How not to gain weight during pregnancy

Many beautiful ladies begin to think about a possible set of extra pounds when they find out about pregnancy. Fears have certain reasons, because in a ticklish situation, expectant mothers can not afford to eat wrong. During pregnancy, the body consumes energy for two, so it is necessary to fundamentally change eating habits. Doctors advise switching to a balanced diet that controls weight gain. Consider the basic aspects in order.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy

Pregnancy Weight Gain Chart

  1. First you need to determine how quickly you gain body weight. In most cases, expectant mothers have no idea how many grams can be typed per day. They don’t notice that they are beginning to grow fat, as they look at themselves in the mirror daily.
  2. Doctors do not advise gaining weight more than 45 grams. in a day. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase electronic scales that will most clearly show possible deviations from a given course.
  3. It is believed that for 9 months of pregnancy a woman should gain about 10-12 kg., Not more. Otherwise, you run the risk of stinging specialist comments that excess weight will lead to edema. The doctor will prescribe a diet in which it will be forbidden to eat salty foods, since they retain water.
  4. In rare cases, when the expectant mother is gaining too much, she will be hospitalized. Under the close supervision of doctors, a woman drinks appetite control pills, observes fasting days and goes through the “7 circles of Hell”.
  5. Less competent doctors do not pay attention to excessive weight gain, arguing that their weight increases individually. Of course, this fact has a place to be, but still worth adhering to the norms.
  6. If we talk about individual aspects, some girls gain weight closer to childbirth in the third trimester. However, such a feature is extremely rare. For the most part, it is an exception to the rule.

6 steps to not gain weight during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not the right time to choose diets or severe restrictions on your nutritional schedule. It is worth thinking about a balanced diet today, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds after giving birth.

Step number 1. Create a daily menu
Daily Maternity Menu

  1. The main condition for maintaining a slim figure during pregnancy is considered to be a daily menu. You can sketch for the week ahead, if that is more convenient. Not all girls know that they will eat for breakfast or drink at high tea, this is wrong.
  2. If you do not have a clear menu, there is a risk of incorrect snacking. Since pregnant women argue overeating with the words "I can!", Weight is gaining rapidly. Snacks, chocolate, cake, hamburger and other nasty things usually act as snacks.
  3. The appetite of a woman in a position is difficult to predict. You may want to eat while at work or on the bus, so you need to take care of this in advance. Cook food in the evening, pack it in containers, sign it by the hour.
  4. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day. At the same time, nutrition consists of three main meals and 2-3 snacks. Take the habit of carrying fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes, etc.), drinking yoghurts, fermented baked milk, yogurt, whole grain breads.
  5. Have a good snack at those moments when hunger makes itself felt. In no case do not replace the main meal with snacks.As a result of a lack of nutrients, the body will begin to store reserves of all products received.

Step number 2. Do not neglect breakfast

  1. Expectant mothers are faced with toxicosis, which usually torments them in the morning. Hence, a refusal of breakfast appears, as a result of which the body is in a sleepy state all day.
  2. The average duration of a pregnant woman’s sleep is 8-9 hours; all this time the body does not receive nutrients. This adversely affects the health of the girl and the future baby. Neglecting breakfast, you run the risk of eating much more at lunch than you could.
  3. After waking up in the morning, drink a glass of clean water, and after 15 minutes, start eating. An ideal breakfast option is a mixture of oatmeal and flax porridge in a ratio of 3: 1. To fully absorb the cereals, pour the cereal with hot milk. Add banana, frozen or fresh berries, an apple, chia or flax seeds to the porridge, and experiment.
  4. If you don’t want to eat porridge, replace it with two whole grain bread toasts with cheese. You can also eat yogurt, cottage cheese, drink fermented baked milk with chopped dill. It is important to send a signal to the brain that it is time to wake up. After the meal, it is allowed to normalize the glucose level by eating a piece of cake or chocolate candy (until 12.00).

Step number 3. Do not eat in the cafe

  1. Not all cafes and fast-food restaurants boast completely healthy food. After making a sample menu, prepare meals at home and pack them in containers. If you have not yet gone on maternity leave, do not visit McDanalds and other establishments where food is cooked with butter.
  2. In cases where the corporate dining room provides first, second courses and salads, give preference to it. If possible, order soup, fish or meat with a side dish, do not forget about a salad of fresh vegetables (dressing - not mayonnaise).
  3. If you are a frequent visitor to restaurants, give up fried steaks, rolls or sushi, soft cheese, unpasteurized dairy products, raw fish.

