How to get rid of spots, scars and blisters after a burn

Heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation when exposed to the skin cause injuries called burns. Amid impossible pain, stress gets the whole body. The kidneys, heart, metabolic processes suffer first of all. Timely assistance helps reduce pain and cure blisters. Stains and scars left by burns can remain for life.

How to get rid of burn marks

How to get rid of a stain after a burn

The success of treatment of post-burn spots depends on the degree of skin injury and the proper use of its treatment.

It is important to adhere to certain rules immediately after damage to the skin:

  • Carefully treat the affected area of ​​the skin, which means minimizing the effects of burns.
  • Timely use anti-burn drugs, both medicinal and folk.
  • Use a protective cream to protect the stain from direct sunlight.
  • Get expert advice on the most suitable in each case ointments and creams.

Slight redness, usually indicative of a first degree of burn, is removed both at home and at a beautician's appointment. After visiting the salon and undergoing the procedure of exfoliation, cryomassage or phototherapy, removing the stain is not difficult. What to do to those who are not able to allow the above? You can look into the medicine cabinet or recall the means of folk healers.

First aid kit
To get rid of burn spots, you need to stock up with at least one of the drugs available in any city pharmacy:

  • Levomekol - an excellent analgesic and wound healing, with bactericidal properties;
  • povidone iodine - an ointment that regenerates tissues;
  • lifeguard - a natural balm restoring skin properties;
  • appolo - wound healing gel, recommended for primary treatments;

Panthenol, a cream foam for damaged skin that accelerates healing and counteracts wound infections, also copes well with burns.

People's councils
Following grandmother's recipes, small spots can be eliminated with:

  • fresh children's urine - you can soak the dressings and keep them on the wounds for some time;
  • cold tea - watered the burned places;
  • fresh juice of aloe leaf and jelly from the core - bandage to the wound;
  • finely grated raw potatoes - keep on the affected area for at least half an hour;
  • pulp from fresh leaves of burdock - apply;
  • pumpkins - make compresses;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - used to remove not only fresh spots;
  • cabbage leaves - make dressings;
  • castor oil - even dark spots are bleached.

How to remove a burn scar

If earlier a person who received a burn was doomed to wear a scar or scar after it for life, now even old formations can be corrected. Laser resurfacing and chemical fruit peeling in cosmetic clinics and salons will not leave a scar. In addition to them and radical methods of plastic surgery, there are a number of less costly methods.

Effective ointments
To see the desired result once, you will have to be patient and painstakingly lubricate the scars and scars for several months with one of such ointments, such as:

  • syntomycin;
  • mederma;
  • solcoseryl;
  • Actovegin;
  • panthenol;
  • contractubex.

Depending on the thickness and area of ​​the burn mark, preparations can be smeared with a non-greasy layer or bandages can be applied.

Healer Recommendations
Butter and beeswax cope with scars if they are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. By warming and constantly stirring the products, they achieve a uniform consistency.Adding juice squeezed from half a lemon to the mixture, lubricate the burn scar.

How to get rid of blisters after a burn

The blisters heal over time. At the same time, they are disturbed by painful sensations. In the case of improper and careless handling of the blisters, the wound will be infected and serious consequences can not be avoided. In order not to fall into this position, you should:

How to get rid of blisters after a burn

  • apply measures to prevent wound infection;
  • contribute to the restoration of skin tissue in a sore spot;
  • protect the blisters from opening;
  • Do not overdry the opened bubble.

Medications for blisters
With a burn of the II stage, a symptom of which are blisters, it is worth finding time to visit a dermatologist. It is best not to remove the appearing pus or dead tissue. The specialist will choose the most suitable option for therapeutic ointment, balm or cream. Among them may be:

  1. Argosulfan is a silver-containing cream with antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Moisturizing the burn site, the components of the drug are absorbed minimally;
  2. Solcoseryl - a gel that accelerates recovery and improves tissue metabolic processes.

Pantry of nature
Traditional medicine knows a number of effective recipes that heal blisters from burns. It does an excellent job of this:

  • fir oil or sea buckthorn oil - apply a bandage soaked in it on the wound;
  • aloe juice or leaf - applied to the bladder, fixed with a bandage;
  • Vitamin E in oil - lubricate the wound 5-6 times a day;
  • finely grated carrots - apply in the form of a compress for 20 minutes;
  • a decoction of calendula flowers and petroleum jelly - in a ratio of 1: 2 is used as an ointment;
  • Comfrey officinalis - used as a 20-minute poultice, insisting on chopped grass poured with boiling water;
  • calendula tincture with the addition of oily vitamin E and honey - make a bandage on the blister.

In everyday life, burns are a common phenomenon. Do not neglect such skin lesions, regardless of their degree. After all, even a seemingly minor burn can then remain an unpleasant memory in the form of a cosmetic defect. Healthy skin without flaws is always more attractive than spots, blisters or scars. If in time to begin treatment of not the most serious burns, the skin can be restored to its original form. A competent choice of funds in this case is an important factor.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a burn

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I had a burn in my childhood. The scar annoyed me a lot. I could not wear a dress or a skirt. I started looking for a tool that will help me get rid of the problem area. The discovery for me was Contractubex gel. Three months continuously smeared, the tissue at the site of the burn became elastic and soft, gradually began to change color and even out.


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