How to clean pores on the nose at home

Kamendons, or black dots, can form in an absolutely healthy person. The reason for this feature is considered improper nutrition, bad habits, neglect of basic care. Due to the mixing of subcutaneous fat and keratinized particles of the epithelium, the pores are strongly clogged, forming plugs. As a result, the activity of the glands is disrupted, which contributes to the development of bacteria in the skin cavity. Many people do not know how to deal with a defect, so they try to squeeze out blackheads. Such a move leads to even greater infection and the appearance of scars.

How to clean the pores on the nose

Reasons for the formation of calendons

  • neglect of the basic rules for skin care;
  • improper selection of decorative cosmetics;
  • abuse of tonal clogging pores;
  • violation of hormonal failure;
  • pregnancy, lactation, breastfeeding, menopause;
  • adolescence;
  • excessively oily skin by nature;
  • frequent use of salty, spicy, fried foods;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • addictions (tobacco, alcohol);
  • impaired functioning of the endocrine system;
  • insomnia, improper work and rest;
  • malfunctioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • environmental factor.

How to get rid of black dots on the nose

It is easy to clean the pores of the calendons if you adhere to effective recommendations regarding possible procedures. You are required to observe hygiene standards and regular use of masks.

Method number 1. Proper use of cosmetics

  1. Take the habit of regularly using matting wipes at the slightest appearance of oily sheen. Cosmetic materials of this kind are sold in specialized stores and are relatively inexpensive. Many girls make the mistake of dusting their nose at the sight of excessive grease. This move clogs the pores more strongly, contributing to the appearance of even more black dots. Using wipes is quite simple: attach them to the nose, hold them down, wait 5 seconds. Repeat the manipulations until the oily sheen has completely disappeared.
  2. Foundation, powder, blush, concealers and correctors penetrate deep into the structure of the skin. Due to this, the dermis stops breathing, sebaceous plugs form. Fat cannot go outside, provoking the development of bacteria. Limit the use of the above formulations or rinse them 4 hours after application. If possible, change the tonal base to BB-cream, designed with age in mind. Before doing makeup, spread cosmetic primer over the face (sold in professional stores).
  3. In the summer, protect the epidermis from direct UV radiation. Get a gel serum with a special SPF filter, apply the product before going out. When visiting a tanning bed, ask the administrator to provide a protective cream (for an additional fee). In winter, the use of anti-frost agents (baby cream, Nivea, etc.) will become especially relevant. Refuse to apply night cream or soften the skin 2 hours before bedtime. Remove excess cosmetic sponges before going to bed.
  4. Begin your morning awakening with a face wash. Do not use toilet soap for these purposes, give preference to special products. Get a daily scrub, gel or cleanser. After the procedure, wipe the epidermis with a lotion designed for your skin type. Morning hygiene ends with the application of a light hydrogel, which is 70% water (an extra-moisturizer is suitable). Water for washing should be contrasting (first warm, then cold), but not hot.Many girls wipe skin with cosmetic ice based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak, sage, geranium, green or black tea, etc.).

Method number 2. Properly Designed Diet
Proper nutrition for clean skin

  1. As mentioned earlier, an improperly designed diet adversely affects the condition of the skin. The constant use of fatty foods contributes to the accelerated work of the sebaceous glands. Salty foods accumulate fluid, slowing down the natural cleansing of the skin. To get rid of the black spots on the nose, you need to review the daily menu.
  2. Products that provoke clogging of pores include butter (vegetable, cream), alcohol, fatty meat, spicy sauces and seasonings, pickled homemade “delicacies”, sour cream (fat content from 20%). It is also worth eliminating the excessive consumption of sweets, jam and preserves, smoked sausages. If possible, completely abandon these products, replace them with more healthy dishes (sugar - honey, smoked sausage - boiled and so on).
  3. Normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands and increasing the level of metabolism is quite simple. Pull on the “right” foods, these include seasonal berries and fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, lean meats (turkey, chicken, pork pulp, beef, veal, rabbit, duck). Lean on dairy products of low fat content (natural yogurts, cereals, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.). Do not forget about legumes and cereals, replace whole wheat bread with wheat.
  4. Do not neglect breakfast. After waking up in the morning, drink a glass of water with lemon, then eat cottage cheese with honey and berries or flax / oatmeal porridge. To increase the assimilation of calcium (responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands), cook cereal in milk (fat content of 1-2.5%). Do not apply the rule “You won’t spoil the porridge with butter!”. Take the habit 3 times a day to drink freshly squeezed juices diluted with 50:50 water. If you often drink alcohol, prefer your favorite drinks dry or semi-dry white wine (no more than 150 ml. Per day).

Method number 3. The use of folk remedies
In addition to changing your usual lifestyle, you must use effective methods aimed at cleansing pores. This includes hot packs, masks, scrubs.

Folk remedies for clean skin

  1. Chamomile compress. To steam out your skin and clear your nose of black spots, use a hot compress. Brew a dry chamomile in boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and strain. Dip a towel into the mixture, attach to the problem area. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. At the same time, the fabric must be moistened regularly so that steaming does not stop. After using the compress, wipe the skin with scrub and melt water (can be replaced by rubbing with ice cubes).
  2. Contrast wash. An excellent option for dealing with black dots is contrast wash. Rinse the skin three times a day, first with hot, then ice water. Do at least 5 sets. The first stage will vaporize the skin, the second step will narrow the pores and push out the sebaceous plugs. If possible, use filtered water, which contains a minimal amount of impurities.
  3. Steam bath. Prepare 3 liters of herbal infusion. You can brew sage, birch bark, yarrow, ginseng, lemon balm and other plants. The steaming procedure in this way is as follows: cover your head with a towel, bring your face to the pan (distance 35 cm.). Breathe in pairs for 7-10 minutes, complete the procedure by wiping with a cleansing tonic or using a scrub.
  4. Oat peeling. Mix together 30 gr. thick honey, 45 gr. oatmeal, 25 ml. fat yogurt. Spread your face over the bath, spread the mask over the entire surface of the problem area. Cover with gauze or cling film, leave for 45 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then with cold water.Apply a moisturizing hydrogel, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.
  5. Mask of soda. Mix baking soda with cold water to make a mess. Wash with hot water or compress to open your pores. Apply a soda mixture for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. To increase efficiency, add a teaspoon of medium-sized flax flakes to the composition.

It is easy to rid the skin of black spots if you follow the basic rules for face care. Review the daily menu, choose the right makeup, make masks. Steam and clean the epidermis with steam baths, prepare compresses, do not neglect contrasting washing.

Video: how to clean pores on the face

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