How to wean a dog to nibble everything

When a dog appears in the house, it is not always joy and adoration. Sometimes the owners are very disappointed. After all, a pet can be a pathological rodent. Torn pillows, wires, shoes, upholstery ... There is a reasonable question: how to wean a dog to bite everything in a row? Start with yourself. After all, most of the blame is yours. Why? Now we will tell.

How to wean a dog to nibble everything

You have not accustomed the dog to a place

Yes, yes, it is the owners who are to blame for the fact that in their absence the dog is allowed to roam around the house in search of entertainment. From a very early age it is necessary to accustom the pet to its place. It could be:

  • lounger
  • doormat
  • mat

The litter material is not important. The main thing is to explain to the rodent that while the owners are not at home, you can’t wander around the house. No, of course you can get to a bowl of food or water. But to have fun while searching for valuable things and objects is prohibited.

You have not left the dog toys

Another fault of the owners. Suppose an animal perfectly assimilated its place. But wait all day the owner is so boring. Remember the cartoon "Bobik visiting Barbosa." How did it end there? It’s good that ordinary dogs don’t do that.

Nevertheless, in one day you can chew so much! Therefore, be sure to leave the dog toys. No, it’s not at all necessary to buy the entire assortment of a pet store. Some animals may not understand what it is and why the owner dragged it. Let it be 3-4 toys, but of a different plan. For example, animals have a very good time honing the squabble on:

  • small hard rubber balls
  • leather toys, tendons, hooves
  • special bones

Just don’t try to leave your dog soft toys, newspapers and your old clothes. All this is wonderful and very quickly deteriorates. And the dog will again go around the house in search of "chewing."

Tip. Be sure to choose hard toys without a filler. Soft dog fun tends to crack and swallow. Well, if the case ends with the usual indigestion. But it could be worse.

You did not punish the dog

And this is also the fault of the owners. Often a situation arises when the bickering becomes not just a killer of dog boredom, but already enters the process of psychological relaxation. Or even worse, a habit. And such animals begin to gnaw everything, even in the presence of the owner.

It is very important to use the carrot and stick method. First, scold the dog. When she looks away (a sure sign of guilty plea), stop reproaching the pet. This very moment is the best for switching attention to a toy. Offer your pet a new fun. If he takes and begins to nibble, then certainly praise.

It happens that after training occurs the other way around. That is, the dog specifically searches for permitted toys in the house so that the owner praises it.

But sometimes something happens not according to plan. For example, the dog was not interested in the toy, but returned to the previous occupation of destroying household items. Here you can’t do without punishment. Have to verbal censure add a decent blow to the ass. A hand or newspaper will be enough.

Does not understand, and again opens the mouth for your good? Once again scold and slap harder. Someone will say that dogs cannot be beaten. No doubt, you can’t beat. But it is very possible to educate. And the sooner this happens, the better.

Just don't overdo it! Otherwise, the pet will rejoice not at your return home, but at leaving home. And do not scold the animal post-script. That is, after some time. Only here and now, and not two hours after the crime.

Tip. If the dog is not at all interested in the toys you bought, then first try to lightly smear them with something fragrant or tasty. It is possible that such a trick will work the first time.

You did not find an alternative

Dogs are sometimes too smart. For example, in the presence of the owner they are kind of good guys. And at another time - gnawing monsters with three rows of teeth. In this case, you will have to deal with alternative training.


  • You noticed that the dog is chewing on a prohibited item.
  • Frighten her (throw keys, splash water, throw a magazine or can).
  • At the same time, pretend that you are very passionate about something, nothing has happened and it “has become so.
  • Repeat until the animal ceases to nibble.

Of course, you may have to sacrifice an old sneaker for such training. But in the brain of the pet there will be no connection between you and frightening actions. Let her think that instant karma has overtaken her. At least smart animals quickly figure out what's what. The foolish are waiting for their rightful slap in the ass.

Tip. There is an original recommendation to distract the dog from bickering with its quick care. At the same time, it is advisable to loudly publish strange exclamations. Allegedly, the dog will follow you out of interest. This is not quite the right technique. Some favorites will not even think to go after the owner out of curiosity. They only more violently begin to gnaw a prohibited item.

You did not clean your things

Trite, but true: untidy owners rarely have well-bred dogs. Here the animal is completely expanse! Go figure it out when and where what is eaten up, when you can break a leg in a house. Hence the conclusion: remove all prohibited items in a place inaccessible to the dog.

If the pigsty in the house is your fault and lifestyle, then what do you want from a pet? She is your reflection. Do not leave prohibited objects in a visible and accessible place. Then the dog will have nothing left but entertainment with toys.

Tip. Wires, furniture and wallpapers cannot be removed. Buy a special repellent spray from your veterinary pharmacy. One zilch and a dog will not approach this place for a day. Just do not spray everything around, remember about dog smell.

How to wean a dog to bite everything? We'll have to show patience and instill in the animal at least the initial basics of training. And, the sooner this happens, the less money will be spent from the family budget on the purchase of new things and sedatives for the owner.

Video: how to wean a dog to bite everything at home

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