Flanders Bouvier - breed description and dog character

The demand of people for this breed has always been strong, but in recent years it has almost doubled. The Flanders Bouvier is a standard breed of shepherd dogs that has been bred for one purpose only: cattle watching. There is more than one standard breed name: from the Flemish Pik to the Dutch Koehond. Sometimes these dogs are even called a “dirty beard” because of their mustache and beard, which are always soiled in drinking water or food.

Flanders bouvier

Bouvier story

The name of the breed in translation sounds like a bull dog. It is believed that the place of occurrence of these dogs is Flanders, which is currently located in France and together Belgium. If the word bouvier is translated from French, it will mean "shepherd of cows." The name appeared at a time when such a dog was used by shepherds to observe livestock.

It is noteworthy that if we turn to the work of Louis Uygebart, who was a researcher of the breed, we can find out that the breed was selected with the help of the monks serving in the Ter Dyunen Abbey. It was formed at the very beginning of the twelfth century in the west of France. Those monks were in trade relations with the English government, which allowed them to export various breeds from England. Subsequently, crossbreeding of different breeds led to the emergence of several new varieties.

For many years, Bouvier was considered hard workers, working class dogs. The dogs were at the farms, acting as a guard and a shepherd. Sometimes you could see how they transported carts full of provisions.

The very first representatives of the breed were very simple, rustic and rude and uncouth. Among the ancestors of the dogs were greyhounds of British descent. Later, as a result of selection, the dog appeared to the world, having a rather coarse coat. This animal now acts as the ancestor of the Flanders Bouvier.

Such dogs were considered:

  • great hunters;
  • terrific watchmen;
  • upscale farm assistants and shepherds.

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, there is no information about the development of the breed. And just before the war, they began to pay attention to the development of Bouvier, since the international exhibition of dogs that took place in Brussels had two Flanders Bouvier in the list of participants, which later became standard patterns. Already in 1913, this breed began to enjoy the honor and respect of the French association of dog breeders.

After a couple of decades, the breed standard was adopted, but you could still come across different opinions about branches of the Flanders Bouvier. These differences came to naught in the second half of the last century, and in 1965 a new standard was adopted. Currently, in some countries a lot of attention is paid to breeding Flanders.

Features of the standard of this breed

Currently, these dogs are still classified as shepherd dogs. The following important proportions and nuances can be noted:

  • strong and developed paws;
  • the body length of the dog is approximately equal to the growth of the bouvier at the withers;
  • the back is a flat, expanded chest;
  • powerful limbs;
  • the head is heavy, large, there is a mustache and beard;
  • the neck is massive, muscular, short;
  • the nose is decorated with a small protrusion;
  • lips are pigmented according to color;
  • the eye is correct, the color is close to black shades;
  • ears must be stopped, their stand is vertically straight.

The Flanders Bouvier has a massive neck, which bends at a smooth angle to the body. The chest and shoulder blades are wide, the stomach is not hollow. The torso indicates secret power, the muscles are strong. The tail is docked, sometimes the breed includes a Bouvier without a tail. The coat is stiff, very thick, but not long. Sometimes in the black coat of wool there are spots or tan marks of a red color.

Characteristics of the Bouvier

If we talk about the character, then the opinion about it is usually positive for many breeders and owners. The dog is very balanced, calm, partly phlegmatic. Often different affection for one of the family members, but this does not mean that the pet will not love others. It will only be necessary to prevent mistakes in the upbringing of this pet, to treat him with love and respect. Then he will become a wonderful guard and pet.

Characteristics of the Bouvier

The Flanders Bouviers are very calm, rarely they can be seen showing high activity. Those owners who can not harm the dog psyche and properly conduct the process of training will receive a real gift in the guise of a dog.

Bouvier is not particularly obsessive, trying not to interfere with family members within the apartment. But in the process of walking or in the ring can show all the necessary character traits. For example, one of the most famous qualities of Bouvier is his unconditional courage and strong grip. Very responsibly, the dog takes on all the responsibilities that lie on his shoulders. The Flanders Bouvier will experience maximum confidence when there is an owner nearby. The character of the dog of this breed also has notes of perseverance. It will not be possible to force the dog to some act or behavior if he himself does not want it.

