How to wean a dog to crap in the wrong place

The joy of the appearance in the family of the long-awaited four-legged friend can be overshadowed by the fact that the pet is not accustomed to asking for a toilet. To instill good habits in a dog is time-consuming. The problem of weaning a pet to cope with the need in the wrong places is solved, you just need to be patient and certain skills, which will be discussed below.

How to wean a dog to crap in the wrong place

A few words about the reasons for this behavior

Before reporting on the full program of your pet, it makes sense to find out what his behavior is related to. Who knows, there may be unpleasant "puddles" on the floor or sofa connected with pathologies of the genitourinary system and your pet needs medical attention.

The main reasons why a dog begins to shit anywhere, may lie in the following:

  1. Since childhood, no one has instilled the habit of going to the toilet outside the walls of the house or in places specially designed for these purposes indoors. The animal simply cannot understand that this cannot be done in the apartment.
  2. The owners purchased the dog as an adult, and she simply did not have time to adapt to the new conditions, she still does not know where the toilet is located.
  3. The reason may be the fact that the owner of the pet does not walk as required. For example, gaps from one to another walk are longer than they should be. Then the animal simply has no choice but to make a puddle where necessary.
  4. Pet abuse can end with such an unexpected “surprise”. Dogs are intelligent creatures and are able to avenge their owner for improper treatment.
  5. The presence of a disease in an animal is often the reason that it begins to spoil in the house. Often, when it comes to pathology of the urinary tract or kidney system, the animal loses its ability to control urination.
  6. Pets may be stressed or frightened. The owner of the dog should watch his pet and note in what situations he did this in the house. If this happens after a loud noise or scream, then the dog may have experienced stress, very scared.

The owner of the pet must first make sure that his pet is completely healthy and only after that begin to fight this unhealthy habit.

How to teach a puppy to his toilet: basic rules

If you adhere to certain rules, then the puppy will be able to accustom to the toilet quickly and without problems.

  1. In the event that the puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations, it can be safely displayed on the street. It is advisable to stroll with him for the first time. After the dog has recovered, he should be praised, give him something tasty.
  2. Small pets, like children, go to the toilet more often than adults, almost every time after a meal. Therefore, as soon as the baby has reinforced himself, it makes sense to take him outside and wait. In the case of a positive result, you need to portray joy, praise the baby, scratch him behind the ear, pat on the head.
  3. Throughout the day, it is recommended to establish monitoring of the pet. If the dog began to rush around the house, then this is a signal that he is ready to disgrace. In this case, you should spread the newspapers in the corners and put the crumbs on one of them. After a bowel movement, the dog must be praised. Another option involves the puppy's mood for a walk. As soon as you notice that he is trying to find a place, you need to repeat the word "walk" repeatedly, while grabbing it and taking it out onto the street.At first, "accustoming" does not make sense to scold the dog, poke her nose - this is an ineffective method, in addition, a reverse reaction is possible. While the pet is very small, it will be necessary to remove the excrement behind it more than once and wipe the puddles.
  4. The culture of toilet training is not limited to a spread newspaper. After the baby has learned to urinate on it, the newspaper is taken out into the yard and crushed by a pebble. During the walk, the dog must be put on that labeled paper. Thus, the puppy will be able to quickly understand where its toilet “place” is.
  5. As the dog grows up, you can gradually add teachings, sentences in a strict voice: “Shame on you!”, “Such a big dog made a puddle!”. Only scolding should be at the moment when the puppy is caught red-handed at the crime scene. You can even let it lightly hit the ass with a folded newspaper.
  6. Each time, going for a walk, you need to be sentenced "for a walk, for a walk!".

Remember that your patience and work will certainly be rewarded.

Algorithm for introducing the puppy to the tray

The puppy must be accustomed to the tray in accordance with the following algorithm:

Algorithm for introducing the puppy to the tray

  1. It is important to take care of highlighting a separate corner where the dog tray will stand constantly.
  2. Having found a wet spot on the sofa or a puddle on the floor, you need to wipe this place with a cloth or paper piece and place it in the prepared container. Important! It is recommended to place the tray where the little dog pisses the most. If the baby is used to “walking” on a sofa or bed, then this place requires special treatment (vinegar, citrus juice are suitable - dogs cannot stand these aromas).
  3. After this, it is necessary to fix in the dog’s brain a place intended for the toilet. After eating or taking action, the dog should be placed in the tray. It is good if there will be a rag or newspaper soaked in dog urine. This will help the pet quickly understand what they want from him, and he will gradually begin to run to the place of the tray on his own.

If the puppy does not immediately start using his toilet, do not despair. Give the baby time to get used to, so be patient. It may take from a few weeks to 2-3 months.

Is it worth punishing for such an offense

You must constantly remember that you have to deal with a smart creature that is capable of ambiguous and, at times, quite sharply react to the comments of the owner. It is necessary to try not to offend the pet and then he will be ready to respond positively to any requests from his master.

Seeing a puddle on the floor is not worth reacting sharply, you should simply express your dissatisfaction. It is enough to change the intonation and strictly chide the dog for what it did.

Having found that the pet wants to relieve itself, it is necessary to use the commands “Fu!”, “It is impossible!”. Soon, your pet will learn that you are unhappy with his behavior.

We train an adult dog to the toilet

Situations when a dog finds himself in a new family, with a new owner, are not uncommon. The newly made tenant has no idea where he should go to the toilet. It takes him some time to adapt to an unusual environment.

There are certain rules, following which you can quickly accustom an adult dog to go to the toilet on the street:

  1. From the moment a pet appears in the house, on the very first day, the owner must take him out for a walk so that the dog will slowly get used to defecate on the street, and not in the apartment.
  2. A special place in the process of learning is given to the regime. Walking should be carried out at the same hours. So the dog will remember this schedule faster.
  3. As soon as the owner saw that the animal lifts its paw on the leg of a table, chair or sofa, you must immediately go out with him.
  4. Walking the pet should take place under the constant supervision of the owner, otherwise he will not be able to see if his pet has fulfilled the need or not.

The procedure for teaching a dog to cope in the fresh air requires considerable patience. One day this problem can not be solved. It is not wise to hope that as soon as you go out with the doggie into the yard, he will immediately rush to the first pillar that comes across. You need to take a walk with him for a while, maybe even play a little. The manifestation of activity will only accelerate the desire of a four-legged friend to go to the toilet.

Any animal expects the manifestation of love, care and attention from its owner. Dogs - especially. If the pet feels that someone needs it, it will never do what can upset its owner. That is why to wean a four-legged friend to shit in the house for a loving owner will not be a difficult task. The main thing in this matter is to show understanding and respect to the needs of the pet, and then success will undoubtedly be ahead.

Video: how to wean a dog to crap at home

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