A real chest - description, species, where it grows

In the vastness of our homeland there are quite a lot of varieties of mushrooms, not all of them are useful. Some are poisonous, therefore, can significantly harm. If you are going to the forest soon, then it makes sense to consider whether there are mushrooms in the region. There are many of their varieties that you need to know and be able to distinguish from the rest. A distinctive feature is a white or yellowish tint, a half-hat and a yellow mycelium.

Real chest

Varieties of mushrooms


  1. Mushroom pickers know firsthand what a real breast looks like. He is considered a leader among salted products, ideal for salting. In the process of growing, it is unpretentious about the soil, together with a birch it creates mycorrhiza. It grows in forest zones, mixed forests, places with an accumulation of birches.
  2. If there are no birches, then it settles with spruce and pine trees, but this is extremely rare. The area of ​​growth is unpredictable. In places where mushrooms should definitely be, they may not be. It will take experience to learn how to locate this variety. A well-developed sense of smell is also needed. A specific smell emanates from the fruits themselves and the mycelium in the place of growth of the breasts.
  3. But this criterion is not the only one. You can look for mushrooms in bright and dry areas, it is important that there is grass and shrubs nearby. It makes no sense to go for these mushrooms in damp, swampy and dark areas. Specialists came to the conclusion that the neighbors of the males of territorial growth consider strawberries, bracken, drupes.
  4. This variety begins to bear fruit closer to the onset of the autumn season, when the soil cools to 10 degrees. Look for specimens in the middle latitude. The first fruits are formed in the middle of summer, and in the regions to the south only in August. The collection process comes to an end in the first month of autumn.


  1. Otherwise, this variety is called spruce trees due to the fact that instances can be found in combination with spruce trees. The species has distinctive characteristics, the main of which are taste sensations. The yellow representatives of the species are more satisfying and appetizing than the real ones.
  2. There are also differences in the hat. We are talking about the fact that its surface is smooth and dull, the edges sink to the side of the earth. Mushroom flesh during the slice is not painted in a bluish tint, but remains the same.
  3. As for the areas of growth, these species are found in forest belts with fir, spruce. Yellow specimens love soil with lime. Therefore, in the mountains such fungi grow better. Fruiting originates in July, ends in mid-autumn.

The black

  1. Otherwise, mushrooms are called niggles or pigs. From the true ancestors, this variety is distinguished by a dark shade with a shimmer of greenery. The pulp is pungent, taste is not as pleasant as in other varieties.
  2. It is for these characteristics that in some climatic regions, black mushrooms are ignored, they are simply not collected. The container is easy to clean by boiling or other heat treatment. Soaking also helps. It is worth knowing that in fungi of this type there are a lot of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Similar to the situation with real specimens, they create mycorrhiza in birch forests with these trees. Accordingly, they can be easily found there. Also grow in a mixed strip.
  4. They like light clearings, glades with moss, grass, leafy litter. Found on the outskirts of a forest road. Considering the period of growth, we note that these fungi appear in the middle of summer and finish bearing fruit in early autumn.

Oak Chest

  1. These mushrooms are called oak mushrooms.As the name implies, members of the family prefer to live next to an oak grove, hazel, beech trees.
  2. Therefore, you can find a variety in forests with trees with wide foliage. You can search for specimens in the southern or middle lane. They grow in clay soil. Fruiting is carried out in the middle of summer, ending with the end of the first month of autumn.
  3. The mushroom is not widely known, but to taste it practically does not differ in any way from the real representatives of the group. When collecting it is not necessary to bypass the saffron milk side.

Turning blue

  1. Another spruce tree, which is distinguished by a yellowish pigmented hat and a leg of about the same color. If you make a cut, in this area you will see a cyanotic pigment. Judging by the taste, this mushroom is very tasty, it is often salted and stewed.
  2. Growth is carried out next to the spruce, in some cases it can grow with willows and birches. Found in the forests with spruce trees, it is there that they are harvested.
  3. You can also find the presented species in the mixed strip, where spruce is a rare occurrence. As for larch, here they almost do not grow. You can collect delicious fruits from the end of summer to September.


  1. To taste, the variety is somewhat reminiscent of the previous variety. But there are some differences. You can engage in gathering closer to the fall, the whole process is given only a month, then you can not find a mushroom. However, of course, it all depends on the territory of growth.
  2. If you follow the opinion of mushroom pickers, soaking after collection is given special attention. Due to the fact that the juice is quite caustic, it is necessary to soak a decent amount of time after soaking.


  1. The specimen in question got its name because of the characteristic causticity. Gourmets collect such mushrooms much less often, unlike other species. The problem is that the taste of peppercorns leaves much to be desired.
  2. However, in this case, there is a demand for such specimens and their lovers are found. In addition, it is not always possible to find a good harvest of common milk. It is also worth mentioning that in ancient times pepper mushroom was dried. After that, it was ground and added as a seasoning. It was an alternative to pepper.
  3. A peppered specimen can be distinguished from an ordinary one by a smooth hat. The real breast on the hat has its edges down. Such specimens grow near deciduous trees, in most cases under a birch. Therefore, mushrooms should be harvested mainly in such forests.
  4. In addition, specimens can often be found in pine and spruce forests. However, this phenomenon is quite rare. Such mushrooms prefer clay soil, but at the same time it should pass moisture without problems. Fruits in mid-summer.

Red brown

  1. The specimen under consideration has a second name - mushroom-bush. This subspecies is quite interesting, but for some reason it is not very popular in the Russian Federation. However, abroad, the mushroom is considered a delicacy.
  2. Such mushrooms have a pretty attractive appearance. As for taste, skilled gourmets claim that it is quite good. When testing a product, you can notice that there are notes of seafood in the taste. Herring is best felt.
  3. Young mushrooms have the aroma of fresh herring, and at the sight of such an instance you really want to bite it. Old fruits smell not very nice respectively. The aroma is somewhat reminiscent of a stale product. Perhaps for this reason such fruits are ignored by mushroom pickers.
  4. However, experienced gourmets offer to solve the problem by boiling and soaking the mushrooms. Thus, it is possible to get rid of a specific aroma and taste without problems. In addition, young fruits do not have caustic milky juice. He is a little bitter.
  5. The specimens under consideration mainly grow near oak, spruce and hazel. For the same reason, such fruits can be found without problems in coniferous and deciduous forests. Mushrooms give preference exclusively to damp places. They can be collected in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1 km. Above sea level. They bear fruit from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

The benefits of loaders

The benefits of loaders

  1. The fruits in question are considered to be real Russian mushrooms. The fact is that in the eastern, western and southern countries almost no one heard about them. It is thanks to the special taste that such mushrooms sunk into the souls of many people.
  2. In most regions of Russia and specifically in Siberia, such instances belong to industrial mushrooms. There are so many that they sell fruits in huge quantities. In addition, they have a large list of positive qualities.
  3. Mostly these mushrooms, most people use for pickling. As for the other dishes, they are prepared mainly from salty fruits. As for stewing and frying, then the breasts for such purposes are not very suitable.
  4. The presented fruits are saturated with protein. Due to its composition, such mushrooms can completely replace meat without any problems. The main benefit of the product is that based on its composition, drugs are created that fight tuberculosis.
  5. In addition, due to the presence of special enzymes in the breast, the composition allows you to fight and destroy a very dangerous disease in the form of a Koch stick. Systematic consumption of these fruits will help to significantly strengthen and improve health.

In today's article, you got acquainted with the main varieties of breasts. They found out where they grow, how they differ from each other, for what period of time collecting takes place. Carefully study everything, then go for mushrooms.

Video: real breast (Lactarius resimus)

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