Dates during pregnancy - benefits and harms

The fruits of dates are not just a tasty and nutritious fruit. This is an amazing oriental delicacy, with which many beliefs and legends are associated. Dates are known to man for more than one millennium. Muslims keep a strict fast once a year - for 40 days they can eat and drink only after sunset, in the daytime you can’t eat anything. So, in the period of this strict fasting, the first thing in the diet of a person who has been eating nothing all day should be dates. These nutritious fruits give strength for a long time, saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Even in the desert, when the caravans went on long trips, dates were always taken with them - they are well stored, perfectly quench their thirst, and allow to get enough of a small amount of product. Knowing the benefits and value of dates, they are offered to pregnant women, because they need a double portion of nutrients.

Dates during pregnancy

Useful properties of dates during pregnancy

Dates are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic and fatty acids, various trace elements and vitamins. Date is a quick source of energy, it contains fructose, glucose, sucrose. The calorie content of dates is quite high, but the product is very satisfying, only 3-4 fruits will help you satisfy your hunger. This is a unique product that must be introduced into the diet of a pregnant woman.

  1. Against insomnia. Future mothers know that the longer the pregnancy, the more difficult it is to find a comfortable sleeping position. Frequent urges to urinate, stuffiness, swelling, heaviness in the abdomen, pain and sipping, crushed sides, inability to sleep on the back and stomach, nerves - all this interferes with normal sleep. Dates contain almost all B vitamins, which favorably affect the state of the nervous system. Only 5 fruits of dates before bedtime will help you cope even with chronic insomnia.
  2. Against stretch marks. The composition of dates has tocopherol - vitamin E, the content of which directly affects the condition and elasticity of your skin. The more dates you eat, the more hydrated your skin will be. This will allow her to stretch without breaks.
  3. Folic acid. Dates are especially useful to eat in the early stages of pregnancy, because the fruits contain such important folic acid for expectant mothers. Folic acid is the most important vitamin that you should drink during pregnancy, from the very planning stage until the 14th week, until all the baby's organs are fully formed. Folic acid reduces the risk of fetal neural tube pathologies.
  4. For hair and nails. Many future mothers complain that their hair and nails during pregnancy often break, literally crumble and crumble. The thing is lack of vitamins. The baby grows and takes the lion's dose of nutrients from the mother’s body, this affects the teeth, hair, nails and skin. Dates have a lot of calcium, phosphorus and iron, which makes hair shiny and strong.
  5. For concentration. Dates have a unique ability - they quickly bring a person to life, increase mental activity and attention, improve memory, and overall performance increases. This is especially useful for pregnant women who continue to work and study. It is especially important to carry dates in the first trimester of pregnancy, when toxicosis tends to sleep, distraction, weakness and apathy appear.
  6. For the nerves. The future mother is often nervous. For the most part, hormones are to blame for this - they make a woman tearful, irritable, nervous.But often there are problems at work related to pregnancy, the woman seems to be ugly, the future mother is worried about financial and housing problems. All this shakes the condition of a pregnant woman. Dates contain a sedative component, which will help you to establish a psycho-emotional background, relieve irritation, become more stress-resistant
  7. Swelling. Sweet fruits not only enhance mood and delight the eye. Dates have a diuretic effect, they can be used in the fight against edema and excess fluid in the body.
  8. For childbirth. Often, women are given several fruits of dates before childbirth. During strong fights, a woman cannot eat normally - it is simply impossible. But you need a bite to eat - she needs strength for attempts, especially if the delivery lasts more than 6 hours. Dates are the perfect solution, fructose and glucose will give the future mother energy. And dates also contain oxytocin, which stimulates contractions and accelerates the delivery process. In addition, fructose in the composition of dates stimulates the production of milk - this means that immediately after giving birth, mom will have colostrum.
  9. Against toxicosis. The dates contain a huge amount of potassium, which allows you to remove the intoxication of the body, it delivers more oxygen to the brain. And most importantly, the sweet taste of dates allows you to suppress the unpleasant feeling of nausea with toxicosis. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman cannot eat normally due to constant vomiting. If you eat 10-15 dates a day, you can not worry - the baby will receive all the necessary food.
  10. For hemoglobin. The dates contain a decent amount of iron, this allows you to use the fruit as the best remedy for anemia. Regular consumption of dates will help a woman get rid of dizziness, nausea and weakness.

And dates are a great substitute for harmful sweets. Standing in a store in front of the counter with delicacies, try not to choose cream cakes and pastries, but dried fruits - they are just as tasty, but much more useful for the body. This will help you to not overhang the drooping sides by the end of pregnancy, and after giving birth you can quickly return to your previous weight.

Harm of dates

There are practically no contraindications to the consumption of this useful product - so the fruit is safe and harmless. Dates rarely cause allergies. But with diabetes, they should be discarded - they contain a huge amount of glucose. Another caveat for the use of dates is a delayed intestinal perilstatics. The fruits give a long feeling of satiety due to the fact that they are digested for a long time. With regular use of dates, constipation can occur. Also, dates are not recommended for gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Before you decide to enjoy this sweetness, thoroughly rinse the fruits - clay or earth may get stuck in the folds of the skin. This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous - pathogenic bacteria can live there. Another warning about dates - they can not be eaten with citrus fruits. Two fruits in combination can cause severe indigestion, separate these foods.

Dates can be eaten fresh or dried, often only dried fruits are sold in stores in our country. Fresh dates are often added not only to desserts, but also to sauces for meat and fish - this makes the taste of the dish more piquant. From dried dates make flour and use it in the preparation of sweet pastries. Eat dates in any form - the fruits guard your health!

Video: the benefits and harms of dates for the body

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