Finnish Spitz - description of the breed and nature of the dog

Finnish spitz is called cute cheerful huskies. These dogs have a friendly, but at the same time militant character. Their body is covered with thick wool of dark orange color. The dog belongs to the representatives of the original northern breeds. The Finns call him a red dog. He is their longtime friend and trusted assistant. The dog is distinguished by its expressed versatility and is a national symbol and pride of Finland.

Finnish Spitz

Historical reference

The ancestors for this breed are dogs of the ancient Finno-Ugric northern tribes. The sensible red dog is very similar to a large fox. They served the Ugric tribes and Finns as faithful helpers in the hunt. Dogs could protect cattle from wild animals and helped guard the places where people lived. Harnessed them in a sled in order to pull the luggage. It is safe to say that the history of Spitz began thousands of years ago.

These dogs were introduced to the world by Pierre Martin de Lamantiere. He was French by origin, was engaged in medical and research activities, and was also an avid traveler. He described everything that was characteristic of the half-wild Scandinavian people.

Time passed, during which there was a complete lack of system in the crossing of dogs. This led to a sharp reduction in the number of breeding dogs. These dogs began to revive only at the end of the 19th century. The moment has come, and the breed was introduced to the Finnish Kennel Club. And it happened back in 1892. Dogs of this breed were listed in the Stud Book. A little later, certain minor adjustments were made to the standard. This led to a more specific breed, which made it possible to distinguish it from other similar species.

Then came the time of the First World War, and a little later, the revolution in Russia. Somehow they forgot about the breed, because it was simply not before that. Again, these dogs were contacted only in the 20s of the last century. In the Soviet state, these dogs were perceived as Karelian-Finnish huskies. This was not entirely true, since there was a mixture of dogs belonging to different breeds.

In the 70s of the last century by the Canadian Kennel Club, this breed found a place in the local Stud Book. The year 1987 was marked by an event in which the breed received official international recognition. Now it is the national pride of Finland.

What is this breed intended for?

The main destination, of course, is hunting. Such dogs, when they see the game, begin to flood with a loud bark. By turning her head, she indicated the direction of the prey. Such a dog is taken for hunting when they hunt capercaillie, black grouse, and partridge. She will become a good helper when hunting for a squirrel, marten, sable. Much less often, these dogs are used when hunting a large beast. Finns are very positive about the working qualities of these dogs. The Spitz will never become the champion of any exhibition, unless he proves that he has good hunting qualities.

Standard description

The dog is distinguished by excellent posture and proportional lean build. Externally, there is a great resemblance to a fox. But this is observed only in young individuals. As they grow older, this similarity disappears. Adult males grow up to 50 cm, and weight can reach 13 kg. Females differ in more modest parameters. The breed is characterized by the following features:

Description of the standard of the Finnish Spitz

  1. The head has a considerable volume with some smooth expansion in the direction of the ears. The superciliary arches, the occipital protuberance, and the frontal groove are poorly defined.The nose with an elongated straight back, has an average width. There is a good severity of the nose. She is black. The narrow muzzle is characterized by pronounced dryness. The lips are pigmented, fit tightly. The presence of a bite in the form of scissors is characteristic.
  2. Almond shaped eyes. Their somewhat slanting staging is characteristic. Eye color is brown or dark brown. The darker it is, the higher the score. There are elements of attentiveness and some liveliness in the look.
  3. The head has a high setting of ears. They are somewhat pointed and have a triangular shape. The mobility of the ears leads to high sensitivity, even if the sound is low in strength.
  4. The neck is of medium length with a strong and muscular character. The scruff is well defined.
  5. The body has a square-rectangular type, strong build, with pronounced relief muscles. The width of the chest is moderate, with good signs of development. The body has a short, strong and straight back. Dogs are not inclined to fullness.
  6. The tail is of medium length with a high landing. It bends to form a ring.
  7. Strong limbs have good pronounced muscles. Paws are close to an oval or circle.
  8. The skin is tight to the body.
  9. The coat on the body is long enough. The undercoat is dense. Short hair covers the muzzle. The tail is covered with a thick and long coat.
  10. The color of the dog with a reddish tint. But in this regard, there are various variations. Saturation of the color of the coat is considered the preferred feature when conducting exhibition events.

Character Features

Dogs exhibit pronounced activity and mobility. This breed behaves very noisily, which causes a lot of trouble to the neighbors if the Finnish husky is kept in the apartment. Dogs differ in a loud voice. This feature is his indispensable attribute, since it is in this way that they inform the owner about hunting when they discover a hunt. At present, in the Finnish state, peculiar competitions are being held, where I choose a dog, which will be titled for the title of “King of Barking”. They choose a representative who barks louder, louder and longer.

Characteristics of the Finnish Spitz

They have a good adaptation to harsh climate conditions. The dog is not afraid of the cold wind and low temperature. Even if she has been in the winter forest for a very long time, this will not affect her in any way. The dog is constantly accompanied by various instincts associated with hunting. She can go for many kilometers after a hunter skiing without feeling tired. When she pursues a game, the presence of deep snow does not interfere with her. In the heat, she feels worse, but after some time she can get used to it.

Vigilance and a loud voice allow her to perfectly serve as a watchman. Better watchdog qualities she will show when freely moving around the yard, and not when sitting on a chain. This dog will probably never get used to a leash and a muzzle. Such dogs need a long walk. But in the conditions of the city to do this is very problematic.

Such dogs always easily contact their relatives and humans. The dog feels especially comfortable next to the children. Spitz requires proper attention. If he does not receive this, then he will seriously and for a long time be offended. Moreover, elements of stubbornness and disobedience begin to prevail in his character.

Spitz has a typically Finnish character with pronounced independence. He treats the stranger with disbelief, and in relation to the owner shows affection and kindness.

Fact! In relation to a person, the dog is completely non-aggressive, and towards its owner shows a pronounced affection and devotion. In its owner, the dog wants to see an imperious and strong personality who would control it.

Dogs have an incredible sense of understanding and a great mind. But at the same time, she is characterized by playfulness and curiosity.


This dog has high rates. But at the same time, it is not without certain problems. They are associated with dysplasia of the hip, elbow and knee joint. The presence of various dislocations may be noted. The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is on average 11-12 years.


Finnish Spitz Care
Finnish husky is a fairly large dog, which is covered with thick fur. Nevertheless, it is unlikely to deliver any special troubles in its maintenance to the owner. In order for the animal to always have a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to regularly care for the hair. When the dog sheds, comb it out much more often. The dog molts twice a year. Does not cause any problems bathing the dog. Do this as necessary.

The best conditions for keeping such dogs is a country house, and not an apartment. There she can walk for a long time through a forest or meadow without a leash. It is necessary for the dog to develop hunting skills. It is important to at least imitate the conditions of the hunt. Without this, the dog will be bored and may just wither. The best for dogs will be a cool climate.

There is no problem feeding such dogs. Such dogs are not demanding for food, and in hunting conditions they can manage with the minimum amount of food of the usual diet. But you should strive for a balanced diet of the dog. In this case, she will receive all the necessary nutrients. The dog loves low-fat meats and fish.

The uniqueness of such dogs lies in the fact that they are able to flood with a barking bark at a speed of 160 times per minute. Not every breed can boast of such a feature.

If someone decides to buy such a puppy, he will have to fork out for 400-500 American green banknotes. Although the price may vary.

Video: dog breed finnish spitz

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