Finnish Lapphund - breed description and dog character

The Finnish Lapphund breed is also called the Finnish Lappish Laika. They belong to the Arctic Spitz-shaped dogs. These dogs have always been excellent shepherds. They have a warm fur coat that allows them to easily live in the Arctic climate. In addition, the Laphund have good health and good-natured character, they adapt well to different conditions. The family becomes all your favorite pets.

Finnish lapphund

Origin history

This breed appeared many centuries ago. Researchers believe that the Lapphund are the first dogs to live in the northern lands. The breed is common in Norway, Sweden and Finland.

They used to be used as cargo dogs, as guards for homes and pastures. Lopar huskies in the 17th century were assistants in grazing deer, drove them into corrals. And reindeer herding at that time was very popular. But the breed was not deliberately bred.

Only in the 20th century did breeders pay attention to the breed. In 1945, a standard was developed. International organizations recognized the breed only in 1955, and the standard was registered in 1975.


The Lapphundas were tamed by people for a very long time, and were used by them to carry out various work. This influenced the formation of the character of the Lopar huskies. They are very calm, loyal and loyal to the owners.

Such a dog is well suited for a family in which there are children of any age, since they perfectly find a common language with them. Even if there are other pets in the house, you can not be afraid that the Lapphund you bought will begin to conflict with them. Representatives of the breed get along well with them. But males can fight for dominance with other dogs. Another feature of the Lapphounds is the hunter instinct. It is necessary to make sure that during the walk the dog does not break out and does not run after any animal. But, if the animal lives with him under one roof, the dog will not hunt him. Lapphund strangers are wary. In general, they are non-aggressive, but they will make a noise when a stranger appears.

If you describe the character of Lapphund briefly, then it can be characterized in three words: they are brave, good-natured and cheerful. To people whom the dog does not know, he will show curiosity. But it is very important that the puppy is used to communication since childhood, otherwise the dog will grow up timid and will hide in the presence of strangers.

They bark loudly, they have excellent hearing and sense of smell, which is why good watchmen are made from lapphounds. Having a Lopar like, you will know in advance that someone is going to visit. But the guard from this dog will not work. They are not aggressive enough to strangers.

Breed description

Outwardly males can be distinguished from females. Bitches are more elegant in appearance, and also have a milder character. Representatives of the breed weigh 25-30 kg. Height - 40-52 cm. In this case, bitches are slightly lower than males. All lapphounds are active and curious.

Description of the Finnish Lapphund breed

Consider the standards in more detail:

  1. The head is wedge-shaped, the forehead is wide. The facial muscles are well developed, the jaw is powerful.
  2. The teeth have a scissor bite. The nose is black, mobile.
  3. The eyes are oval. The standard does not provide for any specific eye color, but it is desirable that they be brown.
  4. The ears are triangular, with sharp tips. They are medium in size, but look small due to the thick coat that surrounds them. They respond to sound instantly.
  5. The body is square, has developed muscles. The back is straight. The chest is elongated, has an oval shape.
  6. The limbs are straight and long. The rear is stronger than the front.
  7. Paws are large, oval, have convex pads.
  8. The tail is medium in length.

Features of color and coat

Lapphund have a thick coat and undercoat. This is common to all dogs that live in northern areas. And this is precisely what allows dogs to stay warm when they are in the cold for a long time. The outer coat is stiff and the undercoat is softer. Lapphund have elongated hair on the chest and neck, as well as on the tail and limbs.

The standard does not provide for strict requirements for color and coat. This applies to many working breeds. In this case, only the invoice matters.

The only requirement for color is the predominance of one color over the other. The main color can be combined with a different color, so all representatives of the breed are different from each other in appearance.


When training Finnish Lapphounds, you need to be persistent and patient. They lend themselves well to training, as they have excellent intelligence and patience. But the dog’s tendency towards independence and independence can interfere with training.

Finnish Lapphund Training

It is important that the dog understands that the owner is its leader, otherwise after you give any command, the dog will consider various options for action. Rudeness and injustice in relation to the Lapphund is unacceptable.

Often, the owners of these dogs believe that dogs are already smart enough, and they don’t need either socialization or training. But this is not so. If you do not raise a dog from puppyhood, then the dog can grow stubborn and naughty. This will bring a lot of problems to the owner.

When educating and training Lapphounds, it is very important to follow some rules.

