How to treat plague in dogs at home

Carnivore plague is rightfully considered the most serious viral disease. It affects all the organs and systems of the animal, as a result of which the disease often ends in death. The virus is transmitted through the contact of a healthy dog ​​with a sick person, most often unvaccinated pets are exposed to the plague. Nevertheless, no matter how terrible the disease may be, in the early stages it can be eliminated. The main thing is to timely identify symptoms and immediately begin treatment. Consider the important aspects in order.

How to treat plague in dogs

Dog Plague Symptoms

  1. As mentioned earlier, carnivore plague is a serious illness with a floating incubation period. The disease proceeds unnoticed during the first 5 days and can last up to 3 weeks. The animal looks quite healthy, although it is already a carrier.
  2. Viral infection appears gradually. First, the pet begins to tire quickly, it develops apathy, sadness, loss of appetite and craving for water. These signs characterize the first stage of the disease, it can be treated in 90% of cases if symptoms are detected on time.
  3. In cases where the owner is so busy that he missed the dog’s depressed state, the plague continues to develop further. The transition to the second stage is caused by an increase in body temperature, conjunctivitis (discharge of pus from the eyes), diarrhea and vomiting. The dog has a stuffy nose; a yellowish liquid flows from the sinuses.
  4. The coat looks unkempt, shine is lost, the hairs fall out and no longer grow. The animal refuses food, but leans on water. He is afraid of the light, therefore he is clogged in a dark corner. After a certain time, paralysis of the extremities develops, the respiratory tract closes, the heart does not cope. The result is death.

Features of the carnivore plague

The plague can have a different form of dislocation, it affects the skin, nervous, pulmonary and intestinal zones. It is worth noting that each species does not appear separately, all areas are affected together.

The duration of the disease and the stages of its development depend on a number of factors.

  1. If the disease develops imperceptibly, clinical signs may be absent altogether. The dog will die after 1-2 days. The super-acute form is manifested in a complete rejection of food, an increase in body temperature to an indicator of 39 degrees. Coma comes and the animal dies within 3 days.
  2. In 20% of cases, acute plague can be cured. All of these symptoms are eliminated, but the dog’s body will not be able to function properly. The animal partially loses hearing and sight, smell, mental disorders and nervous tic begin.
  3. The plague can develop into a chronic disease that will last for months. The animal gradually "fades away", symptoms periodically appear, and then disappear. Ultimately, the delayed course of the disease ends in death.
  4. The disease does not spare any of the specific systems of the animal’s body. The dog pulls its limbs hard, it often has seizures, the brain, heart, and liver are affected.

Is plague transmitted from dog to dog

If one or several dogs live in the house, the question becomes relevant: "Is the plague transmitted from one animal to another?" There is only one answer - yes, it is transmitted.

As mentioned earlier, the plague is a viral infection that spreads by airborne droplets.That is, it is enough for one pet to lick or breathe on his brother, as the latter will be infected (if he is not vaccinated).

If a healthy pet has close contact with an infected person, it is already infected. Contact means feeding from a common bowl, playing games, sleeping, and studying bowel movements.

The plague can bring the plague into the apartment and infect the animal. The virus is located on outerwear and shoes, flies through a window with dust particles. As a rule, infection occurs through the ears, nose and mouth. Once in the body, the pathogen affects the tissues, muscles, blood of the dog.

Is plague transmitted from dog to person?

It is important to remember forever that a dog sick with a plague needs help from the owner. You can safely proceed to treatment, the virus is not transmitted to humans.

Since the plague of carnivores is resistant to the external environment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the apartment. If the house does not have a vaccinated pet, treat floors and shoes with antiseptic disinfectants.

