How to teach a child to dress independently

Learning is never too late even for adults. And kids every day have to learn something new. This also applies to clothing. How to teach a child to dress independently? Necessarily with a good mood, constant praise and great patience.

How to teach a child to dress independently

Many parents, trying to keep up with the modern rhythm of life, make mistakes. Let's analyze the most common.

“You are already 7 years old, but you don’t know how to dress!”

When to start? The first steps can be taken after a year. The kid confidently keeps on his feet and even sometimes manages to take off her panties. So try. First we show him how to do it. Be sure to pronounce each movement. Why do we need panties? To sweet ass is not frozen! Gradually, the child will wake up interest, somewhere in 2-3 years.

It is important not to miss this moment. At this age, the offspring literally splashes with independence, he wants to try everything and do it with his own hands. Turn his desire for good.

If your baby is more than 4 years old, and he does not know how to dress independently, then this is a stone in your garden, and not his. You did not teach the child, it is not his fault. But all is not lost. And even at 7 years old, you can safely teach your baby.

Do not start immediately with complicated fasteners or long laces. First, there will be buttons, Velcro, lightning. And only after that you can switch to heavier ones.

Tip. Do not interrupt the child's desire to try to get dressed on their own. If you are in a hurry, then just promise that next time he will do it. And be sure to keep the promise!

“Well look, you're dressing wrong!”

Forget this phrase forever. If the child is interested, you need to competently encourage him. Naturally, at first he will be mistaken. But you can praise instead of indignation? For example, he put a hat on backwards. Ay, what a fellow! Now we will fix it and there will be beauty! And quickly turn it over.

Do not laugh. Or explain your laughter not with crooked tights, but with the joy that the baby managed to pull them on.

Talk. Speak your every move out loud. Example: puts on a jacket. Fingers are stuck in the sleeve. Say that they are confused one by one. And when in the cam, all together will find a way out.

Get comfortable, loose clothing for your samples. The child will quickly get comfortable in a T-shirt and shorts than in winter overalls.

Let the child first learn to dress while sitting. It is much simpler. And only then standing. By the way, the sitting child is not in danger of clanking on the floor, entangled in trousers or a turtleneck.

It happens that the child wants to get dressed on his own. But he doesn’t succeed. He groans, gets confused, starts to get angry, then loses interest. It is very important not to let such a thing go by chance. Timely praise him, without moralizing with the help of the game, tell me the right decision. And be sure to calm down, explaining that as a child, too, at first you did not know how to dress. Let him try again, everything will turn out without fail.

Tip. Buy or make your child a business board, large mosaic, constructor. It perfectly develops fine motor skills. The well-known game with the fingers of "forty" is designed for this.

"Well, why are you still confusing shoes?"

Because parents still have not explained to the child an elementary trick on how to distinguish shoes. We put sandals nearby. Did you get a butterfly? So wrong. Does the figurine bear little resemblance to a beautiful winged insect? So boldly shoes. Everything is simple and without tears.

Tip.First, the child must know what the notorious butterfly looks like!

"Well, as you do not understand, everything is simple right there!"

It’s easy for you. And for a small child, even a simple button causes difficulty. And to understand where in front or the wrong side, without a clue is unrealistic.

Simplify your baby’s tasks. Start with Velcro or buttons, and only then move on to buttons and laces. You can just give your child a blouse and ask him to unfasten and fasten it. And after doing this on yourself.

Choose clothes where the butt, front, back and face are clearly distinguished. And explain to the child why you need to dress that way. Example. The seams are ugly, we hide them inside. Look what a pretty picture. Let's turn her on the belly, so everyone will see her.

Sometimes you need to leave the child alone. Let him poke around with socks or a sweater. As a rule, the help of parents is favorably received by the little man when it is really needed. He will quickly get tired of getting confused in trousers or sleeves, and that will be an occasion to offer his help.

After all, it is not at all necessary to begin to learn to dress just before leaving the house. On a regular weekend or in the evening we play with the children in "who will get dressed faster?" This is for boys. "Fashion Model" for girls. And now we quietly teach the child to dress correctly himself.

Valuable recommendations

How to teach a child to dress

  1. Sew buttons, laces, Velcro on soft toys. Show how it works. Example. The bunny’s ears can be fastened, and a bone is tied to the dog’s lace.
  2. Consistency helps a lot. It is possible to depict types of clothes on a piece of paper and show with arrows what is coming. If such a scheme is not interesting to the offspring, then try to fold the clothes in the reverse order. That is, underwear on top, and pants or a dress on the bottom. Then the baby will not have to sort out. He took it from above and put it on without confusion.
  3. The learning process will go much faster if the child has already learned to undress. After all, removing clothes is incomparably easier, but at the same time you can get to know her better. By the way, immediately teach the child to fold clothes, and not to scatter throughout the room. Of course, the first time he will just crumple her in a chair. But not in the corners anymore - this is an event. Over time, learn to use hangers.
  4. If the child is tired or cripples, postpone the lessons until later. Clothes will not go anywhere, but a good mood runs away easily.
  5. As often as possible show on yourself how to dress properly. Only if in your arsenal there is an original method of jumping into a T-shirt through the heels, do not rush to show this child. He is still confused in classical ways, why bother him with extra knowledge. That's when he is fully accustomed and will dress automatically, like an adult, then teach him your tricks.
  6. If the baby does not succeed, then do everything in half. You are one leg, he is another. You are the neck of a sweater, he is sleeveless. Even with confusion, praise and rejoice.
  7. Let him help you with everything. Then, when dressing, you can resort to tricks: mom is so tired, she really needs your help. Let’s try to get dressed yourself, and mommy will sit and look.

Doubtful Tips

There are recommendations to get up in the morning 30 minutes earlier, so that the child has time to dress independently.

  1. For the baby to dress himself, you need at least 40-50 minutes. Summer does not count.
  2. The child will wake up earlier, and you yourself will be ready to lose an hour of sleep?

Another tip. Allegedly the offspring dresses at times faster if the mother is already dressed and was about to leave. Better yet, when she had already gone out the door and was waiting outside.

  1. The method may work when the child knows how to dress, but does not want to.
  2. Be ready, returning to the house, to catch an undressed and roaring offspring.

Motivate with sweets. For each correctly worn garment - a candy.

  1. For overalls - obesity, for tights - caries, for shoes - diabetes.
  2. When sweets are always at hand - this is not the motive. Praise of parents and their sincere delight, this is the real motivation.
  3. Toys are also not an option. Are you ready to buy a new toy for every sock?

Constantly train hard and persistently.

  1. What persistence? A child from the spirit of contradiction will spite you to stick both legs into one leg. And then portray an insulted innocence. Only patience applies to these little actors!
  2. Constantly, this is not three hours without a break. This is only at the request of the child. Or interest him, then desire will not keep you waiting.

If the child is naughty, then offer him a choice of several options for sets of clothes. Let him choose the one he likes best.

  1. The method is good if you have these several sets.
  2. Provide two, maximum three. Otherwise, it will take three hours to choose a child, and in the end it will refuse all.

How to teach a child to dress independently? By personal example, help and patience again. He will surely learn, just competently tell and motivate.

Video: how to teach a child to dress independently

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