How to get rid of flux at home

Those of us who are not in a hurry to visit the dentist and hope that the toothache will go away, runs the risk of one day encountering an unpleasant phenomenon called “flux” among the people. It is good if the disease makes itself felt at the initial stage. Without taking appropriate measures, you may find yourself in a situation where serious medical care in the form of surgery will be inevitable.

How to get rid of flux

Causes of flux

Periostitis (the so-called doctors flux) is a dental disease consisting in the defeat of the periosteum of the jawbone with a focus of inflammation in the gums. A purulent abscess gradually grows and is layered on the gum. Its appearance may be caused by:

  1. Carious tooth - caries provokes the spread of infection into the bone canals.
  2. Mechanical trauma - may be the result of the removal of a diseased tooth or anesthetic injection associated with infection.
  3. Pathological processes in the gingival pocket - develop due to the accumulation of putrefactive decay particles from food debris trapped in the space between the tooth and gum.
  4. Tooth cyst - a dense shell of dead tissue formed as a result of infection of the root canals, contributes to the accumulation of pus.
  5. Colds and hypothermia - such conditions can accelerate the proliferation of the most minor purulent abscesses.
  6. Stress - weakening the immune system, they favor the development of pathological processes of the gums.
  7. Sinusitis - accumulations of pus in the maxillary sinuses can penetrate the oral cavity, causing the appearance of a flux.
  8. The reaction to medications - intolerance by the body of certain chemicals, in some cases becomes the cause of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

In all of the above cases, softening of the tissues and infection with the defeat of the dental nerves occur. The accumulating pus makes its way through the channels of the bone tissue, breaking through the bone, and lingers under the jaw periosteum.

The main symptoms of flux

In adult patients, the symptoms of periostitis are much more pronounced due to the fact that their immune system is stronger than children and the elderly.

You can understand that you have a flux by:

  • The appearance of a solid, painful to the touch seal on the gum, prone to increase.
  • Swollen soft tissues of the face: cheek, lip, nasal wings or lower eyelid, if the upper jaw is affected.
  • An increase in the chin area, pain and an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes - in the case of localization of the lesion under the lower periosteum.
  • Strengthening the pulsating and radiating pain in the ear or temple when pressing on the tooth and chewing.
  • Increasing pain when ingested sour, sweet, cold or hot.
  • Redness of the skin from the affected area, causing pain when touched.

It is extremely important in this condition not to heat the sore spot. Such actions will only aggravate the situation of the patient and lead to an abscess - extensive suppuration.

As pus approaches the nerves and vessels that feed the tooth from the inside (pulp), inflammation begins, or pulpitis. Then comes the death of living tissue, accompanied by sharp pain, worse especially at night. After the patients usually feel relief. This does not mean that you should forget about the cause of discomfort. Infection can subsequently cause chronic inflammation of the jaw.

In order not to bring the body to a serious condition, it is worth trying to cure an unpleasant formation already at the initial stages of the manifestation of the disease.

How to get rid of flux at home

It is possible to muffle pain and remove inflammation with periostitis on your own if the stage is not neglected. A tooth that needs treatment must be examined by a dentist. Otherwise, relapse of the flux and its complications cannot be avoided.

First aid
Severe flux pain caused by pus pressure in the jawbone can be reduced by soda rinsing. Dissolving 1 tsp. soda in a glass of very warm water, rinse the affected area as often as possible. The procedure will help the outflow of pus and reduce pain. A similar recipe with the addition of 1 tsp also has a good effect. salt.

When pus breaks through, soda rinses are recommended to be done alternately with weak solutions of furatsilina or potassium permanganate.

Means from the first-aid kit
In order not to be taken by surprise, and in time to be able to cope with the flux, it's nice to always have at hand:

  1. Furacilin tablets. 2 pieces are dissolved in a glass of boiled water at room temperature and rinsed in the gums to relieve swelling and reduce pain, repeating the manipulations after 2 hours.
  2. Chlorophyllipt. The solution will have the same effect if its 1 tbsp. dilute in 200 ml of water and do frequent rinses.
  3. Rotokan. Alcoholic tincture of yarrow, chamomile and calendula is an excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial. Enough 1 tsp diluted with a glass of warm water and treating the gums every 2 hours.
  4. Malavit. Natural extracts of medicinal herbs in combination with copper and silver ions help stop the spreading infection. For mouth rinses, 5 drops are used, dissolved in warm but not boiled water about 5 times a day.
  5. Hexoral. The antimicrobial and analgesic drug is used in the form of lotions lasting half a minute, spending about 10 ml of solution, or as an undiluted mouth rinse.
  6. Hepilor. It has an antiseptic and analgesic effect when 2 tsp. the drug is diluted in 50 ml of not hot water, producing up to 4 rinses per day.
  7. Vinylinum. An oily 20% solution promotes the healing of abscesses if applied to the affected area.
  8. Betadine. Active iodine in its composition fights the inflammatory process and heals damaged tissues. 1 tsp 1% solution is diluted with 50 ml of warm water and rinse your mouth about 4 times a day.

Traditional Healer Tips
The experience of many generations shows that it is possible to get rid of flux, if you remember about:

We get rid of flux folk remedies

  1. Sage. The dried grass (2 tbsp), which is poured 1/2 liter of boiling water, perfectly cools with ulcers, cools and is used to rinse every 20 minutes.
  2. Sage with a bluehead. 6 tbsp poured dried herbs into half a glass of vodka, putting a mustard plaster there, insist a couple of hours in a dark place. The oral cavity is treated every 2 hours. For anesthesia, it is enough to apply a swab moistened in a solution to the affected area.
  3. Periwinkle small, angelica, peppermint, buds of birch. 3 tbsp herbs should be boiled in 1 liter of water and insist for about 1 hour. With a break of 2 ½ hours, rinse your mouth.
  4. Oak bark. 2 tablespoons poured with boiling water insist about half an hour, used for frequent rinses throughout the day.
  5. Chamomile or succession. An excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent in the form of decoctions of these herbs is used to treat gums every hour.
  6. Calamus root. Tincture of vodka from it helps to cope with periostitis if you hold it in your mouth for several minutes. To make the procedure more acceptable, it is advised to keep the liquid open for some time.
  7. Propolis. After melting a slice of the product, mix with hot vegetable oil. The ointment obtained abundantly lubricates the sore spot, getting rid of inflammation.
  8. Onion juice. In order to dry and disinfect, the swab moistened in it is placed and kept on the flux for about 30 minutes at least twice a day.
  9. Leaf of cabbage. Helps reduce suppuration when used in boiled form for two minutes of readiness.
  10. A piece of ice. At the initial stage of the formation of flux, it helps relieve swelling, reduce pain and inflammation, if applied to the gums.

Flux Prevention

Any disease is easier to prevent than to try to treat. In order not to discover a flux at one time, it is enough to follow the following simple rules:

  • To brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to prevent the appearance and development of caries, which is one of the possible causes of flux.
  • In time, remove the formed tartar, which is a drive of all kinds of bacteria and a source of infection.
  • Visit the dental office at least once every six months. This will help to identify health problems at their earliest stages and eliminate undesirable serious consequences.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables, giving priority to apples and carrots, strengthening not only teeth, but also gums.

Flux is not a pleasant phenomenon. You can’t call this disease terrible and everything is quite fixable if you have useful tips on how to get rid of this scourge at home. Indeed, the circumstances are different, and well-timed manipulations in time will help to avoid sometimes very life-threatening consequences. It is important to understand that it’s not worth it to calm down. A meeting with the dentist should take place so that the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant formation is eliminated once and for all.

Video: gum flux treatment at home

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