Echinacea - medicinal properties and contraindications

Echinacea as a medicine has been used for a long time. This is a beautiful flower that is used to treat many diseases. Scientists began to study its beneficial properties more than a century ago. Today, there are a lot of drugs based on Echinacea.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of echinacea

The upper part of the plant is significantly different in its chemical composition from the lower part. The roots contain a high concentrate of volatile oils, and the bottom contains many polysaccharides that are beneficial for the immune system. In addition, in Echinacea there are many chemical compounds that are needed for immunity. They are represented by ascorbic acid, flavonoids, inulin and essential oils.

Healing properties

The plant has many healing properties. It has a high content of mineral components and biologically active substances. The rhizome of the plant consists of essential oils and inulin, it also contains tannins and organic acids, resins, polysaccharides, a high content of alkaloids and betaine is noted. I must say that betaine does not allow the development of diseases of the heart muscle. Echinacea also includes phenolcarboxylic acid, which is responsible for protecting the body's immune system and has a diuretic effect.

The main properties that the plant possesses are antiviral and antiseptic, it also prevents the growth of bacteria and viruses, coccal infections. The plant is often used to fight against fungal diseases, it speeds up the healing process of wounds, eczema and ulcers. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and anti-allergic effects on the human body. Echinacea is used during the treatment and prevention of colds, copes with tonsillitis and flu, and treats the upper respiratory tract.

Antioxidant and anticarcinogenic qualities of a plant reduce the level of toxins in the human body, and stop the growth of metastases.

How is echinacea used

The plant is useful for many of its unique properties, they are used not only for complex treatment, but also for the prevention of various diseases. These are mainly respiratory diseases.

Important! Its use is allowed for children, since the plant does not cause allergic reactions. If the disease is at an early stage and Echinacea is started, then this will significantly reduce the duration of the disease, and the healing process will only accelerate.

In order for treatment with echinacea to be beneficial, it is worth using a middle-aged plant for medicines. For the manufacture of medicines, not only flowers are used, but also leaves, roots and stems.


  1. Medicines based on this herb are relevant during diabetes mellitus, colds and infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the urethra and female diseases.
  2. If you apply echinacea externally, you can get rid of skin diseases, insect bites, herpes, eczema, urticaria, and many other ailments.
  3. A plant and medicines based on it well eliminate the consequences caused by the body with heavy metals and chemicals. Well restores the body after chemotherapy and taking antibiotics.
  4. Echinacea is often used as an anesthetic. It helps with abdominal pain, eliminates pain in the intestines, relieves toothache and headache, treats sore throats, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.For all such cases, tea is brewed or a paste of ground grass is used, applying it to a sore spot.
  5. The plant is very effective for the gastrointestinal tract. When problems with stool appear, echinacea is used as a laxative. To get the desired result, you should drink a cup of tea from Echinacea. If you increase the dose and drink two or more cups in a row, this will lead to unpleasant sensations.
  6. Scientists have found that this plant has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. It can not only relieve inflammation of the throat and stomach, but also relieve inflammation of the eyes. In order for Echinacea to positively affect inflammatory processes, tea from the plant must be taken regularly.
  7. In case of skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, skin infection or if the wounds heal for a long time, the healing properties of echinacea will help.
  8. Also, the plant is used during mental disorders, but only with the appointment of a doctor. Constant anxiety, nervous breakdowns, depression are treated with echinacea in adults and children.
  9. Psoriasis is treated with lotions from the decoction of the plant, they also remove the itching after an insect bite.
  10. Helps normalize blood pressure.

The general condition of the body will become much better if you regularly take echinacea.

Tincture of Echinacea on alcohol

To strengthen their immunity, medical experts advise taking a natural alcoholic extract of echinacea. To carry out the prevention of respiratory diseases, it is best taken in the autumn and spring. Alcohol tincture stops the reproduction of microorganisms, bacteria and raises the level of leukocytes in the body.

Tincture of Echinacea on alcohol

Children over two years of age can also be treated with this tincture. The drug contains only natural components, and, therefore, will not cause an allergic reaction. Very rarely, after taking such a plant, a rash or dizziness appears, but if this happens, you should immediately stop taking this drug.

Since tincture is very popular among medical specialists, it also found its application in therapy. It helps to get rid of diseases of the urethra, promotes rapid healing of wounds, well restores the skin and heals skin diseases.

Reception of tincture of alcohol from echinacea
Take this tincture should be three times a day. It is important that her intake is 20 minutes before the start of the meal. Starting treatment with alcohol tincture, an adult should not consume more than forty drops per day. During treatment, the dose can be increased to sixty drops per day.

Alcohol-based tincture can be used externally, but this is not done in its pure form, but it must be diluted in sodium chloride. Forty drops of tincture are taken per hundred milliliters of sodium chloride. With this solution, you can gargle, make compresses or lotions.

