How to stop hair loss after childbirth

Throughout pregnancy, hair follicles are firmly fixed in the skin. For this reason, girls can’t get enough of lush hair, mistakenly believing that she will remain so forever. After childbirth, hair begins to fall out intensively, a similar feature is caused by a lack of vitamins and hormonal failure. Newly made moms clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. We will consider effective ways to strengthen the bulbs and give practical recommendations.

How to stop hair loss after childbirth

Causes of hair loss after childbirth

As mentioned earlier, over the course of 9 months, the female body has been actively accumulating enzymes, vitamins, macro- and microelements. After childbirth, the body is depleted, it begins to give back previously accumulated minerals. This leads to massive hair loss, the appearance of acne, inflammation. Also, the nails begin to exfoliate, and the skin begins to dry and peel off.

In cases where large patches with bald patches appear on the head, it is worth considering seriously. Such a deviation indicates a malfunction in the body, consider the main reasons.

  1. In most cases, postpartum depression is considered the main cause of bald patches. Newly made mothers experience tremendous stress, do not get enough sleep, eat poorly. All this leads to massive hair loss, worsening of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Hormonal rearrangement causes disruptions in the body. The menstrual cycle resumes, lactation stops. The body lacks vitamins and minerals, this affects the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  3. No matter how strange it sounds, dandruff causes the formation of bald patches. This is especially true of girls and women who had a similar attack before and during pregnancy. After childbirth, the scalp begins to itch and itch, and the hair falls out badly.
  4. An unbalanced diet weakens the hair follicles. Lack of nutrients adversely affects the entire state of the body, including hair. Add to this stress, lack of sleep and a complete "combat kit" is provided.
  5. Hair often lacks calcium if a newly minted mother continues to breastfeed her baby. As a rule, this can be avoided by drinking a course of multivitamins or special medicines containing exclusively calcium.

Practical Hair Care Tips

  1. Immediately after childbirth, visit your doctor to prescribe a course of multivitamins. Such complexes are designed specifically for lactating and pregnant women. Thanks to the optimally balanced composition, the hair follicles are strengthened, the nails cease to exfoliate, and the skin takes on a healthy appearance. At the same time, the composition of vitamin complexes includes minerals and elements that are absolutely harmless to the baby.
  2. To normalize the hormonal background that “jumps” after childbirth, include iodine-rich foods in the daily menu. The element has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, preventing the formation of large bald patches.
  3. Discard devices that affect the curls with high temperatures (ironing, curling iron, hair rollers, hair dryer, etc.). Wear your hair loose or braid in a tight (!) Tail / braid. Do not use iron hair accessories with hard teeth, prefer plastic or wooden products.
  4. Replace your comb with a natural bristle brush. Do not comb wet hair, wait for it to dry completely.Completely eliminate iron tools from the household that contribute to hair loss and cross-section. Give preference to a wooden comb with teeth located 0.5 cm apart.
  5. Take the habit of washing your hair properly. Use only water whose temperature does not exceed the mark of 40 degrees. Rinse off the shampoo and balm completely, take care of your hair with the help of sprays, serums, masks, pharmacy products (we will consider them below). Rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs, add essential oils to the infusion.
  6. To improve blood circulation and awaken hair follicles, regularly massage your head. Get nicotinic acid (ampoules) in the pharmacy, rub it into the skin according to the instructions. Such a move will fill the dermis with oxygen and restore natural hair growth.
  7. If you have long curls, visit a hairdresser and cut them to the shoulder blades. Such a move will reduce the load on the bulbs, and also help to strengthen the hair along the entire length, preventing the cross-section. Nutrients will come in large quantities, which will affect the natural beauty of the hair.

Effective hair loss remedies

Castor oil
The product is made on the basis of castor oil seeds, contains various types of acids (oleic, linoleic, palm). These components help restore blood flow and accelerate hair growth (prevent hair loss). You can use castor oil in its pure form or add it to masks, balms.

Castor Hair Oil

Preheat the composition in a water bath or in the microwave, add the Aevit vitamin complex. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap in cling film or put on a shower cap. The exposure time ranges from 4 to 10 hours. The cost of the drug is about 20-40 rubles.

Regein (Minoxidil concentration of 2%)
In the pharmacy you can buy a composition in the form of a powder that is highly soluble in water.

The main feature of Regeyn is that it dilates blood vessels and saturates cells with oxygen, accelerates the natural circulation of blood, due to which follicles awaken. The drug is used to prevent alopecia, it is often used by men in the fight against massive baldness.

To properly use the composition, rub the solution into the scalp, add the finished product to hair products (balms, masks, shampoos, serums, etc.). According to numerous reviews by women, it can be concluded that hair loss stops within 10-14 days after use. Moreover, the growth of new ones begins in 2–2.5 months.

Pricing policy varies greatly depending on volume and concentration. As a rule, the cost is about 850-2700 rubles.


The drug is a high concentration anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and anesthetic. "Dimexide" is used as a hair restoration product, but it is not recommended to use it in its pure form (burns may occur). The tool is added in small amounts to the composition of masks, balms, shampoos, infusions on medicinal herbs.

An important aspect of the application is that the product has the property of exfoliating and departing from other ingredients. For this reason, the mask must be mixed well before application. Contraindications for use are acne, lactation, pregnancy and infection. The pricing policy of Dimexidum varies between 35–70 rubles.

The product is designed specifically for hair, it contains biostimulants, vitamin complexes. Esvitsin is made from environmentally friendly components, which is why it is considered hypoallergenic. It eliminates any problems associated with hair (loss, cross section, weakness, etc.).

Apply the product with massage movements, rubbing into the scalp for 3-5 minutes.It is important to remember forever that there is no need to wash off the drug after use. The tool can be used orally on an empty stomach of 25 ml. 3 times a week. The course is not limited to a certain framework; drink “Esvitsin” until you get the result.

Add it to hair care cosmetics. The composition has no side effects and contraindications, for this it is appreciated. The cost is 125-150 rubles.

Depending on the speed and quality of metabolic processes, hair loss can last from 2 months to a year or more. Do not panic, believing that this feature is a sign of a disease or other ailment. The hair gets rid of the "extra" hairs that have grown during pregnancy.

Video: hair will never fall out again

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