  1. Classes should be regular so that the dog does not forget the command.
  2. When training the owner must show respect for the dog. Cruel treatment or physical punishment is not permitted.
  3. The first workouts should not last too long. You should not be engaged in the same team for a long time. The dog may lose interest in her. Therefore, diversity is very important here.

Lapphundas are not only very smart, but also hardy. They are used in sports competitions, they are excellent lifeguards. In addition, Finnish Lapphounds are trained in order to be used in canister therapy. This means that they help treat patients according to a special technique using animals.

When you decide to buy a dog of this breed, it is important to understand that huskies must be constantly provided with physical activity. These dogs can run for a very long time, not paying attention to any bad weather. This breed has passed many tests in northern conditions, getting used to snowstorms and drifts.


As already mentioned, Finnish Lapphund just need to provide physical activity. These dogs are not suitable for a short walk around the house. Such a dog should walk for about an hour. At the same time, walking should include active games and running.

Finnish Lapphund Care

But otherwise, these dogs are unpretentious. Wool practically does not get off and does not get dirty. However, you still need to take care of her. To do this, you should purchase a brush that is suitable specifically for long-haired dogs. If the dog lives in the house, it is advisable to comb it almost every day. If he is kept in the yard, you can comb out the dog less often. It will be enough twice a week.

Especially the wool needs care during molting. The fallen out wool needs to be combed out often with special accuracy. If you do this regularly, your pet’s fur will look beautiful. It is enough to bathe representatives of this breed several times a year.

Ears should be inspected and cleaned regularly. It is advisable to wipe the eyes with a decoction of chamomile or water.

If the dog constantly lives on the street, then his claws grind themselves. If necessary, they need to be cut once a month.If the pet lives in an apartment or house, then it is advisable to cut its nails every week. With the same frequency you need to brush your teeth.

It is important to consider that these dogs are accustomed to the cold, so hot weather is poorly tolerated. If the climate is too hot, or in your area in summer the temperature rises to high levels, then the dog must be protected from the sun. Walking is best done in the early morning and late evening.


Representatives of this breed have very good health. But still you need to make sure that the animal does not have urolithiasis. To prevent this, it is necessary to give the dog more water, minerals and vitamins must be present in the diet.

Among the diseases that the Finnish Lapphund breed representatives most often occur, the following are distinguished:

  • Eye diseases.
  • Dysplasia of large joints.


The main thing is that the dog’s nutrition is varied. He should receive all the substances necessary for health. If the dog lives in the yard, it is important to provide it with more high-calorie food than those who live in the apartment. This is especially true for the winter months.

Dog breed Finnish Lapphund

If you cook porridge for a dog yourself, add animal fats and vegetables there. Porridge is boiled in water or broth. You can add milk. Porridge and vegetables should make up a third of the diet. Legumes and potatoes should not be added to food. The basis of nutrition should be meat and fish.

If you do not want to cook the dog yourself, or you do not have time for this, you can feed the lapphunda and dry food. It is very important that the feed is of high quality. If you feed your pet with ready-made food, keep in mind that it already contains vitamins and supplements. Therefore, they do not need to be given additionally.

It is better for an adult dog to give the daily norm of food in parts. It is advisable to feed the dog at least half an hour before the walk, so that the dog rests and the food is assimilated.


It is best to buy such a dog for those who have a private house with a large territory around. After all, representatives of this breed are especially in need of movement. If the owners do not have time to walk the dog, the dog will be able to run on her own for as long as she wishes.

Lapphund can be kept in the yard. They may well sleep even just in the snow, as the breed has become accustomed to severe frosts for centuries. If you live in an area with a hot climate, it is better to give preference to another breed. Otherwise, you simply doom the dog to constant suffering. If you want to buy a lapphund while living in an apartment, think in advance whether you will have time to provide your pet with the long walks and active games that he needs so much.

Buying a puppy

In Finland and other northern countries, this breed is very popular. In Russia, the Finnish Lapphund is rare. If a Russian wants to get a good representative of this breed, he will have to make an effort to find a good nursery.

There are many advertisements for the sale of Lopar huskies. But, if the seller cannot provide you with documents for the dog, then you run the risk of buying a crossbreed or husky of a different breed.

Finnish Lapphund costs about 45-60 thousand rubles. Such a price will have to pay for a purebred representative who is distinguished by good health. If you want to get a representative of the breed related to the show class, you will have to pay an even larger amount.

By acquiring a Finnish Lapphund, you will receive a true friend. With these active dogs do not have to be bored.

Video: dog breed finnish lapphund

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