, from a very early age it is worth paying a lot of attention to your pet. And the more the dog communicates with the person, the more intelligent it becomes. They grasp everything on the fly, and are also capable of gaining experience.

Intelligence Dalmatian

The most important aspect of the Dalmatians consider his memory. They quickly remember everything that the owner says: be it their name or any team. But this does not mean that these dogs are vindictive. Rather, the opposite.

The owner of the Dalmatian should make sure that the animal never gets bored. Every time you need to come up with new fun for him and buy new toys. If you do not attach importance to this, they will turn from obedient dogs into uncontrollable ones.

They are quite easy to train, and they quickly learn even the most complex teams. But besides this, pets have a high level of adaptability, both behavioral and psychological. Therefore, it is quite easy for them to build relationships with any host. In their temperament, Dalmatians are sanguine.

Pet character

Dalmatians are considered not only smart dogs, but also quite funny. On the one hand, they love freedom, but on the other, they are very dependent on their master. And they feel happy only when they communicate with members of their family. A prolonged absence of a person is akin to punishment for them. Also, they can hardly stand the screams or discontent of the owner.

If a person is very busy, and is rarely at home, at first the Dalmatian may not show his attitude to this. But then it can turn into serious problems, and the dog will become completely non-communicative and closed. It is worth considering, and not to acquire an animal if it is not possible to properly maintain it.

Dalmatians are not at all aggressive dogs, but aggression can occur in an exceptional case when it comes to the safety of the owner.


As noted above, dogs of this breed are quite sociable. And so they can find a common language not only with people, but also with other pets. Problems can only appear if there are two male Dalmatians in the house. Each of them will strive to dominate, which can lead to conflicts between them.

Dog breed dalmatian

If we talk about cats, then spotted dogs are very warm to them. In some cases, they even take responsibility for kittens.

To strangers and guests in the house, Dalmatians are polite. But this good-naturedness can be replaced by malice if a person came with bad intentions.

Confidence and warmth of the dog belong to children. They like to play with them, and can also monitor security.

Dalmatian training

It’s very easy to train these spotted dogs, because their intelligence contributes to this. To achieve memorization, it is only necessary to repeat the same thing monotonously. But, of course, there are difficulties. These dogs are very playful, and therefore they may be tired of following standard commands. To make the Dalmatians interesting, it is worth inventing new activities every time.

It is very important to remember that, despite the charm of pets, you should not let them dominate, because the dog should feel the primacy of man. If the owner is soft, then he will not be authority for the dog. But this does not mean that you need to shout at him or be a tyrant. The dog just needs to understand who is in charge and who is worth listening to.

Physical activity and walks

Active recreation for the Dalmatians is the best activity. Because these dogs are not used to sitting in one place. Therefore, it is worth making sure that their walks are physically active.

Every day it is worth taking time to walk for at least an hour and a half. But you should not do this in one go, they should be at least 2, and preferably 3. You should not walk with the Dalmatians in the same places - here you should include your ingenuity. A huge plus will be if the house has a bicycle. Jogging and cycling are ideal for Dalmatians.

You can also play frisbee with a dog, because they love to run. But regular games that include hurdling are also good for active spotted dogs. To support their hunting instinct, you can play with the Dalmatians in the hunt for the target.

Animal care

These pets are pretty tidy, so you should bathe them twice a year, but no more. It should be noted that their skin is very sensitive, so when bathing, it is recommended to use soft shampoos on a natural basis. You can comb out the Dalmatian with a special glove, which simultaneously massages and eliminates the fallen hair. It is necessary to comb out so that the dead hairs do not cause irritation. Dry skin can be controlled with natural oils. In addition to softening, the pet’s coat will gain a light shine and will look more well-groomed.

Dalmatian care

Enough attention should be paid to the ears of the Dalmatians. Remove sand and any other debris with a cotton swab. Sulfur should be odorless, and have a color to dark brown. But, removing it, you need to leave a small amount, because it helps protect the body from bacteria. If suddenly the color of sulfur has changed, and irritation is observed in the ears and an unpleasant smell is heard - it is worth contacting a specialist for help. After all, these may be the first signs of the disease. Self-medication is not necessary in order to avoid serious consequences.

Periodically, it is necessary to cut the claws of the animal, because they not only cause discomfort to it, but can also lead to deformation. To do this, you should purchase specially designed tongs, and use only for your pet. When circumcision, there is a risk of disturbing the blood vessels of the dog, so you need to keep a means to stop the blood.

A bite and even teeth are what the Dalmatian has from birth. But, in order to maintain beauty, it is necessary to monitor the timely loss of milk teeth so that they do not interfere with the growth of molars. In order to avoid the formation of tartar, the Dalmatian must be accustomed to brushing his teeth from an early age.

Features of the content in the apartment

Even despite the fact that by nature the Dalmatians are quite active, keeping them in a city apartment is not difficult. These dogs quickly adapt to the new environment, and residence for them is not the main aspect. Because the main thing in adaptation is a sense of security and close contact with the owner.


To make the little Dalmatian, who just appeared in the family, feel good, it is worth doing the following. Before you pick up a puppy from his mother, you need to bring along a blanket or blanket, which is worth rubbing against the Dalmatian mother, and wrap the puppy in it. Thus, smelling the mother, the puppy will feel more secure.

At home for the baby you need to organize a place for rest, which will be in a quiet place. The crib can be replaced with a mattress or blanket. And the purchase of expensive beds and sofas should be postponed until later, when the Dalmatian stops trying everything to taste.

It is also worth taking care of the presence of bowls for food and water. You should not take light plates, because the puppy can turn them over. It is necessary to give preference to heavy and durable vessels. It will be best if they are on a special stand, which can be adjusted depending on height and age. The ideal height of the stand should reach the level of the animal’s shoulders.

Do not forget about toys. There should be enough of them so that the dog doesn’t even bite to eat anything that comes across on the go. It is better to buy toys made of rubber, and avoid those that can easily break, and which have small parts.

Dalmatian feeding

Dalmatian nutrition should be approached with special attention. It can be fed with both dry food and natural food. But, if dry food is selected, it is worth watching how much protein it contains. If the dog eats too much protein, it has a failure in metabolism, which can lead to the formation of stones in the bladder, kidneys. Therefore, when buying dry food, you should pay attention to the amount of protein contained in it. The optimal content is not more than 22 percent, and fats should not exceed 10 percent.

These spotted dogs are allergic to eggs and poultry. Also at risk is cereals and dairy products. Broths are also in the forbidden category. Even if it is from poultry meat, it is strictly forbidden to give it to the Dalmatians.

In order for the pet to receive the necessary amount of vitamins, you can cut apples with carrots and herbs in the form of salad once a week.

And it is also worth noting that representatives of this breed are very sensitive to water quality. It is best to choose non-carbonated mineral water for them.

Video: Dalmatian dog breed

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