Echinacea Recipes

  1. Treatment for depression and nervous disorders. When you need to put in order the nervous system, get rid of depression and restore strength - such a tincture will help. On 10 gr. Echinacea root need 100 ml. medical alcohol. If the root is not chopped, then it must be cut into small pieces and put into a glass container, after which everything is filled with alcohol. The container is closed with a lid and put in a dark place, but the room should be cool. Tincture should be infused for a day. The medication should be daily twenty drops three times a day. Take this remedy for no more than three weeks.
  2. Headache treatment. For this, you need one hundred grams of echinacea and 300 gr. flower honey. The plant is well chopped and combined with liquid honey. This mixture is taken during tea drinking three times a day. One teaspoon at a time will be enough.In addition, the headache will go away, the nervous system will recover. Plus, the drug has a calming effect, normalizes blood pressure and promotes good sleep.
  3. Echinacea against flu and colds. It will take 1 teaspoon of leaves and roots, 3 plant flowers, 200 ml of hot water. All components must be mixed in a deep container and pour boiling water. Tea should be infused for forty minutes. One glass is drunk three times a day, and if the therapy is for the prevention of respiratory diseases, then one glass of tea per day will be enough. Drink a warm drink 20 minutes before eating. To take care of your health, you can drink such tea in the cold season and when it is most likely to catch a cold.
  4. Gastritis or constipation. To prepare a remedy to combat gastritis or constipation, you need to take one liter of vodka and pour 100 grams of all parts of echinacea into it. Then the container is closed with a tight lid and put in a dark place for 20 days. The contents of the container with a frequency of several days must be turned over and shaken. Filter the infusion, and take 30 drops. This is done 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The full course of treatment is two weeks. Mandatory break - three days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Echinacea broth
You need one teaspoon of plant leaves, you can take both dry and fresh leaves. And one glass of hot water. Leaves are poured with boiling water and put in a water bath. Such a process should last half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and it is immediately ready for use. A course of treatment consists of ten days. Take 30 milliliters of decoction three times a day, 15 minutes before eating. Usually there are several courses, there can be two or three, but there must be a week break between them. This broth is drunk to improve vision, remove swelling, eliminate pain in the joints, cure a stomach ulcer and just cheer up.

Preparation of Echinacea Infusion
Take 1 tbsp. spoonful of echinacea and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The capacity is chosen with a tight lid, you can take a thermos. Leave the liquid clogged overnight. By morning, the infusion will be ready. It must be filtered through gauze and drink 100 milliliters three times a day. It is advisable to do this thirty minutes before eating. Drink infusion for ten days. After the end of the course - 5 days off, and again repeat the treatment. If after the course has been completed three times, you need a repetition, then the break should be a month.

Often used echinacea infusion with excess weight, the first signs of obesity, treat infertility, herpes, strengthen the immune system. After regular use of the infusion, working capacity is improved, memory and attention are improved. This is an effective remedy for gynecological diseases.

Beneficial Echinacea Extract
Not many people know that such a drug is a powerful tool that has tonic effects, gives vigor, it helps to improve performance. Due to adaptogenic properties, the body becomes more resistant to adverse external factors. Regular intake of the drug will relieve overstrain of the body and perform the preventive effect of colds. The drug can be taken by both adults and children. Adults can dilute the product in water, and for a child it is better to use tea.

If used externally, it will accelerate wound healing and can be used as an anesthetic.

Echinacea Syrup
Echinacea is rich in useful properties, it helps to strengthen the body's immunity, increases its resistance to the harmful effects of microorganisms. Medical experts recommend the use of syrup as soon as oncological diseases begin to manifest.Such a therapeutic agent helps to improve metabolism, and the thyroid gland comes back to normal after its use.

Important! If the use of grass occurs on its own, without the advice of a doctor, then the dosage must be strictly observed.

Echinacea tincture for children

The children's body is much weaker and defenseless, unlike the adult. So that your child’s immune system is always normal, and the baby is sick as little as possible, you need to drink tincture of echinacea. This will help to avoid colds and possible inflammatory processes in the baby's body. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of dry plant and 200 ml of boiled water. It is important that the water is at room temperature, do not use boiling water. The grass is poured with warm water and allowed to stand for an hour. Tea should turn out to be weak, much weaker than for an adult organism, which is good for a child.

Contraindications Echinacea and side effects

The plant has a lot of positive qualities and properties, but, besides this, there are important contraindications for taking this plant.

Contraindications to the use of echinacea

  1. If you are allergic to anything, then before taking echinacea you need to consult a doctor.
  2. You can not take drugs based on this plant to people who have autoimmune diseases.
  3. Taking the medicine should be careful in patients who have been diagnosed with connective tissue diseases.
  4. In the presence of any chronic disease, it is also worth consulting a medical specialist, and only then start taking medications for echinacea.
  5. Reception of the plant is prohibited for patients with atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, if there are problems with leukemia.
  6. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to stop taking echinacea.
  7. People aged also should take Echinacea.
  8. Children under two years of age should not be given any drugs that contain the content of such a plant. If there is still a need for admission, then this should be done only after the minimum dosage and duration of the course are prescribed by a medical specialist.

Note! Echinacea does not contain toxic substances, but if you take drugs from this herb at your discretion, disrupt the course of administration, change the dosage, this will lead to increased salivation, and this is one of the signs of poisoning.

In almost every drug that contains echinacea, there is arabinogalactian. And this substance has many contraindications, and such funds should never be taken by HIV-infected and AIDS patients. Also, scientists have proven that this component contributes to the growth of malignant tumors.

If you take echinacea correctly, then it only has a positive effect on the human body. The contract can be taken only two weeks, then there must be a break.

In fact, there are many contraindications to taking echinacea, but in most cases, side effects occur due to an exaggerated dosage of the drug. To avoid undesirable consequences and taking the medicine favorably affects the body, you must observe the duration of the course and the correct dose.

Video: healing properties of echinacea

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