How often can a dog be washed?

Responsibilities of dog owners include systematic care, which includes not only vaccination and deworming, but also washing. Breeders give their recommendations on this subject, because the coat and skin of pets of different breeds can be different. Let's look at the basic aspects in order, and also highlight the basic rules for bathing a four-legged pet.

How often can a dog be washed?

Hygiene rules

  1. Basic hygiene skills consist not only of the frequency of washing, but also of caring for wool, ears, teeth, eyes, nails and all health in particular. Bathing too often dogs is not recommended because the protective layer of the skin is washed off. As a result, inflammation and peeling may appear.
  2. If the animal lives in a booth or aviary, there is no need to bathe it with cosmetics more often than 1 time in 2-3 months. Such dogs would prefer to rinse with a hose in the tub or swim in the river.
  3. It is useful to bathe animals with the so-called dry method. The dog buries itself in the snow, plays, frolics, thereby its coat is cleared of dirt and parasites.
  4. If you live in a large city where sidewalks and roads in particular are strewed with reagents, then you need to wash your paws very carefully after a walk. Lather limbs and pads several times, then rinse.

Breed-specific swimming

  1. There is no need to bathe dogs of miniature breeds too often, which can sit at home for days and walk in the tray. No matter how strange it sounds, but it is the owners of the decorative dogs who torture animals with bathing. That's because the procedure itself is easy because of the size of the pet. But this is of no use, the dog may develop irritation.
  2. Dogs with undercoat and hard coat should not be washed often. The same goes for shorthair breeds. The coat and skin of such dogs is capable of self-cleaning. Also, do not often bathe dogs with permanent loss of hair (for example, a French bulldog).
  3. If the dog is large-sized with short hair (Dalmatian, Staffordshire Terrier, boxer, Doberman, etc.), then you can use quick cleaning without bathing. If the animal is not in the mud, a solution of 25 ml will help to remove the smell. vinegar, 20 ml. vodka and 250 ml. water. In such a tool, they moisten the fabric and wipe the pet.
  4. If the dog is in quarantine due to vaccinations, you can not bathe it at all. Such animals are washed to avoid the development of infection. Puppies, elderly dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches are not washed without special reason.

Dog washing frequency

  1. If we take into account the recommendations of veterinarians, it is considered optimal to bathe once every 30 days. This applies only to cases where detergents are used. Dogs, often on the street, wash their feet from dust with plain water without soap.
  2. Dogs have a special lipid layer (lubricant) that protects against all kinds of inflammations. Therefore, it does not always make sense to use shampoos so that this does not lead to irritation.
  3. In no case do not try to eliminate the smell of the dog with frequent washing. This way you will only make your pet worse. The sebaceous glands will work at an accelerated pace, causing a strong aroma. In addition, there will be a risk of dermatitis and premature molting.
  4. If a four-legged friend has a deterioration in the condition of the skin, washing with shampoo is completely excluded until the problem is solved. The skin should fully recover if you wash your pet with plain water without any means.
  5. If the animal has allergic problems, then you must first show the dog to the veterinarian. He will prescribe shampoo, and also adjust the nutrition.

How and how to wash a dog

If you are not confident in your own abilities, seek help from a dog salon.

How and how to wash a dog

Preparation for the procedure

  1. Comb the animal if it has long hair. Thus, you will get rid of dead hairs. If necessary, before water procedures, it is necessary to get rid of tangles. For convenience, it is recommended to use the spray "Ring 5".
  2. The tool perfectly moisturizes the hair and protects them from tangling, tearing. To comfortably wash the dog, a rubber mat should be placed at the bottom of the bath. The animal will not slip and get nervous again.
  3. Before bathing, be sure to feel the water. The temperature should be between 36-40 degrees. If the water is hot, this will adversely affect the condition of the skin and coat of the pet. In cold water, the dog will train its own immunity. The body will become more resistant to colds.

Washing rules

  1. Before bathing the animal, the owner should dress himself in suitable clothes. Wear a long sleeve sweater. The dog may start to break out of the bath while scratching you with its claws. This way you can protect yourself a little.
  2. Before bathing the animal, it is highly recommended that you close the door and windows in the bathroom. There should not be a draft in the room. For convenience, it is recommended to fasten the dog to the collar and leash. The animal will not be able to escape from the bath.
  3. If your pet is prone to aggression, be sure to wear a nylon muzzle. With cropped ears in a dog, a special cap is required. Alternatively, you simply can’t wash your hair. The floor in the bathroom should be covered with a sheet or other cloth.
  4. The dog will shake off anyway. Also, if a pet wants to break free, he should not jump on a bare tile. When washing, talk to the animal kindly. In no case do not be rude and aggressive. Praise your dog for good behavior.

Shampoo Selection

  1. Separately, it is worth noting that improperly selected washing cosmetics can provoke the development of allergies, baldness and the appearance of dermatitis in the animal. Give preference to high-quality and proven compositions of well-known brands.
  2. It’s difficult to say right away which shampoo may suit your pet. Much depends on the breed, age, coat and structure of the dog's pile. It is worthwhile to take an interest in this with the breeder or veterinarian in advance. In the store, the seller can also give the necessary information.
  3. A quality shampoo for dogs must contain egg yolk and lecithin (lanolin). Such components allow you to keep your skin healthy. Also, the coat remains soft, supple and silky.
  4. Be sure to consider the features of the dog. Perhaps she is prone to allergies or the formation of dandruff. In this case, not only medical shampoo will be required, but also various masks, oils and balms.
  5. Also, do not wash your dog just like that with anti-flea compounds. Such shampoos are toxic. Means are used only when the animal needs to be rid of parasites.

Regardless of the breed, the dog should be bathed no more than once a month. In other cases, you should be interested in similar questions with your veterinarian or breeder. Each breed has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account without fail. Follow the procedure according to all the rules.

Video: how to bathe a dog?

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