How to laminate hair at home

Today, beauty salons offer a wide range of hair care services. One of the newfangled procedures is considered lamination. It allows you to make hair smooth and shiny in just a couple of hours. However, many girls do not want to spend hard-earned money on such events. Ladies prefer to do lamination on their own, saving time and money. Consider the main aspects of the procedure, highlight the main thing.

How to laminate hair

Positive features of lamination

  1. Experts recommend laminating girls and women with dull, lifeless hair. After the procedure, the hair becomes soft, smooth and shiny, combing is greatly improved.
  2. Lamination allows you to achieve double volume for those young ladies who, by nature, are the owners of thin, prone to hair loss. Thanks to the special composition, a visual volume appears, the composition raises strands at the roots.
  3. The main positive feature of lamination is considered to be the fight against split ends. After 3-5 procedures, improvement is noticed, the hair does not get tangled, and the damaged edges fall off on their own. We can say that the composition for lamination “seals” the damaged ends.
  4. Especially relevant is the lamination in the winter season, when many young ladies suffer from the problem of electrification of hair. Due to the fact that the tool 1/5 contributes to weighting, the statistical effect disappears.
  5. In most cases, girls and women whose hair has a slightly wavy structure resort to the procedure. The laminating agent straightens the strands and smoothes the flakes, contributing to the mirror effect.
  6. Professional craftsmen emphasize that home lamination with gelatin is completely safe. The composition can be called hypoallergenic, it is suitable for pregnant and lactating girls, as well as people with brittle hair. The exception is individual intolerance to the components.
  7. It is impossible not to mention that laminating hair at home significantly saves money. The cost of the procedure is 2.5-3 times lower than in a beauty salon. All components are available for sale, so choosing a tool is not difficult.

Negative features of lamination

  1. Lamination has a different effect on a particular type of hair. For some women, the procedure will be a salvation from the ends, electrification, dullness. Other young ladies, on the contrary, will aggravate an already deplorable situation. For example, too stiff hair can become even coarser. Also, one cannot exclude the fact that the composition will not work at all.
  2. To carry out the procedure, namely to apply and rinse off the product, is much easier on short or medium hair. Long-haired young ladies will have to resort to the help of a friend who will carry out the treatment of the occipital area.
  3. In rare cases, after home lamination, the hair begins to oily quickly. This is because the composition clogs the pores, causing the glands to work at an accelerated pace. Girls with a fatty type of hair are recommended to be extremely careful.
  4. If you did not split ends before lamination and your hair was soft, the procedure may have the opposite result. Before applying the composition to the entire shock, it is recommended to do a test on a separate curl to prevent possible consequences.

Professional hair lamination

The lamination product can be purchased at a professional hairdresser accessories store, as well as on the Internet.The best manufacturers are Japanese, American, Spanish and German brands. However, many girls claim that Russian manufacturers are no worse.

Professional hair lamination

Tool selection
Consider the popular formulations that can be used both in the salon and at home.

  1. "Matrix Color". Professional line of lamination products. The product is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the hair. You can choose a more gentle composition or, conversely, a potent drug. As a rule, "Matrix" is used by professional craftsmen.
  2. "Estel I Neo Crystal." One of the most popular and effective complexes for lamination from Estelle. The tool is often used on dyed and highlighted hair, as it retains pigment in the hair structure for a long time. The product is suitable for girls and women with any type of hair.
  3. "Lebel Cosmetics". Japanese drug that allows biolamination with gentle components. Due to the partially natural composition, the procedure does not require time consuming and subsequent thorough care. The product is available in the form of a translucent gel that does not need to be diluted.
  4. L’Oreal Professional. Affordable and relatively inexpensive hair care cosmetics. The composition is ideal for laminating at home. You can choose products taking into account previous procedures (staining, perm, highlighting, discoloration, etc.).
  5. "Lombok." The Korean brand, which is firmly established in Russia. The composition of the product includes essential oils, keratin, silk, protein. Thanks to optimally selected components, the result is noticeable after the first procedure. The tool is considered the safest of all available on the market.

Technology use
In most cases, a laminating agent is available in the form of a colorless or tint gel. If you prefer the second option, select a shade in advance taking into account your wishes.

  1. Before starting the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo, do not use balm at this stage. Dry the strands with a towel, comb.
  2. If you are using makeup tint, apply a coloring compound that is dispensed with the laminating agent. In cases where the procedure is carried out with a colorless gel, skip this step.
  3. Make a nourishing mask, distributing the mass along the entire length of the hair. Such a step will help to make the strands moisturized and shiny. After applying the product for lamination, moisture will remain in the hair structure for a long time.
  4. Rinse off the mask. Carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the use of the laminating agent. Spread it over your hair with a thick layer, wrap your head with cling film / foil, then wrap yourself in a terry towel.
  5. Turn on the hair dryer, warm the mop at medium temperature. This step cannot be skipped, otherwise the composition will not penetrate the core of the hair. The average duration of the heat treatment varies from 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Soak the product on the hair for about 1 hour (the exact time is indicated in the instructions for use). After the specified time, rinse the curls with water at room temperature. Do not use shampoo, otherwise the product will be completely washed off.
  7. Dry the strands with a towel, comb with a wooden comb with rare teeth. After the final drying, turn on the iron, straighten it in your usual way. Comb your hair again, evaluate the result.

Home Hair Lamination

Lamination at home is done using gelatin. There are no contraindications, the exception is individual intolerance.

Home Hair Lamination

Before lamination, do a preliminary test. Spread a small amount of the finished product on the hair and scalp, wait a quarter of an hour, rinse. If you do not feel itching or burning, proceed with the procedure.

