How to transport a dog in a train, plane or car

There are frequent cases when there is an urgent need to transport pets from one city to another. At the same time, the owners clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. Even the most prepared animals for the trip will need an owner. To make life easier for a family pet, you need to have basic skills in transporting dogs on a train, plane and car. The recommendations received will be useful to you in cases of trips to the sea, cottage, picnic. The main thing is to carefully study the sequence of actions in order to avoid unnecessary stress both on the part of the animal and on the part of the owner.

How to transport a dog

How to transport a dog across the border

  1. Begin preparation in 1-1.5 months. Carefully study the region, climate and other features of the place where you eat.
  2. Be sure to visit the consulate of the country that you plan to visit soon. Ask the ambassador what package of documents drawn up for the pet will be required for its transportation. There are no uniform rules in this matter; each country has a number of features that are worth considering.
  3. The only rule for all countries is the chip process. The chip is a rice-grain-sized transmitter that can be used to track exactly where the pet is at a given moment. After the procedure, an international passport is created for the animal and it is entered into a single database of chipped dogs.
  4. A prerequisite for transporting pets abroad is rabies vaccination. Vaccination is done about 2 weeks before the date of the proposed trip, in some cases this interval is reduced (it all depends on the country).

Baggage for the dog

  1. Highlight a separate small suitcase for your dog with comfortable pockets. Put in your bag a first-aid kit for animals for all occasions, your favorite pet toys, ready-made food in the form of dry granules or canned food (by no means home-made food), a large amount of water. Also, do not forget about the harness / collar, muzzle, leash, water and food containers. Regarding the collar and leash, just in case, take two pieces of each device. There are frequent cases when owners forget or lose the necessary attribute.
  2. The most important thing to remember is the carrying bag for animals. She is required by employees of all airports, railway stations and other logistics companies. In this case, the carrying should be quite spacious, made of rigid materials (it is advisable to take the product from plastic). Give preference to oversized bags equipped with a tray for handling needs, bowls for food and water. Make sure that the container is well ventilated, otherwise the pet will receive heat stroke (travel in the summer). To reduce stress, put a thing with your smell in a carrying bag and a rag with the smell of a family pet.

Many owners make the mistake of transporting a pet in a fabric bag that sags and does not hold shape. Throughout the road, the animal will be tormented, limbs will begin to numb, partial anemia will appear.

The cage for transportation must comply with the international standard "IATA". If this condition is not met, the animal may not be allowed to board.

Travel preparation

As mentioned earlier, you must carefully prepare your dog for the ride.

Preparing the dog for the ride

  1. To get started, train your pet in equipment (leash, collar / harness, muzzle (for large dogs)).The advice is extremely relevant in the case of animals of small age, which are not yet accustomed to new uniforms.
  2. The next step is to cultivate perseverance in the pet. Put the carrying bag in a conspicuous place, let your pet sniff it, see it, partially get used to it. After 2-3 hours of research, put the dog in a container, close it for 15-20 minutes, be near it. Put your pet’s toys in the bag to make him comfortable. With each subsequent time, increase the exposure time of the dog in the container, gradually reach the period during which the future trip will be carried out (if it is not allowed to take the pet on board).
  3. Provide the dog with everything necessary for a comfortable existence: drinking in plentiful quantities, food, toilet. If possible, calculate your meal time so that the last meal is 3-4 hours before transportation. If this option is not available, give preference to a light breakfast / lunch / dinner that does not burden the stomach.

Arrival at destination

Before you arrive at the hotel, call the hotel reception and inform that you plan to arrive with the dog. Not all places of recreation allow settlers with pets, so this point must be discussed necessarily.

As soon as you move in, equip the animal with a place in the room: put a bed, a blanket, put bowls with food and water. Do not forget to install the tray in the most suitable corner, it can be a corridor, a balcony (provided that it is open) or a bathroom.

Place toys throughout the room, create the maximum "home" conditions.

