How to get rid of dizziness folk remedies

Who does not know what dizziness is? How many of us at least once in our lives did not experience this unpleasant and obsessive feeling? Dizziness can be a sign of a serious illness or simply a symptom of overwork or lack of sleep. If you are tormented by constant headaches, if your head is inexorably spinning day and night, if nothing helps, you should definitely consult a doctor. It can detect more serious diseases. If the results of the tests did not confirm the terrible diagnoses, it can be assumed that the head is spinning for the following reasons.

How to get rid of dizziness

Why dizziness occurs

  1. Very often, the head is spinning from fatigue and powerlessness. When you do not observe the sleep and rest regime, work for wear, neglect weekends and holidays - this inexorably leads to dizziness. Remember that you will not earn all the money, and health will be even more difficult to return. Take breaks to get rid of dizziness and improve your performance.
  2. Your head may spin from hunger. How often in the bustle of endless affairs we forget to eat on time. The level of glucose in the blood decreases to such an extent that the head ceases to think and begins to spin. At such times, you should always have a piece of chocolate or a banana at hand.
  3. Dizziness can also result in dehydration. This usually occurs after unforeseen physical exertion. During training, while walking and jogging, you should have a bottle of water with you.
  4. Nervous breakdowns, improper daily routine, depression, spleen, panic - all this can provoke dizziness. Therefore, try to control yourself and have sedatives on hand.
  5. Dizziness in a young woman can be a sign of pregnancy - pay attention to this.

Do not list the diseases, a symptom of which may be dizziness - there are a lot of them. Only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

First aid for dizziness

Sometimes the head begins to spin so suddenly that you can lose ground from under your feet. If you feel a sharp headache, if you lose balance, you urgently need to sit down. If there is no bench or chair nearby, sit directly on the ground or step. It's better to get your pants dirty than to faint. If you are at home during a dizzy spell, it’s better to lie down. Put your head on your knees and close your eyes. After a while, the active stage of dizziness usually goes away.

If it seems to you that everything around is “floating” before your eyes, try to cling your eyes to one object. This will set the vestibular apparatus for normal operation. If you have something sweet with you, you need to eat it. Even a small sweetie or chewing gum can relieve you of dizziness. Drink water, take a few deep breaths and try to get up. If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, ask others for help.

Homemade recipes against dizziness

If dizziness is a frequent guest in your home, you should know several recipes that will help you quickly and effectively deal with this scourge.

Dizzy Ginger Tea

Ginger. This plant perfectly tones the body, brings pressure to normal, improves immunity. To cope with a headache, you need to add a little dried and crushed ginger root to the teapot. Take it in the habit! Ginger gives a delicate unique taste and a light pleasant aroma. After the first cup, you will notice an improvement in your condition.

Vinegar and honey. If you feel dizzy from changes in blood pressure, honey and vinegar will help you. In a glass of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of natural mountain honey and the same amount of five percent apple cider vinegar. If you regularly drink such a drink in the morning and evening, you can permanently get rid of dizziness.

Beets, carrots, pomegranates. Of these fruits, you need to squeeze an equal amount of juice and drink this mix three times a day, half a glass before eating. The juice of beets, carrots and pomegranate will relieve spasm of blood vessels in the head and relieve your condition. Not to mention that this juice is very tasty!

Oregano and lemon balm. Take one tablespoon of oregano and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let it languish in a water bath. Then let the broth brew and strain the healing drink. You need to drink it during an attack of dizziness. For taste, honey and lemon can be added to the broth. This drink not only relieves headaches, but also soothes nerves.

Hawthorn. You can buy a tincture from the flowers of this tree at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Hawthorn blooms in early summer. In June, collect fresh inflorescences and fill them with alcohol. Put in a dark place for two weeks. Shake the bottle periodically. When the tincture is ready, it must be taken with a teaspoon diluted in half a glass of water.

Tincture of garlic. This is another effective and proven recipe. The head of garlic needs to be cleaned, sliced ​​into several parts and pour them with alcohol. Tincture is prepared similarly to the previous recipe. Take this tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting a spoonful of tincture in a third of a glass of milk.

Dizziness Tips

Dizziness Tips

  1. If you feel dizzy on the road, you need to take care of this before starting the journey. Buy medications for the vestibular apparatus or special wristbands against motion sickness and motion sickness at the pharmacy. They will help you easily cross the road.
  2. Often dizziness occurs due to low blood pressure. Therefore, you can not abuse coffee, alcohol or smoking, which only exacerbate the situation.
  3. To prevent dizziness from dehydration, you need to drink enough water throughout the day. The human norm is at least two liters of fluid per day.
  4. Very often, uncomfortable shoes can cause headaches and dizziness. In particular, a high heel. You need to choose the average height of the heel or abandon it altogether - for the sake of health and well-being.
  5. In order not to overwork, you need to get enough sleep. It is very important to stay up until 12 a.m., because these particular hours of sleep are the most valuable and beneficial for the body. Sleep at least 7 hours a day to feel comfortable.
  6. Sometimes dizziness can be a sign of malaise. Therefore, pay attention to other symptoms - sore throat, nasal congestion, cough. You may need to treat a cold, not dizziness.
  7. Often dizziness may be due to lack of physical activity. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, if you devote all your time to work and lying on the couch, you need to change your mode. Walking in the fresh air instantly will relieve you of dizziness, and regular exercise or running in the morning will help you to forget about headaches forever.
  8. If you often feel dizzy, you should protect yourself in your own home. There should not be anything dangerous on the floor, about which you may trip over a swoon and get hurt. Do not get out of bed very abruptly, have a nightlight on hand that can be turned on while lying in bed.
  9. Frequent dizziness can cause you to abandon for some time from active games that require concentration and balance. Namely - cycling, rollerblading, swimming and gymnastics.
  10. A great tool for relieving headaches and spasms of blood vessels is a bath or sauna.It is contraindicated only for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  11. To get rid of sudden dizziness, you need to massage the temples. And it’s better to apply any mint balm to the whiskey, for example, “Asterisk”. This will relieve pain and soothe nerves.

No one is immune from dizziness. It can occur in a young and elderly person, in a man and woman. Quite often dizziness has a psychosomatic basis - we think about pain, and it haunts us. Be optimistic, monitor your health and you will be happy!

Video: dizziness exercise

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In my opinion, if you smell the hawthorn, then you will only get worse.


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