Greyhound - breed description and dog character

Greyhound is a long-standing breed of greyhounds. The ancestors of these dogs were brought to the territory of Britain, and it was this that served to ensure that the dogs of this breed found their current appearance. Greyhounds were used in the process of creating a considerable number of breeds, which required agility, grace, swiftness and endurance. In many breeds, the English greyhound flows blood: from Whippets, Dobermans and Great Danes, to Hungarian agars and Irish setters.


Greyhound breed characteristics

These dogs have an obedient and unpretentious disposition, their temperament is quite soft and balanced. The Greyhounds have well-developed hunter instincts, they, experiencing pleasure and excitement, can chase after small, quickly moving objects. Greyhound dogs are friendly and always friendly.

Character Features:

  1. They treat young children without aggression, getting along well with them in the same room.
  2. Pretty quickly they begin to feel affection for their masters.
  3. They are suspicious and angry towards people who are unfamiliar to them.
  4. During the walk, the Greyhounds are active, curious.
  5. They can coexist calmly and without conflicts with dogs of other breeds.
  6. The apartment behaves calmly, without excessive activity, often not very noticeable.
  7. Animals of other breeds, for example, with cats, may exhibit hunting habits, so puppies should be raised from childhood.

Dogs of this breed are very stately and have good manners, therefore, just like that, these animals practically do not bark. They have a complaisant and patient character, look proudly.

Greyhound puppies have exorbitant curiosity, they are happy to study a variety of niches, holes and openings. Wires, things and valuables are not recommended to be left in the reach of puppies. Dogs may be tempted to scratch their fangs, so anything in their range can be damaged and bitten. Beat these animals is prohibited, otherwise the dog can move away from the owner.

Greyhound dogs require a kind, patient and respectful attitude. They relate well to the family in which they live, they love every household. But at the same time, they may be distrustful and cautious of babies if they can scoff or squeeze and rattle the dog too much. Once again, it is worth repeating that the dog is unlikely to tolerate mocking and disrespectful behavior. Therefore, if there are babies and very small children in the house, it is not recommended to keep greyhound there. However, to the credit of these animals it is worth saying that the greyhound practically does not show dangerous and strong outbursts of aggression.

It is very rare that this dog bites a person. Small and annoying children can lead to such a reaction, therefore, taking excessive risks is not recommended. But at the same time, situations when a puppy grows up together with a child in a complete idyll are not uncommon. They develop together, become smarter, and therefore become friends. But this is perhaps the exception to the rule, since often the dog is quite old when a child appears in the family.

History of breed origin

One version that many scientists tend to adhere to is that the breed was bred in Britain.However, a separate segment of dog handlers believes that the Greyhound is a direct descendant of the greyhounds from Ancient Egypt. The question of how the Greyhound breed appeared still causes a considerable amount of gossip and controversy. In some ancient Egyptian scriptures, it was possible to find references to a dog with incredible majesty and agility - Greyhound. These dogs were often taken for hunting.

The history of the origin of Greyhound

It is generally accepted that Greyhound is an extremely ancient dog breed. To prove this version, one can cite the drawings of these dogs in several ancient Egyptian tombs. If we consider them in more detail, then we can find that the two breeds have few similarities. A number of dog handlers continue to believe that this greyhound is a direct descendant of the Arab servant, which was brought to the territory of Great Britain in the tenth century.

Mentions of English greyhounds have been sought since the Middle Ages. At that time, they were the main companions and accompanying hunters. One of the British laws dating back to the 11th century reports that a commoner could not carry a greyhound. Only a free resident of the country could have a greyhound as a pet, while he did not have the right to be in close proximity to forest zones.

Around the 18th century, the blood of this breed was diluted with the blood of Spanish galgo. A little later, Lord Oxford founded a hunters club, where they showed greyhounds in the wild. The Lord managed to do a lot of important for the formation of the breed. As an example, it was thanks to this man that the Greyhound was mated to the breed of the Old English Bulldog. This was required so that the greyhounds were more energetic, and the skeleton was strengthened.

A lot of controversy goes about how the name of the breed came about. Probably, the word is derived from the English word "gray" - initially, many dogs of this breed had this color. A more popular version is that the word greyhound is derived from the word crickhound, which literally means "grasshopper dog." This name is due to some qualities of dogs of this breed - from appearance to speed parameters.

The first mention of English greyhounds in Russia dates back to the nineteenth century. First of all, dogs of this breed were taken with them for hunting. After the 17th year of the last century, Greyhounds could rarely be met, but at the end of perestroika, greyhounds again began to be in great demand.

