Pharaoh Hound - Breed and Character Description

If someone decided to buy a pharaoh dog for himself, he would have to spend a lot of money. Indeed, it’s quite problematic to call such a pleasure cheap even with a big stretch. This representative of the canine kingdom is a special breed of hunting dogs. For a puppy will have to shell out thousands of dollars. But such impressive amounts are not an obstacle to buying a pharaoh dog. Even in the photographs, representatives of this breed are majestic and have a truly royal look. They justify their name and are somewhat like the ancient pharaohs.

Pharaoh Hound

In life, they are graceful and loyal to their master. Visibly possessing a good mind, they reliably occupied their niche in a world of diverse canine representatives. A pharaoh dog is quite suitable for those who love physically strong and active pets. Harmoniousness, flexibility and jumping characterize these dogs. Meanwhile, their mind is highly intelligent. The dog does not need special care, and will not require frills for its nutrition. With others they are affectionate, and for the owner they are devoted and loyal friends. Absolutely in any case, such dogs will act as excellent companions.

Initially, animals were bred in order to hunt small game. In her role, for example, were rabbits. This breed will appeal to those who love outdoor activities. A dog, like air, needs running and outdoor games in the fresh air. They do not tolerate enclosed spaces and cannot stand loneliness at all. Such dogs require constant training with them and long walks. They should be taken out several times a day. The owner must constantly maintain the pet in good active shape, walk with him.

A bit of history

Ancient mythology allows you to get the first mention of such animals. According to one of these legends, in order to save earthly civilization, a certain creature descended to the earth from the constellation Sirius, and assumed the guise of a fire dog. It is this fiery red dog that is considered the representative who gave rise to the family. For a long time, such a dog was considered as a divine creature. Accordingly, they treated her in a special way.

Gradually, these dogs were taken to Malta. They were very proud in this country and revered in every way. But already in the middle of the last century, the dog gradually moved to England and settled there. Gradually, this animal becomes known to Europeans.

General characteristics of the breed

This animal is part of a group of primitive dogs. Over time, naturally, the appearance of the dog changed in some way. But some points have changed slightly. As before, the dog is characterized by nobility with obvious elements of grace. The representative of this breed is a pronounced aristocrat. This feeling is literally laid in each of its lines. In appearance, the dog has an athletic build. With external consideration, the following points can be noted:

  1. Posture is characterized by the presence of elements of majesty. This is emphasized by an elongated elongated body. The case is distinguished by grace and, as it were, is constantly in some tension.
  2. In height, the dog can reach 63.5 cm.
  3. The range of weight characteristics is in the range from 18 to 30 kg.
  4. The leanness of the body further emphasizes grace.
  5. The head is wedge-shaped, and the muzzle is somewhat elongated. They are able to emphasize the noble features that are characteristic of this dog.
  6. Eye color with an amber hue.Glance only confirms the mind of the dog. By color, the eyes almost merge with the body.
  7. The body ends with a thick tail, which takes a slightly rounded shape.
  8. The coat has a smooth character with a snug fit to the body.

Dogs are characterized by a uniform reddish-rust color. It is able to slightly dilute the white tip on the tail. From this he takes great expressiveness. Fingers are also characterized by the presence of white spots. A white mark may be on the chest. The standard implies the mandatory presence of one attribute. The tip of the tail should always be white.

Character Features

It is not without reason that this representative is given such a name. The animal, like a real pharaoh, demonstrates power. This is one of the main features of his character warehouse. This property manifests itself in absolutely everything, whether it is a confident look or easy tread when the dog is walking near its owner. The animal is distinguished by exceptional curiosity and cleverness. Characterized by extreme sociability, being in the family, but when meeting with a stranger he will show some caution. The animal has a good ability to train.

Character features of the pharaoh dog

As for the owner, the dog has incredible love for him. If the dog experiences extraordinary joy or a sense of shame, eyes give it out. Their rims take on a color with a red tint. If the dog is in a good mood, a smile will demonstrate it. Moreover, their lips are very interesting to stretch.

Despite the fact that the dog immensely loves the owner, she considers herself a little smarter than a person. When she is given a command, she will not rush headlong to execute it. She first thinks over everything, analyzes her importance, and then makes a decision. If for some reason she considers that the team is unreasonable, then she will never fulfill it. If she agrees with her, then, of course, she will fulfill it.

In order for a dog of this breed to obediently obey a person, it is necessary to deal with it from early childhood. Then the puppy will be able to see the friend and leader in the person. The dog is constantly in motion. Constant training and outdoor activities strengthen and temper the dog. From this, the dog looks just great, demonstrating its excellent health. Such a dog will never refuse to take part in racing competitions.

