How to dress a newborn for a walk in autumn

With the advent of the baby in the house, every mother tries to do everything right, "according to science." Feeding, walking, hygiene procedures - everything should be on a certain daily routine. But if a woman is faced with motherhood for the first time, she does not know some nuances. How to dress a child in the fall for a walk so that he does not freeze, but also does not overheat? After all, thermoregulation in newborns is still poorly developed. Many pediatricians insist that overheating is as dangerous to the baby as hypothermia. But how to find this middle ground?

How to dress a newborn for a walk in autumn

First walk

Many young mothers are wondering - when can I go for a walk for the first time? After mother returned with the baby from the hospital, he should stay at home for a few more days. After 10-12 days after birth, you can start short walks. After all, fresh air is not just useful for a little man, he just needs it. It helps the formation of immunity, protects against the virus.

The first walk should not be longer than 10 minutes. You can go with the child to the balcony or to the courtyard. With such a short walk, your hands are unlikely to get tired, especially since the baby is still very tiny. Every day, the walking time should be increased, so after a few days you will need a stroller.

The first transport of the child should be convenient, maneuverable, easy enough. The baby should be in the stroller soft, comfortable and spacious. When buying a stroller, pay attention to its weight, especially if you live on the upper floors. Take care in advance of a soft mattress for the baby, insect net and raincoat.

It is best to go for a walk immediately after feeding. This will allow you to walk longer, almost until the next feeding. If the baby sleeps on a walk - it is very good and useful.

How to dress your baby for a walk in the fall

So, your newborn baby was born in the fall and very soon you will begin long walks. What is needed for this? How to dress a newborn so that he does not freeze, but also does not overheat?

  1. At the very beginning, a diaper is put on the child. Walking without a diaper, especially in the cold season, is dangerous and fraught with hypothermia. If the baby pees into the sliders immediately after going for a walk, all preparations will be in vain - you will have to go home. The diaper should be sized, not crush or rub. After putting on the diaper, make sure that there are no wrinkles or clips anywhere.
  2. After that, the baby needs to wear underwear. It can be vests and sliders. However, it is much more convenient for mom and baby slips and body. They do not bully, do not gather, the baby's lower back is always covered. If you wear a sleeveless bodysuit on a child, you need to put on a thin cotton blouse and sliders on top. If you chose a slip, then you do not need to additionally close the legs and handles - a slip is enough.
  3. The next layer of clothing depends on the weather outside. If the autumn is early and it is warm outside (13-17 degrees) then one velor or fleece jumpsuit will be enough. At the same time, a thin cap is put on the head.
  4. If the street is about 10 degrees Celsius, instead of a fleece or velor overalls, you should wear a warm jumpsuit (but not winter!). The hat is the same.
  5. If it’s cold outside, closer to 0-2 degrees, then you need to dress thoroughly. To do this, a fleece slip and a thin jumpsuit are put on over the underwear. Or underwear, and on top of it a thick winter jumpsuit.
  6. In cold weather, you should wear two hats - one thin cotton, and the second warm.If the wind blows, be sure to put on a baby’s hood from the jumpsuit.

Be sure to take a blanket for a walk. This will help you navigate your feelings. After all, it happens that you look out the window - it seems warm, and go out for a walk - it's cold. This is especially true when the thermometer shows a fairly high temperature, but because of the wind the weather seems colder. If you notice that the baby is freezing, you can just cover it with a blanket.

How to understand that a child is hot or cold

Your baby is still very small and can not talk about his feelings. He responds to all external stimuli by crying. The child cries when he wants to eat, when he is cold or hot, when his stomach hurts, and even when he just misses his mother. Over time, you will be able to distinguish between the crying of your child and understand what he needs at this moment. But while he is still very small, and you just started to recognize him, it is important to be able to recognize children's signals

How to understand that a child is hot or cold

If the baby is cold, his hands and feet become cold. If your child’s limbs are closed, you can touch his nose. If it is warm - everything is in order, you can continue the walk. If it's cold, it's time to rush home. The kid’s red cheeks are not talking about anything - this does not mean that he is cold. Remember, the most important indicator is the nose.

When a child is hot, he begins to sweat. If you notice that the forehead under the hat has become wet, and the back between the shoulder blades is completely wet - you need to remove one layer of clothing. Often young parents, and especially grandparents, wrap up the child so much that he cannot even breathe out. Be prudent, do not do this!

I would like to say a few words about premature babies. If your baby was born ahead of schedule, be prepared for the fact that these children need to be worn a little warmer. They quickly and often freeze due to unformed thermoregulation.

When going out for a walk, you don’t need to put a scarf on your mouth and nose. Firstly, it becomes wet with saliva and this can lead to hypothermia. Secondly, why then do you need a walk if you are still trying to breathe through foreign objects?

Properly selected clothing for a walk in the fall is the comfort of the baby and the calmness of the mother. Dress the child according to the weather so that he grows strong and strong!

Video: what to wear for a walk with a child in the fall

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