Bouvier is a very faithful and obedient dog. Very hardworking, curious and good-natured. At the same time, the Flanders Bouvier needs a firm master's hand. But excessive rigor should not be shown. Evolution made a dog a stubborn animal, but you can not use force to overcome this trait of character. And it’s certainly forbidden to punish Bouvier without a good reason. Sometimes a pet can be mean or start fooling around when a playful and puppy mood wakes up in him, but Bouvier is not stupid at all.

Food for Flanders Bouvier

The bright and well-established character that each representative of the breed of the Flanders Bouvier possesses determines that the issue of dog feeding must be approached with special attention. Only through the intake of quality food will the animal be able to replenish the supply of energy, and this will not result in significant damage to health. Many breeders of these dogs, while in Belgium or France, are of the general opinion that it is preferable to use dry food. It is necessary to opt for a properly balanced and properly selected diet so that the dog does not experience further problems with the digestive system.

Until the puppy is six months old, it is recommended to feed him three times a day, and then offer food twice a day for the next six months. And only after a year does it make sense to transfer the pet to a single meal. It is advisable not to mix natural and dry types of feed during such feeding.

If you want to feed your pet natural homemade food, then you need to make a diet of lean meat, including poultry, occasionally offering the dog eggs (approximately every couple of days). You can feed cereals, and it is even recommended to use vegetables for inclusion in the diet. It is best to divide the amount of feed into morning and evening meals.

It is very important to ensure that the dog does not remain with a dirty beard after eating.

It is unlikely that they will be able to provide an accurate answer on how to properly feed the dog. It is advisable to move smoothly from one feed to another if there is a need for a sharp change in diet.If you get a puppy of the Flanders Bouvier who took such food from another owner that does not suit you, then it is recommended to change the feed very smoothly.

Keeping a puppy and raising a dog

It can be stated with certainty that the Flanders Bouvier has a late development, but this does not affect the intellect of the dog, but its character. Full maturation of the animal ends only at the age of 3 years maximum, and the total life expectancy of about 11 years. Being a puppy, Bouvier is very attached to the owner, requires long-term attention from him and always misses the owner. As you grow older, it is recommended to change the diet, over time reducing the amount of elements in food.

Dog breed Flanders Bouvier

Males mature for mating by about two years, and bitches after the third estrus ends. Usually the litter includes about 7-8 puppies, but most often up to six.

Bouvier is little affected by negative factors and various diseases. During the evolution of the dogs, nature has taken care that the dogs have amazing health. They rarely have mental disorders or genetic diseases. The "Achilles heel" of this breed is only the joints.

Usually, with strangers, the dog behaves calmly, and with older people or babies the Bouvier behaves kindly, at any time being ready to protect them.

  1. It is very important to engage in the development of Bouvier muscles, walking with him for up to half an hour with each walk. If you are fond of jogging or cycling, the dog will be happy to keep you company.
  2. Clean and comb the pet's coat.
  3. It is recommended to cut the dog’s beard and mustache.

It will be best if the pet lives with the owner in the countryside, outside the city. But it is not recommended to restrict the movement of the Bouvier, using a chain, aviary or cage. However, the dog can also live in urban conditions, you just need to remember the importance of walking. Also, if the animal is still in puppyhood, you will need to regularly take it outside, providing the opportunity to be outdoors.

Do not leave the pet in the house alone for too long. And in other moments, it’s easy to look after the Flemish Bouvier, and such a dog will gladly turn for you into a faithful companion for life.

Flanders Bouvier Training

Dogs of this breed love to be near the owner. The Flanders Bouvier has good intellectual data, and this is always taken into account in the issue of training. In this case, sometimes the dog can show a certain tenacity and even independence. If he decides not to do something, then it is impossible to resist. Therefore, while training the Flanders Bouvier, you should stock up on a tremendous amount of patience and endurance in advance.

It is worth remembering that the Flanders Bouvier can remain cheerful dogs with childish character, despite even old age. They usually do not cast their voices while in any room or house, demonstrating a balanced and calm character.

A dog can perceive strangers with excessive suspicion, but at the same time these animals are very attentive to old people and small children.

Video: dog breed Flanders Bouvier

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