A dog of this breed can combine different opposing qualities at the same time. She can be proud and at the same time stubborn in her behavior. It can simultaneously combine swiftness and slowness.

Care Rules

If there is a desire to see a full member of the family in the dog, then it is necessary for her to provide decent care. The breed is characterized by extreme waywardness. For her, a city apartment is akin to a casemate, where she is imprisoned. Of course, the dog will accept such conditions and quite reconcile with them, but the desire for freedom will haunt him constantly. He will think about this all the time. Smooth flooring, carpets, laminate - obviously not his element. She likes to feel when the ground is under her feet. She just needs air, running and jumping.

The dog is very happy when they take her with them to a country house. For him, she will become a real decoration. But we should not forget about the good ability of the animal to fairly high jumps. Therefore, in advance it is necessary to take care of the high fence. If it is small, then the dog will certainly jump over it and, on occasion, will simply leave the territory.

Red fire beast suggests the presence of proper self-care. The care is not associated with any specific activities, since the animal is distinguished by pronounced accuracy and cleanliness. The dog’s coat is odorless, and caring for it involves simple measures:

Rules for the care of a pharaoh dog

  1. If the dog did not have time to get very dirty on a walk, it is not necessary to drag it into the bathtub. Wiping with a damp gauntlet will suffice.
  2. If the naughty girl after the walk is too dirty, in this case it will still have to be washed.
  3. During bathing, you can use baby shampoo. It should never be applied to wool. It is pre-bred in water.
  4. Regular nail clipping, eye and auricle cleaning are required.

Representatives of this breed are not characterized by any specific diseases.

Important! A characteristic feature of such dogs is a thin layer of fat. Therefore, for the winter, the pet needs to prepare warming clothes. Otherwise, a faithful friend may catch a cold.

Walking is good for any dog ​​age. Being even at the age of two months, the puppy is happy to walk around the house, while receiving the first ideas about the world around him. Doggie intensively remembers the sounds he heard, gradually begins to get used to them. Walking is carried out on a leash. This puppy is already accustomed to order. If at this age he is released alone, then he will certainly run away somewhere, since the new world surrounding him is very interesting for him.

In no case should you allow the "pharaoh" at this time to adult dogs. Its bones are still fragile and not yet strong, and an adult dog can harm them. At the age of 2.5 months, the puppy can be taught to send his natural needs out on the street. This will greatly facilitate the care of him. When the dog becomes an adult, she needs long walks. A dog on a walk must run for at least two hours. It is better if the dog is walked twice a day. Once this is done in the morning, and the second time after dinner.

The dog should run around and should not be forbidden to do so. But you can not let the pet off the leash. In pursuit of prey, he will not listen to the owner. On walks, classes should be diverse in nature. The same training will quickly tire him. They are reluctant to perform monotonous and tedious commands, but in the game the dog is very active and practically does not feel tired.

Winter time is not an obstacle for walking. But in the cold, the dog is very cold. This is due to the fact that it has a very thin fat layer. If it’s frosty outside, it's a good idea to wear a warm jacket for your dog. When it is very cold, of course, walks shorten the time.


The dog's diet should be characterized by maximum balance. If there is not enough time to prepare the dog food, you can use the food provided by the prepared feed. Feed should only be of the highest quality. Buying cheap feeds should not save on the health of the dog. Natural "dog dishes" are distinguished by a variety of options. Food, along with meat, should include foods such as cottage cheese, cereals. Be sure to have vegetables in the diet.

Feeding pharaoh dogs

Do not give a large amount of fruit. They may cause allergic reactions. You should never give the dog too much food without providing it with the possibility of sufficient physical exertion. Overeating the dog is harmful, as this can lead to health problems.

In general, there are usually no problems with the nutrition of the pharaohs. At first, puppies have enough mother’s milk. When he settles in a new house, gradually he can be accustomed to adult food. As the puppy grows older, the serving volume also increases. It is better if at the very beginning he will be given kefir and mashed minced meat.

Training Basics

Pet training involves a number of points:

  1. These dogs are quite easy to educational activities. In the classroom, after a dog performs one or another trick, it must be encouraged. Rudeness and violence should never be used in class.The dog simply will not tolerate such an attitude. In the absence of sufficient time for training, you can seek the help of professional dog handlers. With independent training, the necessary knowledge can be gleaned from specialized literature. It is well known that the pharaohs are extremely negative about the same type of training.
  2. The first team will be “Come to me!”. She needs to be taught a dog first. Guided by the hunting instinct, the dog can simply run away from the owner.

Raising such a dog is not so difficult. The main thing is the correct construction of each lesson.

Video: Pharaoh Hound

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