Gladysh - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the fungus

Smoothie as soon as not called. He is a yellow hollow, and a bluish lump, and a yellow pig. However, scientists thought that it should belong to the common lactarius.


This mushroom does not enjoy special honor in people. Mushroom pickers remember it only in the case of a lean year of other mushrooms, for which they go to the forest because of the desire to pickle them. Although, after the scientists studied the gladysh, it turned out that it is rich in useful substances important for the human body, primarily iodine and phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

What does the gray breast look like?

Recognize the fungus, first of all, if you pay attention to the hat. She has a characteristic feature: in the middle, in the very center, there is a very noticeable dent. The hat itself is very fragile, almost flat, with a smooth and slippery surface, the edges are rounded inward. If the weather is humid or raining, the surface is immediately covered with sticky mucus. In the mushrooms of the youngest, the shape of the hat is quite compact, has a wheel shape, and the hairless edges are tucked very strongly. Growing up, the mushroom's hat opens more and more. Under good conditions, it can reach a diameter of up to 10 - 15 cm.

In a young instance, the color of the hat is brown, but it can also be gray with a lead shade or light gray, almost lilac or lilac. With age, the color becomes more and more uncertain: in a gray-yellow faded range with the presence of a reddish tint. Concentric circles are present, but are expressed rather weakly, mainly in the early stages of development, gradually disappearing with age.

The plates are large and frequent, may be grown or slightly descending, their color is yellow-pink, but grayish-green at the break. You can find out that the mushroom is not so young anymore: you can see on the plates traces of the leaking milky juice of a yellowish color. Spore powder has a light yellow color.

The pulp, although thick, is rather soft. When it is squeezed, juice immediately appears, not very plentiful, the color of which is white, but in air it changes its color, turning green. The smell is not very strong, but rather pungent, as mushroom pickers say, unpleasant.

The leg has a cylindrical shape, with the edges swollen in the center and bottom, inside which there is a cavity. The cavity is formed already at a young age, it is still very neat, but as it grows older it expands more and more. The length can be up to 8 cm, its thickness is 1-3 cm. The dimensions of the legs depend on the environment. The color matches the color of the hat, but may have a lighter shade. Smooth and sticky to the touch.

Fact! The higher the humidity, the more comfortable the yellow house.

Where is it growing?

Where does smoothies grow
This mushroom is a typical forest resident. But he loves very humid forests, with many lakes and swamps. He will definitely choose a place precisely on the outskirts of water sources, where, although humid, it is very light. If there is a desire to collect a large crop of mushroom smoothies, you should go exactly where green moss abundantly grows. It is here that edible milkmen will live. You can immediately harvest a large crop, as they create entire colonies, but often grow individually. They are also found in pine forests if it is wet enough.

Since these mushrooms do not tolerate dry times, they begin to grow only after heavy rains have passed. Therefore, their season begins in mid-July, and lasts until the end of October. Active fruiting occurs at the beginning of autumn, in September, and continues until the rainy season comes to an end.

This mushroom is distinguished by the fact that forest worms do not come close to it due to the content of bitter juice. Therefore, collecting smoothies mushroom, there is always confidence that the entire crop will be clean.

Smoked Salad

If you turn to the reference book, you can find out that this edible mushroom is assigned to category II in taste. But even this fact does not appeal to mushroom pickers, and they more often pass by smoothies in search of other species.

The millers are mostly suitable only for salting, as they are distinguished by their taste - too bitter and burning. To eliminate such bitterness, a laborious process is ahead. Professional processing consists in the fact that you must first soak the mushrooms in cold water for a certain period, and then boil it. All this should be done according to all the rules, otherwise the bitterness will remain. There are several recipes that help make a delicious yellow dish from forest yellow pigs.

Ready-made salted mushrooms turn bright yellow, they are very pleasant to the taste, so you should go to a marshland to collect some smoothies and please your loved ones with an unusual treat.

Video: smoothfish (common lactarius)

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