Smooth Fox Terrier - breed description

The smooth-haired fox-terrier is an ideal dog for people with an active lifestyle. As a family member you will find them loyal, affectionate and attractive, over time they become very attached to the owner. Active and inquisitive, she will be happy to share with you your walks, trips and active games.

Smooth Fox Terrier

Breed history

Smooth Fox Terrier - a breed of hunting dogs; the first breed in the Terrier family to be officially recognized by The Kennel Club (circa 1875).

The first data on the ancestors of the fox terrier date from Art. BC in the information of the Roman conquerors who arrived on the British Isles. The development of a smooth-haired terrier as a breed has not been officially documented, but the dog has been known as a special breed in England since the 18th century, as illustrated by illustrations in old hunting books. The first documentary evidence of the Fox Terrier appeared in 1790, when Colonel Thornton painted the portrait of his Pitch dog.

The historical profession of a smooth-haired fox-terrier is fox hunting. The breed is highly respected in hunting circles, because fox terriers were less likely to make mistakes in close hunting, easily pushing foxes out of their den into an open area. Their small size allowed them to penetrate the fox hole, and powerful paws helped to pursue prey.


A smooth-haired fox-terrier is a courageous, active dog, clearly focused on any task that he is given. Excellent vision and sharp scent, size and endurance made him a great hunter and defender, as well as a great partner for active games.

  1. Smooth-haired fox-terrier - a medium-sized dog, lively, mobile and active.
  2. Breed classification: Smooth Fox Terrier is a member of the Terrier Group.
  3. Size: males no more than 39 cm in size at the withers, females - in the range of 33-36 cm. At the withers.
  4. Weight: males weigh from 7.3 to 8.2 kg, ideal weight for females is from 6.8 to 7.7 kg.
  5. Age perspective: The life expectancy of a smooth-haired fox terrier is from 12 to 15 years.
  6. Build: Skull flat, moderately tapering to the eyes.
  7. The forehead is small.
  8. The muzzle gradually narrows to a black nose.
  9. The eyes are small, the color of the eyes is dark.
  10. V-shaped ears with a fold are located above the level of the skull and are adjacent to the temples.
  11. The neck is elastic and muscular.
  12. The chest is medium in size, not wide, with moderately curved ribs.
  13. The back is short.
  14. The forelegs are straight, straight with an imperceptible transition to the metacarpals. The hind limbs are even and powerful. The front and hind limbs of the Fox Terrier move parallel to each other when walking. The elbows move perpendicular to their body. Paws are round, with hard pads.
  15. Color: A smooth fox terrier can be solid white, white with brown, dogs of black coloring are found, with black and brown spots. White color is dominant.
  16. Wool. Flat, smooth coat, dense and plentiful. The coat is predominantly white with black or brown markings.
  17. Bite: scissor-like, where the upper teeth neatly overlap the lower.


Fox Terriers are sloppy, fearless, loyal dogs that love to walk outdoors. Designed for hunting, the Fox Terriers still enjoy running and digging, and they are happy to do so with children of all ages.

Smooth Fox Terrier Character

A smooth-haired fox-terrier is a smart dog, but it can be a little stubborn, like most terriers.Learning is relatively easy, but owners need to be consistent and solid. Fox terriers are prone to excessive barking. This trait is classic for terriers and can be difficult to train with a dog. This makes the Fox Terriers great guard dogs, but bad neighbors.

Training sessions should begin early and be held with a firm but gentle hand. Praise is a good motivator, but food works best. As soon as the Fox Terrier finds out that there is something in the training that benefits him (refreshments), he will quickly begin to execute commands. Dogs should be focused on learning new things that could stop the Fox Terrier from doing mischief in the house, especially when he is left alone. They are moving dogs that need a family with an active lifestyle, but for the discreet owners, these terriers are a great family pet.

Fox terriers are children at heart and love to play with children, but they are too active for children under 6 or 7 years old. They play rudely, and the sonorous voices of children and their tendency toward sharp actives can make them look like prey. That is, inciting the fox terrier to a bite in an excited state. Fox terriers can also protect their food and toys, which can cause problems. As with all dogs, it is necessary to teach children the right way to communicate with the fox terrier, as well as to control any interactions between the dog and small children, to prevent bites. Do not leave the Fox Terrier or small children in private.

