How to wean a dog to rush to other dogs

Regardless of age, breed, size, the dog should be socialized and not show aggression without reason for people and their relatives. Inadequate pet behavior can harm both other animals and himself. An aggressive dog in pursuit of his brethren may get lost and even fall under the wheels of a car. How to avoid such disasters? The advice of experienced breeders and dog handlers comes to the rescue.

How to wean a dog to rush to other dogs

Proper control

As a rule, pets are always interested in their brothers. This is especially true for puppies that are active and curious. The owner should not protect his pet from interacting with other dogs, but he needs to be trained to communicate gradually. To stop the outbursts of aggression is necessary from an early age. It will be much more difficult to instill the correct manners for an adult dog.

Owning hunting dog breeds is particularly difficult. Gaining control of a dog driven by instincts is very difficult. Of course, you can solve this problem in the simplest way by putting a leash on a difficult-to-handle dog, and not allowing you to pounce on other animals. But this will not solve the problem. The best leash should be the control of the owner. There are no dogs that cannot be taught to behave properly and adequately in their walks. When the dog does not listen to the owner’s commands, this means that the wrong training tactics have been chosen.

It is important to find out the reasons why the dog exhibits aggressive behavior towards relatives.

They are as follows:

  • lack of communication with other dogs;
  • psychological trauma;
  • low mental and physical stress;
  • mistakes in education;
  • feeling of dominance;
  • competition between individuals of the same sex;
  • breed features (for example, fighting).

Discomfort due to pain (If a kind, peace-loving dog suddenly began to pounce on relatives in the street, it should be shown to a veterinarian).

Territorial aggression (following the instincts, the dog can attack other animals in specific territorial areas). Thus, protecting their territory).

Recommendations for teaching diplomatic behavior

It is enough to allow your trained pet to chase another dog, for example, a street dog once, and this can become a regularity.

On this occasion, professional dog handlers give the following tips:

  1. The puppy needs to be allowed to communicate with other individuals, preferably peace-loving or peers. Of course, new friends should be healthy and vaccinated, and their owners - to inspire confidence. Thanks to communication with their own kind, the puppy will develop sociability. You need to walk your pet more often so that he learns to react correctly to other dogs, birds, and people. For example, you can walk in the private sector, where many irritants can be found. The puppy must hear the voices of other dogs and gradually adapt. You need to start with short walks, gradually increasing the time until the pet is comfortable.
  2. If the dog is uncontrollable, and it is not possible to prevent the pursuit of other animals, it is urgent to start training. If an adult dog is calm and affectionate in itself, but seeing a congener becomes inadequate, it means that serious mistakes were made in the upbringing.
  3. Before the chase, the dog may show certain signs: to tighten his ears, raise his paw, take a waiting pose, stretching his neck forward or begin to slowly move to the object of interest.At this point, you need to call the dog and give the command "to me." At the moment when she is walking nearby, but intends to rush into the attack behind the object of temptation, it is necessary to command the word "nearby", while trying to get the team to execute the first time. The animal should approach the leg, and not pay attention to external stimuli. When the team is completed, the pet needs to be stroked, praised, encouraged with a treat and continued movement. After the completed commands, the pet is gradually accustomed to diplomatic behavior. If the upcoming attacks are not noticed in time, nothing will come of it.
  4. If the moment is missed, and the dog rushed in pursuit, you must abruptly command "not", "fu" or "next to", sharply, but not too much, pull the leash. It is important to show rigor, but by no means cruelty. So, over time, the ward will form an adequate perception of other pets.
  5. Need to be patient. It is unlikely that the goal of training will be achieved immediately. One must be prepared for temporary setbacks.
  6. If a dog has run around enough for relatives, and then returned to the owner, there is no need to immediately praise it. However, it should not be punished. It is necessary to show the ward his discontent.
  7. If, while walking with a leash, the dog behaves approximately, but there are fears that, being without him, he will behave like a pet, you need to let the dog run on its own without unfastening the leash. Due to the presence of a leash, catching a dog will be easier. If it’s difficult to catch up, you need to get a more genuine leash, or a harder collar. This is one of the methods to control stubborn pupils. With the manifestation of an aggressive mood of the dog towards its brethren, wearing a strict collar is especially recommended. Dog handlers believe that this is much more humane than the constant pulling of a regular collar. For small puppies, the use of a strict collar is unacceptable.

Following the above rules will produce the desired result: diplomatic behavior of the dog.

If attempts to self-training were unsuccessful, it is recommended to contact a canine specialist.

Video: how to wean your dog to respond to other dogs

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