Features of lamination with gelatin

  1. The main positive feature of this method of hair care is the availability of components. Gelatin can be purchased at the grocery department, the pricing policy is relatively low.
  2. The total duration of the procedure is about 2-2.5 hours. For this reason, it is recommended to start lamination on the day off.
  3. Not many people know, but hair lamination is carried out due to the collagen contained in gelatin. The component is completely safe and hypoallergenic, therefore, the procedure can be performed by everyone without exception.
  4. A gelatin-based agent envelops each hair, as a result of which the head is significantly increased in volume. The product does not burden hair, it is suitable for girls and women with oily hair type.
  5. Gelatin nourishes and moisturizes hair, it remains soft for a long time. Experts recommend performing the procedure 3-4 times a week. Do not count on an instant result after the first session.
  6. Lamination is done after shampooing. You can not perform manipulations if your curls have remnants of cosmetics or dust.

Necessary materials:

  • balm or hair mask;
  • gelatin;
  • cling film or bag;
  • water.
  1. Prepare a lamination kit. You will need to boil the water and cool it to a temperature of 30 degrees. Pour gelatin into a glass or ceramic container, fill it with water, observing a 3: 1 ratio. The amount is indicated for medium hair. Stir the composition with a spoon, wrap the container with polyethylene, leave until completely swollen.
  2. While the gelatin reaches the desired consistency, go wash your hair. Perform a double cleansing with shampoo, then apply a balm or make a mask. After all the manipulations, dry the strands with a towel, lamination is carried out on wet hair.
  3. Remove the film, evaluate the consistency of gelatin. If the mass contains lumps, heat it in the microwave, stirring every 10 seconds. After preparing the composition, add 30 g to gelatin. regular hair balm, mix again.
  4. Cool the mixture, bring it to a creamy consistency. Divide the mop into equal parts, distribute the gelatin mask over the entire surface of the hair. Carefully process each curl, try not to get on the basal area and scalp.
  5. Wrap your hair with cling film and towel. Turn on the hair dryer at medium power, warm your hair for about 10 minutes. Then wait another 1 hour, proceed to rinse the composition.
  6. Do not use balm, remove the mixture with running water at room temperature. When the procedure comes to an end, dry your hair, style it with an iron. Laminate three times a week for best results.

Gelatin Masks

  1. Milk and honey. Dilute 35 g. gelatin in 260 ml. milk at room temperature (fat content from 3.2%). Add 40 gr. liquid honey, mix, distribute through the hair. Do not treat the root area and scalp, so as not to provoke excessive greasiness. Soak the composition for about 1 hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo. The tool is ideal for dry and normal hair.
  2. Egg and balm. Mix in a ceramic or glass dish 25 gr. gelatin, 3 chicken yolks, 55 gr. regular hair balm. Cover the bowl with foil or foil, let stand for half an hour. Wash the hair with shampoo, spread the mask over the entire surface of the hair. Wrap the head with cling film, wrap with a towel, and heat with a hairdryer for 5 minutes. Wash off the composition with water at room temperature, apply shampoo to remove the remaining egg.
  3. Lemon and shampoo. The composition is designed for hair prone to oily. Dissolve 30 gr. gelatin in 85 ml. filtered water at room temperature. Wait for the composition to swell, then pour 15 ml. lemon juice and 45 ml. ordinary shampoo, mix. Spread the mixture over your hair, rubbing it thoroughly.When the mass begins to foam, wrap the head with foil. Soak for half an hour, remove with warm water.
  4. Apple cider vinegar and esters. Dilute 25 gr. gelatin in 70 ml. cool water, leave for 20 minutes. At the end of time pour 15 ml. cider vinegar (concentration 6%), add 3 ml. ether of lavender, geranium, nettle and eucalyptus. Beat the mixture with a blender or mixer, apply to hair, soak for half an hour. After that, rinse the mask with shampoo, use a balm. The product is designed for very dry and brittle hair.
  5. Sea salt and burdock oil. The composition is designed for oily hair. Pour 35 g. fine sea salt without fragrance 70 ml. boiling water, mix until the product is completely dissolved. When the liquid has cooled, add 40 g. gelatin, pour 30 ml. burdock and 25 ml. castor oils. Leave the mass to swell for a quarter of an hour, then make a mask and wrap the head with polyethylene. Warm the mixture for 5 minutes, then wait another half hour, rinse with warm water.
  6. Chamomile and eucalyptus. Get a dry chamomile in a pharmacy, brew 35 gr. product in 100 ml. hot water. Let it brew for 1 hour, pass through a gauze filter, mix with 10 ml. infusion of eucalyptus. Pour 50 g. gelatin, wait 20 minutes. Make a mask on pre-moistened and clean hair, leave for 1 hour. After the expiration date, remove the composition with shampoo and water.
  7. Coconut oil and patchouli. Pour 40 g into a bowl. gelatin, pour 250 ml. milk or water. Stir, leave for half an hour until completely swollen. Then pour in 20 ml. coconut or burdock oil, add 3 ml. patchouli ether (can be replaced with ylang-ylang). Make a hair mask, wrap the strands with cling film, wrap your head in a thick cloth. Warm the head with a hairdryer for 7 minutes. Soak the mask for about 1 hour, rinse with water and shampoo.
  8. Henna and the egg. Mix 20 gr. gelatin with 60 ml. cool water, leave to swell. After half an hour, add 25 g. colorless henna, 2 gr. mustard powder, add 3 chicken yolks. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, pour in 35 ml. olive oil. Make a mask, wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel so that the mixture does not drain. Soak for half an hour, then rinse with slightly warm water. Be sure to apply the balm.

It is easy to make hair lamination, if you have knowledge regarding the procedure. Use a professional line of laminators from "Estelle", "Matrix" or "Loreal", carry out the procedure using gelatin. Make masks regularly, taking into account the peculiarities of hair.

Video: hair lamination

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