Dog Plague Treatment

Dog Plague Treatment

  1. A favorable outcome directly depends on the speed of the host reaction to the symptoms and their elimination. The sooner you start treatment, the greater your dog’s chances of recovery. The most dangerous is the defeat of the nervous system. In this case, you can not do without the help of a veterinarian who will develop therapy taking into account all the complications.
  2. Etiotropic therapy affects the causative agent of the plague. The serum is made using antibodies from dogs that have previously had plague. Of all the anti-plague drugs available on the market, the most effective drugs are Narvak and Biocenter. The presented products have foreign analogues - BIOvet and Merial.
  3. If we talk about the dose, then dogs up to 5 kg. 2 ml is entered. serum. In the case of larger pets - 5 ml. The drug is given once. If the symptoms do not disappear, the actions are repeated after 24 hours, observing the dosage. The use of drugs will give a good result only at the first stage of the disease.
  4. During the plague, the dog’s immune system suffers greatly. In order for the body's functions to be maintained at the proper level, the animal must be given immunostimulants. They contain interferon, which suppresses the vital activity of the virus.
  5. Also, the pet needs to be pierced with a solution of calcium and vitamin B. You can purchase the appropriate drugs in a veterinary or human pharmacy. Instructions are attached, but it is better to consult a doctor.
  6. In most cases, from the second stage of the plague, the dog has an increase in body temperature. In this case, it is necessary to regularly monitor the indicators and give the pet antipyretic medicines.
  7. As stated earlier, the plague affects the dog’s airways. The animal coughs heavily, has difficulty with oxygen access. In this case, help the pet remove sputum from the lungs and bronchi in a medical manner. Give him Bromhexine or Mukaltin, the veterinarian prescribes the dose.
  8. In a dog with a plague, purulent discharge from the eyes is noticed. Rinse them regularly with strong tea leaves, leave it for at least half an hour. Get special eye drops for animals at the veterinary pharmacy.

Folk remedies for the plague

Many people prefer to treat plague with folk remedies; they are no less effective. The complex is used in combination with antibiotics.

  1. Egg and honey. Combine in a homogeneous mass 1 chicken egg (raw), pour 20 gr. liquid honey, beat the composition with a fork. Put the composition into the syringe, after removing the needle. Open the mouth of the animal, pour the mixture onto the root of the tongue so that the animal does not spit it out. The course is 2-3 days, it all depends on the speed at which the symptoms disappear and the dog’s immune system. Infusion of the mixture should be carried out 3 times a day with an equal interval.Make sure that the dog always has warm drinking water.
  2. Egg, honey, vodka. The recipe is considered the most "slaughter", but it is suitable only in extreme cases. The animal must have strong immunity, otherwise the composition will act in the opposite direction. Combine 25 ml in one mass. vodka, 1 chicken egg, 20 gr. liquid fresh honey. Stir the components with two forks, transfer to a syringe, remove the needle. Open the dog's mouth, pour serum on the root of the tongue. The composition is given once (!) Once a day, in no case more. The course is 2 days, the dog must be constantly watered with clean warm water.
  3. Medicinal plants. Reducing the level of intoxication is achieved by soldering the dog with chamomile or St. John's wort decoction. To do this, combine in one mass of 10 g. each kind of herbs, fill in 100 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours. Strain, pour in 50 ml. Once a day.

If your pet has nervous breakdowns, give him motherwort infusion. To prepare the product is quite simple: brew 15 gr. plants in 100 ml. hot water, leave to cool partially. Filter, pour 50 ml into the mouth 2 times a day.

Vaccination of dogs against carnivore plague

Vaccination of dogs against carnivore plague

  1. The plague vaccine does not guarantee complete protection, but it prevents infection by 99%. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 1.5-2 months. After that, quarantine is maintained for about 3 weeks, then the manipulations are repeated.
  2. Within a month after vaccination, the puppy should not be in contact with other animals. It is important to observe full quarantine: wash floors 2 times a day, clean shoes and outerwear. Avoid drafts in the apartment, as the animal’s body is struggling with the vaccine, the dog is weakening.
  3. After the first vaccination, the vaccine is repeated at 6 months, then the drug is injected once a year. In the veterinary passport, the doctor puts the appropriate notes with the name of the vaccine and the date of the procedure. Before the procedure, it is necessary to gobble the pet.

As practice shows, carnivore plague can be cured in the early stages. It is important to understand that without the supervision of a veterinarian, proper therapy will not work. The specialist will select the appropriate treatment, taking into account the sex, age and immunity of the animal. Only on time noticed symptoms can save the life of your pet.

Video: how to treat plague in dogs

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