How to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy

Full sleep is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle of any person. For women in an interesting position, this point is especially important. The state of fatigue, fatigue of a sleepy mother will negatively affect the well-being of the baby. That is why the fight against insomnia during pregnancy is especially important.

Insomnia during pregnancy

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy

Before choosing methods of getting rid of the disease, you should understand the reasons that could cause it. At different stages of pregnancy, they vary.

  1. In the first months, hormonal changes in the body occur. Significantly increased blood levels of progesterone. And this component is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. However, the products of its processing unusually affect the state of mom. They can simultaneously be excellent antidepressants and become the root cause of insomnia.
  2. The psychological aspects are related to the concern of the ladies about their new status and the changes in the family. Overwhelming thoughts about the upcoming birth, the expected baby do not allow to sleep peacefully. Often, depressive states and sleep disorders can be observed in women who are faced with financial difficulties or a pregnancy that they did not plan.
  3. First trimester insomnia may appear due to somatic disorders. The appearance of toxicosis, frequent awakenings at night due to the need to visit the toilet interfere with a good rest.

Already after some time, after the body has become accustomed to a new status, the condition of the future mother returns to normal.

In later pregnancy, insomnia again reminds of itself. Only now the reasons lie in physiological discomfort. Sometimes a woman does not manage to fall asleep, simply because she cannot choose a pose that is convenient for herself. Painfulness in the lower back interferes with proper rest, heartburnaggravating in a horizontal position, shortness of breath.

Faced with similar problems, do not despair. There are many effective and safe ways to deal with insomnia.

How to solve the problem of insomnia

Observance of simple recommendations will help return to a woman expecting a baby a sound and healthy sleep.

How to solve the problem of insomnia

  1. Those who have problems with night rest, it is better to abandon daytime sleep altogether. It is enough to lie down for 1-1.5 hours at lunch, disconnecting from any thoughts.
  2. To sleep well at night, you need to give the body the opportunity to tire during the day, but not much. Any physical activity (walks, complexes of simple exercises) is suitable, the main thing is that it falls on the first part of the day. An organism excited before bedtime will calm down for a long time and it will not work quickly to fall asleep.
  3. In the evening, the manifestation of any emotions should be excluded. Try to solve pressing problems during the day or postpone them tomorrow. In no case, before a night's rest, do not arrange clarification of relations with loved ones, because adrenaline is the enemy of restful sleep.
  4. You should not engage in intense mental activity at bedtime. Exclude reading serious literature, solving complex problems. It is better to enjoy quiet, calm music.
  5. Often the cause of insomnia or anxious sleep can be overeating at night. The last meal should be made three hours before rest. If you can’t cope with hunger, you can eat a meal that is easily digested (eat fruit, drink a glass of yogurt or milk).
  6. Often the cause of poor sleep is frequent use of the toilet at night. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink less after 16-17 hours.
  7. Taking a walk in the fresh air is a great way to relax. In addition, a warm shower has an excellent calming effect on the body; it should be taken 20 minutes before bedtime.
  8. Perhaps the reason for the violations lies in the features of the bed. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether it meets the necessary requirements, whether the soft or hard pillow is unnecessarily, whether the blanket is warm enough.
  9. Aromatherapy is an excellent way to improve night sleep. It is enough to put a small cloth bag at the head with sewn hops, lemon balm, thyme, pine needles, geranium grass, etc.
  10. Before going to bed, you can do breathing exercises. Thanks to her, there is a chance to get rid of shortness of breath, which interferes with sleep.

For a calm, full-fledged night's rest of a pregnant woman, the decor of the bedroom is especially important. There should be no appliances in the room. It must be ensured that the air temperature is comfortable, not very low and not high. Before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room. Going to bed is better in pajamas made of natural fabric. This applies to bedding. To find a comfortable position for themselves, pregnant women need at least three pillows.

Many have the habit of sleeping on their stomach. During pregnancy, this method will have to be abandoned. The expectant mother should rest on her back, but the best option is on her side.

Folk methods of getting rid of insomnia

If all the recommendations are exactly implemented, and insomnia does not go away, then it makes sense to turn to folk methods. But before using them, you must definitely get a doctor’s consultation.

Herbal Peppermint Tea for Insomnia

  1. During the bearing of a child, a remedy made from the juice of radish, turnip or beetroot with honey will help to correct sleep disturbances. A small recess is made in the vegetable, in which a small spoon of honey is laid out. After a few hours, the juice that forms there should be drunk.
  2. Herbal tea made from peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, licorice and thyme will help solve the problem of insomnia. But you will have to refuse to take funds based on hops, since this plant is harmful to pregnant women.
  3. If you drink warm milk with honey before bedtime, you may not have to toss and turn for a long time, trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep.

It is important to remember that all the substances that enter the body of a pregnant woman are sure to be in the baby through the umbilical cord.

Sleeping pills for insomnia in pregnant women

Important! No sleeping pills can be taken without consulting a doctor, especially in the first trimester, when the formation of tissues and organs of the embryo. And in the later stages without good reason, this is not worth it.

The fact is that such funds can have a negative effect on the emerging baby. In addition, accumulating in the body, they can provoke kidney and liver dysfunction.

Insomnia accompanying pregnancy in the early and late stages is a kind of training before future births. As soon as the long-awaited baby is born, you will have to forget about the problems with sleep disorders for a long time.

Video: pregnant insomnia

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