Greyhounds Appearance

The characteristics of this breed are as follows:

Greyhounds Appearance

  • short-haired and smooth-haired dogs, the coat is structurally thin;
  • growth of about 67-77 cm (females - about 70 cm, males - about 74 cm on average);
  • weight in the region of 25-42 kg (males about 28-42 kg, bitches - about 25-33 kg);
  • live on average up to 9-12 years;
  • color can be as follows: red, deer, black or white, brindle, as well as blue.

Like real Britons, the Greyhounds have absolute grace and pride. Their movements are fast, and the gait is distinguished by haste and haste. The dog has a smooth coat, so the owners will not encounter problems that arise when molting greyhounds. In this case, one way or another, care for dog hair is necessary.

The English greyhound looks powerful in appearance, the physique is proportional. Dogs have the addition of an athlete, which is due to their purpose for hunting. The future owner of the dog must be aware that these dogs need constant physical activity, otherwise their shape will not be supported.

Greyhounds are very fast and tireless. Their growth is unusually high, and among other greyhounds, these dogs lead. Greyhounds have the following standards:

  1. The shape of the skull is flat, the head is elongated. The jaw apparatus is massive.
  2. The physique is classic, the muscles are gorgeous. The chest of the Greyhound is deep, the shoulders are quite developed.
  3. The legs are long and are the strongest part of the dog’s body. The hips are powerful, and the pushing power is extremely high.

Care and maintenance of greyhounds

This dog does not need excessive and specific care. In order for the appearance of the dogs to be kept in order, it is necessary to comb it out on a regular basis. Bathing is often not required. Otherwise, due to the high sensitivity of the skin of the Greyhound, they may suffer from inflammation or irritation of the skin.

Careful attention should be paid to the condition in which the claws of the animal are - they need to be trimmed in a timely manner. Excessively long claws in puppies can result in the fact that in the future the paw brush will be formed incorrectly, and this will lead to various injuries. Trim the claws once a week enough.

Special attention must be paid to the teeth of the English greyhound. Otherwise, a plaque may form on them, which will have to be cleaned using the toothpastes intended for dogs.

Greyhound dogs have incredible activity, so they require daily and intense walking. They need to be given the opportunity to run freely and exercise regularly. Before you let go of a greyhound for a run, you need to make sure that there are no other pets nearby that could be the subject of hunting for a greyhound. Also, you need to make sure that the dog does not run near busy freeways.

With regard to feeding, it is most desirable to provide small portions of the dog several times a day. This will reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the dog.

English greyhound character

These dogs are characterized by devotion and courage. They are calm and smart enough, but at the same time show some caution in relation to even the owner. They do not respond positively to strict education, have a sensitivity to the tone of the host's voice commands.

English greyhound character

These dogs need early socialization, otherwise the animal can grow up quite uncertain and timid. A puppy who is not used to society and noise will then become frightened by loud sounds and people who are not familiar to him.

It’s hard enough to train them, but it is required in any case. This will allow the owner and Greyhound to get closer and make friends. Parenting must be gentle and patient. In an apartment, dogs have reduced activity, adore peace and sleep. They hardly bark and are unlikely to be a great watchman.

Greyhound Health

In general, the Greyhounds have good and good health. They practically have no diseases that may be characteristic of representatives of many other dog breeds - especially, this concerns hip dysplasia. However, a large number of these dogs can undergo bone cancer or osteosarcoma. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to consult a veterinarian if the owner notes that the dog suddenly begins to limp.

Greyhounds have a tendency to develop hypothyroidism and hygroma.

It should be understood that dogs of this breed are hypersensitive to medications, which include anesthesia. The life of English greyhounds is an average of 11 to 14 years.

Greyhound Nutrition Features

There are no special and specific recommendations related to eating English greyhounds.

  1. Feeding dogs is supposed to be a balanced feed, which includes all the elements necessary for a greyhound.
  2. An adult dog can eat once a day. Allowed not only dry food, but also made by the owner himself.
  3. Initially, you should get nutritional advice after purchasing a greyhound from a breeder.

Many owners are surprised that the greyhound is not indifferent to homemade food and its leftovers from the owner's table.Accustom them to take this food is quite difficult. Greyhounds have a special picky for food, so the best option is dry food, which can be purchased at every pet store. But you should be careful, since only dry food can turn into constipation in a pet.

The cost of puppies breed Greyhound

Usually Greyhound puppies can be purchased for an amount from 500 to 1200 dollars. The cost depends on how famous her parents are and on what purpose the dog is acquired.

Video: Greyhound dog breed

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