Fact! If the fox terriers feel that their family members are in danger or at risk, they will prove to be excellent defenders.

Fox terriers are very aggressive towards other dogs, such a dog often provokes animals and participates in dog fights. Fox terriers tend to chase rabbits, birds, cats and a variety of small animals. Extremely freedom-loving, they will do their best to break out of the fenced area, undermining, or to break off the leash. Therefore, to tame a dog for walks on a leash should be from an early age, so that for him it would not look like a punishment. No matter how much you trust your fox terrier, you must always keep it close.

Dogs are characterized by a jealous character, prone to domination, so if other animals live in the house, you should socialize the Fox Terrier from an early age.

Fox terriers form a strong bond with their families and love spending time with their owners. They become unhappy when they are alone for long periods of time, so they are best suited for people who work at home. If you leave the dog unattended, this can lead to the fact that they destroy everything around the house or in the house, which is the way the dog gets rid of the stress that they experience, entertain themselves. When planning long trips, you should take care of placing the dog in a shelter or nursery. In general, the Fox Terrier is a friendly, loyal and affectionate dog.


Fox terriers are a hardy breed in general, without serious health problems, but some diseases of these dogs tend to be both individual and non-specific. The hardy constitution of the breed and the known longevity have never led to the need to test the breed for clinical or hereditary pathologies.

Advice! When choosing a fox terrier puppy, be sure to check out his pedigree and vaccination schedule.

The most common ailments are deafness and various visual impairments, such as dislocation of the lens, distichiasis and cataract, glaucoma. The breed is prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including Legg-Perthes disease, myanesty and dislocation of the patella.There are known cases of diagnosing idiopathic epilepsy, goiter, diabetes, Wolman’s disease and cancer in this dog breed.

Maintenance and care

Maintenance and maintenance of the Fox Terrier
This breed feels great both in a hot, sunny climate, and in a moderate cool. Despite the fact that the fox terrier is small, life in the apartment does not quite suit him. A dog of this breed will certainly need a secure fenced yard or long active walks in the fresh air, where he can actively spend time. A smooth-haired fox-terrier needs about 30-45 minutes of vigorous exercise per day, as well as many games on a leash in the yard to save him from a bad mood. They love toys and balls, as well as outdoor games in the water.

Fox terrier puppies are hard to resist, but keep in mind that they will need a lot of attention and training when growing up. After all, the fox terriers are very active and whacky dogs, which are quite difficult to get, adheres to certain rules and train manners and skills. If you manage to tame the character of this dog, in return you will receive a lively and welcoming companion.

To maintain good shape, feed the fox terrier twice a day with high-quality food. Determine the serving size depending on the size, age, structure, metabolism, and level of activity of the dog. In an average dog of this breed, two bowls of dry food are enough. Do not forget that the food for your pet should contain the necessary substances and trace elements, which contributes to the active life and good health of the dog. You can diversify the diet by adding cereals, boiled meat and vegetables to it, alternating with dry food.

Pet Care:

  1. Caring for a smooth-haired fox-terrier is quite easy, as they are small, short-haired dogs. To remove the dead undercoat, it is enough to comb the dog with a rubber glove or a stiff brush once a week.
  2. Regular baths are not needed - resort to this if the dog is significantly dirty. On average, it’s enough to bathe the dog once a month. For a perfect wool texture, you can go to a professional groomer. Although it is possible to do it yourself. It should be noted that it is not worth trimming the wool, as this changes its dense texture, making it soft, which can lead to a loss of shine.
  3. Check your pet’s ears weekly for signs of infection, irritation, or contamination. They should be cleaned regularly with a veterinarian approved care product and a cotton ball.
  4. Brush your teeth at least once a week to prevent plaque buildup and to prevent gum disease.
  5. If the claws do not grind naturally enough - it is necessary to cut them with a frequency of once a month.

For this type of dog, tail docking is a rarity, today only the owners whose pets participate in exhibitions do it, and accordingly, this is not necessary at all.

Video: Fox Terrier Dog Breed

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