How to teach a dog a fas team

A dog is often just a companion and a pet for a person, but this is not limited to a complete list of all the functions and obligations assigned to this animal. Some dogs must show the qualities of a defender, a watchman and a guard, both of the owner, and everything that belongs to him. Of course, this requires additional training of the dog, in particular, training the team, which encourages the dog to attack the stranger. How can I teach a pet the Fas team?

How to teach a dog a fas team

Training Nuances

The dog, performing the function of a guard, is obliged to have some maliciousness and aggressiveness of character, which should be aimed at a person carrying a certain threat, and not at other domestic animals. Of course, such character traits are natural, embedded in the dog from birth, so representatives of some breeds can never become a real watchman and protector. Accordingly, this feature should be noted.

You can start the process of training when the puppy has reached the age of five months. However, in some situations, an adult can also be brought up. A number of recommendations can be made, following which the owner will be able to more effectively carry out training:

  1. In accordance with the established standards, it is only possible to train a dog in the commands necessary to fulfill the function of defenders when the animal has mastered all the mandatory and initial commands. A considerable endurance, impeccable submission to the owner is required from the dog. If time for raising a pet was practically not wasted, then you don’t have to think about how to teach him protection, since a dog that does not obey the owner will not provide him with high-quality protection.
  2. The team, which involves further study of the orders, is “Alien!”, Which can prepare the animal for the development of the conflict.
  3. The dog, which acts as a defender, must have good health, stamina and strength, so it is important to give him a chance to receive regular loads, periodically walk and observe a healthy diet.
  4. It is important that a complete understanding is established between the dog and the owner. An animal that loves a person, attached to it as much as possible, will do everything to protect the owner.

Any, even at first glance, the most insignificant mistake can turn out to be that the dog’s psyche will be at risk, so it’s important not to “go too far” while training the pet.

Start date

First of all, you need to pay close attention when observing how the pet behaves in society: does it show aggression to strangers, how does it relate to relatives and other animals, can it be frightened when it sees a stranger, is it afraid of loud noises, is it some reaction to the drunken passers-by? If in reality the animal is cowardly, then you probably need to seek help from professional dog handlers.

The specialist will be able to demonstrate the gestures that make it possible to coordinate the behavior of the dog:

  1. The animal should be seated near the left extremity of the person, the owner holds him with a leash. In addition, the dog can be tied to a pole, while the owner is still to his left.
  2. The assistant helping with the training approaches the person and his pet, demonstrating deliberate cowardice, while waving a rag in front of the dog's face. The most expected and necessary reaction in such a situation is the dog’s desire to grab a rag, the animal begins to growl, give a voice.
  3. At the moment when the dog is ready to start attacking actions, you should give the command “Fas” with a loud and clear voice. At the same time, the owner is required by the body to make a sharp attack forward.
  4. If the animal begins to tear and gnaw a rag, then the owner will need to give a new command so that the dog steps back - "Fu." But initially, when training has just begun, it is important to exercise physical influence on the dog.
  5. After the first approach has ended, the assistant acting as the “attacker” is removed, and the owner needs to be encouraged and praised by the dog.

It will be necessary to determine the necessary moment in order to give a voice command, and this is easier to do if the dog is on a leash. Then the owner will be able to feel any mood of the dog, even when it starts to growl without opening its mouth. Some dogs belonging to different breeds (for example, the Brazilian fila or the Moscow watchdog) usually attack silently. However, owners who do not have much experience are not recommended to start training these dogs alone.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that some teams can assimilate the animal in the form of a game, but this command does not apply to such ones. To train this order the dog is required not in a playful way. However, anger, loud screams and rudeness towards the pet can also interfere with learning.

How to work out the command

How to work out the face command correctly
To do this, you can no longer tie the animal to a tree, and the dog can be allowed to sit near the owner’s foot. After the “striker” appears in the immediate vicinity, the owner needs to configure the pet for a subsequent attack. An “intruder,” meanwhile, should not use a rag, but a different object — as an option, a plastic bottle filled with small grains. This kind of "weapon" will not be able to harm the dog, but it is very noisy.

The command should be given when about 4 meters remain from the assistant to the dog. The assistant will need to deliberately substitute the body parts for the dog to which the animal should pay maximum attention when attacking - this serves as a kind of clue. For example, an attacker taps a bottle on his forearm, and then the animal attacks this particular part of the body. There are a number of restrictions, for example, it is not recommended to teach a dog to attack the inguinal, neck or face area.

In fact, it’s quite simple to train your pet to attack a stranger. It’s much harder to train him to let the attacker go, and the dog needs to immediately open his teeth after the Fu command. Professional dog handlers argue that working out just such a reflex is much more difficult than teaching the dog the main team.

When the dog has learned to attack the attacker, it is important to proceed to the next stage of training, which consists in attacking the person leaving the scene of the conflict and holding him until the owner comes. If the training is carried out as competently as possible, then the dog will not only be able to attack the threatening person, but also learn to give the situation a certain rating. More professional courses allow the animal to distinguish between the type of weapon that the attacker uses.

Video: training dogs team fas and alien

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