Step number 4. Follow the drinking regimen
Drinking regimen for pregnant women

  1. Pregnant women need to drink enough fluids per day. You can not exceed the measure, otherwise a strong load on the kidneys will begin. Doctors recommend drinking about 2 liters. pure water.
  2. Limit coffee consumption (no more than 200 ml. Per day), be sure to add cane sugar, milk / cream. If possible, replace coffee with chicory.
  3. Do not abuse green tea, it leaches calcium from bones and folic acid, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body. Give preference to black tea without flavors.
  4. Put on freshly squeezed juices (fresh), diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The most useful are carrot, celery, cabbage, citrus, apple and berry. Sweeten the drink with honey or a natural sugar substitute (Stevia).
  5. Completely exclude packaged juices, carbonated sugary drinks, alcohol, non-alcoholic beer from the daily diet. Once a month, you can afford 100 ml. semi-dry red or dry wine.

Step number 5. Listen to the needs of the body

  1. In most cases, future young mothers begin to listen to the instructions of the older generation when they learn about pregnancy. The mother-in-law insists that it is time to eat for two, the mother suggests eating a fried cutlet, the husband brings food from a fast food restaurant.
  2. Of course, girls in position need to eat a lot, but the food should be healthy. If you used to eat about 1400-1700 kcal. per day, now this figure has increased to 2600 Kcal. However, not all energy value has a beneficial effect on health.
  3. Eat on the clock, the meal should be fractional. After breakfast, wait 2 hours, then have a snack. Lunch comes after 3 hours, then again a snack, dinner and another snack.In the end, you get three main meals and three snacks.
  4. The portion should be balanced, all products - exclusively useful. Do not eat fried chicken or mashed cutlets for lunch, stew vegetables with meat and eat soup.
  5. In no case should you overeat. Such a move will complicate the work of all internal organs, the child will begin to develop more slowly, and excess fat folds will be noticeable at the waist.
  6. If you have not received satisfaction from the main meal, eat an apple instead of a supplement, drink a glass of water with lemon or yogurt.
  7. Listen to the needs of the body, do not limit yourself in everything. If the inner voice whispers: “I want meat!”, Eat the stew pulp of pork, beef, chicken or turkey. You may be short of protein, iron, or calcium.
  8. If you feel that you do not want to eat meat, which is indicated on the menu for lunch, do not force the body. Move this item to dinner or the next day, make up the diet again. The main thing is to scroll all the time in your head that you need to cook a healthy dish.

Step number 6. View the list of prohibited products

  1. It is very important to remember about prohibited foods that slow down your metabolism. These include homemade pickles and canned goods, sausages, soft cheeses, fast food, cakes and pastries, pickled mushrooms. It is necessary to use moderately paste, semi-finished products (it is better to stew them or steam), chocolate.
  2. If possible, replace the listed products with more useful ones. For example, do not fry or pickle mushrooms, but cook them in a slow cooker. Stew pork pulp, beef tenderloin, turkey, chicken, liver, supply meat with fresh vegetables. Dress salads with apple cider vinegar or olive oil.
  3. Arrange with your household that for some time you will stop cooking fried foods. Stew, boil, cook, but do not fry foods for 2 months. During this period, you will get used to eating properly and accustom your family to a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Limit your intake of citrus fruits. The most harmful are oranges, lemons and pineapples, they can be eaten no more than 3 times a week. As for the pomelo and grapefruit, eat them 4 times a week. Lean on bananas (no more than 2 pcs per day), apples, pears, grapes (no more than 1 bunch per day).

Practical tips

How not to gain weight during pregnancy

  1. Do not forget about sports. Many girls mistakenly believe that if they are in a position, you can not make unnecessary movements. Pregnancy is not a disease! If there are no complications, everything is going well, enter physical activity. Call fitness clubs in your city, find out about courses for pregnant women. Prefer water aerobics for expectant mothers, swimming, Pilates, yoga, fitball and other calm directions. Regularly walk in the fresh air, after a meal do not go to bed for half an hour.
  2. Observe food hygiene, you do not need to eat at night, even if you really want to. Many pregnant girls want to taste fried potatoes with mushrooms after midnight, do not be like them. Cheat your stomach by drinking a glass of warm milk with honey, a mug of tea, kefir or low-fat yogurt. Eat a handful of dried fruits, berries or nuts.
  3. During pregnancy, you can not starve yourself, refusing food or greatly reducing its amount. Forget the word diet! If you skip breakfast or lunch, a hearty appetite takes off for dinner. As a result of this, you will greatly exceed the allowable portion. If you are still working, do not rely on the dining room, it may not have the right food. Take the habit of taking food in containers, fruits, nuts, berries.
  4. To suppress toxicosis, which usually manifests itself in the first trimester, have a snack every 2 hours. In pregnant women, frequent fluctuations in blood sugar levels are noticed, for this you need to drink a mug of sweet tea or chicory in the morning.If you notice that body weight is growing rapidly, exclude high-calorie foods after 19.00.

First of all, you need to think about the unborn child, who should be born healthy. Make a daily menu, do not neglect the morning meal, do not eat in the cafe. Go in for sports, listen to the needs of the body, do not eat prohibited foods.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

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