How to train a spitz at home

Pomeranian Spitz is a unique dog that, by its appearance, is able to win the heart of its owner. This fluffy little ball is very playful and frisky, it gets along well with children and other pets. Spitz has his own character, he often shows guests that he is in charge of the house. This characteristic dominant can cause a lot of trouble to residents - the dog constantly barks. But if the Spitz is brought up correctly, it is very simple to teach him good manners.

How to train a Spitz

Caring for a Pomeranian spitz is, first of all, daily combing of its hair. If this is not done, tangles may form on the inside of the thighs, on the feet and near the ears. From an early age, you need to teach your puppy to this procedure, he must behave calmly. Once every 2-3 months the dog needs to be bathed, but not more than once a month. It is better to dry the Spitz with a hairdryer, otherwise an uncooled undercoat can cause fungus and spores.

How to raise a spitz

From the moment you took the Spitz to you, you are responsible not only for its full stomach and well-being. Any owner should socialize his dog, teach him good manners. As soon as the Spitz got into the new house, he should understand what to do and what to categorically not do. There should be no concessions. If, for example, you decide that the dog has no place in the master's bed, you should not take him there in any case. You can’t take pity on the dog today and take it with you to bed, and tomorrow say: “No”. The ban on this or that action should not depend on external factors - the mood of the owner, season or condition of the pet.

In the upbringing of the Spitz there should be no indulgences or breaks. Having made an exception once, the Spitz will begin to make his demands next time. Spitz feels his master and his weakness, he plays them very subtly. Show the dog that you are the main one in this house, and it will be as you said.

Spitz barks a lot, especially if he understands that barking can achieve a lot. This should be stopped in the bud. In order for the dog to be calm and balanced, it needs to be walked often and for a long time. On the street, playing actively with the owner, she spills out all her energy and the dog does not have to entertain herself by gnawing sofas and shoes.

Spitz Training

Regardless of whether you want to raise a show handsome or a simple pet, you need to raise a dog. There are three ways to do this. If you do not understand anything about dog training, but want to get an animal trained in the right manner, you can give the dog to an experienced dog handler for some time. He leaves the dog for several months. The disadvantage of this practice is that you will not be able to see your pet or you will meet him in the hours strictly reserved for the dog handler.

If this state of affairs does not suit you, you can go to obedience school. In this case, the owner, along with his pet, attends dog training classes. Classes are usually group, so this is a great experience with other dogs. In such a school, they teach not only the dog, but also the owner - how to behave with the dog at one time or another.

If these two methods of training do not suit you, do not despair - you can train your dog yourself. However, this will have to shovel a lot of literature. Remember, if the dog does not behave as you expect from her, it is not her fault, but you. But what should the Spitz be taught in the first place?

Main teams

This is a basic set of commands that every self-respecting dog of any breed should know.If a Pomeranian spitz puppy appears in your home, teach him these basic skills.

Spitz Training

"Fu." This is one of the first commands that a dog must learn. But do not confuse it with the team "Do not." “You can’t” is a simple cessation of action, for example, you can’t bark at the dogs passing by, climb onto the bed, ask for food from the table. The Fu team should scare your pet, he should immediately drop what is in his mouth. This is very important, so you can protect your pet from poisoning. For example, you walk with a dog, and he sniffed something. You say, “Fu,” after which you pull the leash tightly enough. It is in such a sequence that the next time the dog itself ceases to act after your command. This command must mean danger.

"To me". Teaching a dog to this team is not difficult. On a walk, tell the dog, “Come to me,” and carefully pull the leash toward you. At this time, the dog should not be carried away by something. When he comes to you, he should be treated and praised for the correctly executed team. This is a very important and necessary team, it can protect your pet from danger.

"Beside". It is very important to teach the Spitz to go next to his master. To do this, give the command and pull the leash so that the dog is next to you. After that, start walking and carefully pull the leash so that the dog walks near the owner’s left foot. If the dog wants to overtake you or go aside, the team should be firmly repeated and again pull on the leash. If the dog walks near you, it must be praised and treated to a treat. It is very important not to make sudden and violent movements, you should not cause the dog pain or discomfort. In addition, the leash should not be tight, let the dog move freely. Correct it only when changing the direction of movement. This team is very relevant in the appearance of the dog in crowded places.

"A place". In order to teach the dog this team, you will need patience and endurance. Tell the dog: “Place”, then take it to the bedding, praise and treat it with a treat. Spitz must associate his place with a reliable and protected rear. This team will be needed when there will be guests in the house.

"Sit". This is the basic command that the dog needs to practice the discipline, and also as a stronghold before executing other commands. To teach the Spitz to perform this command, you need to place the dog on its side on a short leash. After that the dog’s nickname is pronounced and after a short pause the “Sit” command. In this case, slightly press on the sacrum of the dog, and pull the leash slightly back and up. Thus, the Spitz will sit involuntarily, for which he must be praised and encouraged.

Features of training Pomeranian

Among the advantages of this breed of dogs can be noted a cheerful, good-natured character, beautiful appearance and excellent ability to inform the owner about extraneous sounds and people. If we talk about the shortcomings of this breed, then Spitz are highly aggressive to other dogs, as well as prolonged and frequent barking. Many hosts can be annoying. Therefore, one of the main features in training Spitz is the knowledge of the Quiet team. It is usually practiced in tandem with the Voice command.

Proper education is when you do not share the game, training and normal communication. Everything should be on the wave of positive and good mood. Spitz loves his master very much and tries to please him in everything. That is why it is not difficult to train a Spitz - you will quickly get what you want.

Video: Spitz

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