  1. Experienced veterinarians unanimously reiterate that animals quickly adapt (acclimatize) to a new place of stay than people. Despite this, if you intend to visit a hot country, trim the dog's coat in advance so that it does not receive heat stroke.
  2. The pet must endure the heat with comfort (as much as possible). If you plan to take your pet to the beach, sit it under an umbrella or tent, do not let the animal be in the open sun.
  3. Dogs with a flat nose (Pekingese, boxers, pugs, etc.) suffer most from the sultry heat, this should be taken into account, do not let them out of the shadows. As for the Chinese crested animals, they burn out in the sun as fast as humans. For this reason, treat your pet's body with sunscreen with a maximum UV filter.

Always carry a plastic bowl and a large bottle of water with you. Offer the animal to drink as often as the weather requires. Before outing in the sun, freeze 1/3 of the water in the bottle so that in the heat it thaws over time, but remains cold.

How to transfer a dog on a train

How to transfer a dog on a train

  1. Current pet transport legislation states that small dog breeds must be transported in a rigid frame container. At the same time, large pets move along the train in a muzzle, on a leash next to the owner. Important! The general rules for transporting dogs are almost identical, however, it is better to consult a veterinarian first. An experienced doctor will give practical recommendations regarding a particular breed.
  2. The main feature of dog transportation by train is the presence of vaccinations and, directly, the veterinary passport itself. Moreover, vaccination should be carried out no earlier than 1 month before the date of the proposed trip. You will also need to take a pet health document in general. The necessary papers can be obtained at the GVS (State Veterinary Service). It is important to take into account the fact that the certificate must be no later than three days before the date of travel. For example, if you plan to depart on 04.04, then the date on paper should be between 02.04-05.04.
  3. When buying a ticket, tell the manager that you need a ticket to the luggage compartment.Small breeds are successfully placed in the carriage, but with large breeds the situation is much more complicated. You will have to pay for the fare, based on the weight of the pet. Important! Dogs of fighting breeds are transported in the vestibule department under the close supervision of the owner. In this case, you will need to take a folding chair, as well as buy a ticket to the last or first carriage for convenience. If you decide to go in a compartment, you have to redeem all available seats.
  4. Before boarding a train, make sure that the animal feels comfortable in uniform. Teach your pet a collar / harness, a muzzle, a leash. It is important to create conditions that do not provoke the dog to panic while walking along the corridor or other places with a large crowd of people.
  5. Before the immediate landing, walk with the dog, play, wound it physically. Make sure that the animal goes to the toilet to avoid all sorts of incidents. In addition, such a move will calm the pet. In cases where the dog is not accustomed to the toilet, take disposable diapers for animals. Do not feed the dog later than 5-6 hours prior to immediate departure, otherwise the animal may get sick.
  6. The main feature of transporting animals on a train is that you need to arrive about 1 hour before departure and line up in the appropriate queue. If you decide to go on a trip with a dog of a miniature breed, do not forget to lay a disposable waterproof diaper on the bottom of the carrier.
  7. Carry one of your favorite pet toys with you. In cases of excitement, distract the dog, lure games. It is worth putting a rag with your smell in the box, so the animal will feel calm. When leaving by train in the hot season, take care of a plentiful amount of drink, take dry food for convenience.
  8. Avoid situations in which the dog will walk on the car independently. The animal will panic, clog in a corner or scare passengers. The recommendation is relevant in the case of pets of large breeds. If the guests become outraged by the behavior of the dog, she, in turn, will begin to get angry, this will create an uncontrolled situation. Go out for a walk when the train stops, so that the animal will meet its needs and knead the bones.

The way dogs are transported by train and car is almost identical. You will need to take the necessary documents for departure, to get vaccinated. Take care of motion sickness, if possible, fasten your pet seat belts. Make regular stops; don't let your pet go off the leash. Entertain him with games at every opportunity. Drive calmly, do not accelerate sharply or slow down, be predictable.

Prepare in advance for the trip, pack a small suitcase for your pet, put everything you need for a comfortable existence (disposable diapers, bowls, toys, plaid, leash, collar, first aid kit, food and drink). Take care of the availability of travel documents, vaccinations in advance, buy a ticket. In case of transportation by car, get a motion sickness product at the pet store.

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