How to make a cat and dog friends: practical tips

Animals, like children, the younger, the sweeter. A favorable time for dating both pets is considered to be the age of 2 to 4 months. The kitten and puppy find common hobbies, get used to the smell of each other, do not pose a threat. They begin to play together, because for the most part the owner cannot find time for round-the-clock supervision. In cases where one pet is an adult, much depends on his upbringing and ability to obey. The proverb “Live like a cat with a dog” arose not by chance, for the most part it is inherent in nature.

How to make a cat and dog friends

Beginning of acquaintance of a cat with a dog

  1. First reaction. Caution should be exercised during the first meeting of an adult dog (more precisely, a pet of large breeds) and a small kitten. If you do not hold one of them in your hands, stay on the alert for the entire duration of the contact. The dog will most likely want to make friends with a funny little lump, as a result of which it will begin to wave its huge tail and jump from interest. The cat will not understand such a reaction, instinct will push her to cling to the arrogant dog face. It will be worse if a fluffy pet gives the dog, the dog will have a hunting reaction, and it will rush after it.
  2. Acquaintance with the smell. As soon as you bring the family to the new pet’s house, hold the animal in your arms and do not let it out. Go into the room and let the current household sniff the newly made friend. Stay alert for the duration of your acquaintance, keep in mind that the cat can rise and release its claws, and the dog will growl. Smell is fundamental to successful dating. You can not push a new family member to the experienced without the support of the owner.
  3. Feeding. After mastering the smell of each other, you should think about feeding. Many advise temporarily placing pets in different rooms, and to some extent they are right. If a pet who already lives in the house has a wayward character, that’s exactly what you should do. In cases when animals are calm, feed them in the same room, but in different angles. Food is associated with pleasant moments, a cat and a dog should understand this. After time, you can move the bowls closer to each other, and soon and install them closely.
  4. Place for the tray. The cat's toilet should be located in a dark, secluded place where the dog does not have access. Otherwise, animals will constantly mark the territory, which will serve as the beginning of the war. You can place the toilet in the bathroom under the sink, on the balcony or any other places where the dog rarely enters.
  5. Joint pastime. After the arrival of a new pet in the house, look for ways to get closer. Perhaps you will come up with interesting games or teach them to eat together. Also a good option would be spending time on one sofa on either side of the owner. The next time you walk the dog, take the cat with you, let it stay in your arms if there is no harness.

Do not be upset if at first the dog and cat can not get along. Like any other creatures, they have established habits and wayward character. Do not get angry in the presence of pets, so as not to escalate the situation. Do not stick them under each other's nose if the animals prefer to keep their distance. Let them get used as fast as instincts allow.

Location signs

  1. Dog. Very often, young dogs wag their tail in the hope of drawing the cat into the game. It is at this moment that you can be sure that the odds have risen incredibly. The cat, in turn, will be confused for a long time. Stroking her, pronouncing sweet words.Over time, the animal will learn to understand the body language of the dog and will accept the invitation to frolic with pleasure.
  2. Cat. To understand that a cat is favorably disposed towards a dog, its behavior will help you. In most cases, the animal uses the canine tail as a sharpener for claws or teeth, plays with tassels of wool, or picks its paws. Cats also love warmth, they realize that a dog can give it to them. For this reason, lie down on top or "under the barrel" to a new friend. After a week after the manifestation of such signs, the pets begin to lick the fur to each other, frolic together and brush their ears as a sign of fidelity.

Do I need a second pet

  1. If your current pet is complex and aggressive, do not rush to get a second animal. Your actions can provoke jealousy in a cat or dog towards a new tenant. This cannot be fixed in 1 or even 2 months.
  2. Review your daily routine. If you come home from work and immediately fall asleep, do not start a second pet. Both animals need your participation, kindness, affection and games. In cases where the owner cannot give all this to the household equally, the pets will suffer and quarrel. In short, your attention should be enough for both the cat and the dog so that they do not feel hatred for each other because of jealousy.
  3. Please note that after you get your second favorite, there will be no going back. The animal may not immediately get used to its four-legged friend, but it will reach for you. This is especially true for boys, they find contact with people faster.
  4. Study your life well over the past year. How often did you not have the opportunity to return home on time to cook? How many times a year do you go on vacation, and to whom will you leave animals now? If it is enough for the cat to pour food into the bowl and clean the tray, then things are much more serious with the dog.

Practical recommendations

Recommendations how to make a dog a cat

  1. You made a decision, weighed all the pros and cons, and now newly made friends live side by side with each other. Watch the reaction of the cat to the dog and vice versa. Study the psychology of animals, pay attention to what they like or dislike. Subsequently, you must find a way out of this situation. Do not drag out hostility.
  2. The first bail dog can be jealous of the cat. Dog dissatisfaction will consist in a constant growl, whining, barking. In such cases, it is recommended not to show excessive love for the new occupant in the presence of the dog.
  3. Cats are not as companionable as dogs, for this reason they love loneliness. Create a pet a cozy nest in which she can hide from an annoying dog. You can place the house on the top shelf of the cabinet or purchase a special clawcloth with stands at the top. If the dog continues to harass, try luring her with a new rubber toy or treat.
  4. Animals must understand that the authority in the house is you. Does not allow them to establish orders, let them learn to obey. It is necessary to stop at the root any manifestation of aggression, greed and pampering (intentional). This does not mean that animals need to be beaten, learn to speak in such a tone that they understand everything.
  5. If you see that a cat and a dog have been favorably disposed for a day, two or three, do not flatter yourself. They still grind to each other, so the fear should remain. Do not leave them alone in the room. When leaving the store or at work, close your pets in different rooms. Do not be careless, you are responsible for the health of your pets.
  6. In cases if you already own an adult cat (year or more), but decide to get a dog, choose the appropriate age. The best option would be a two-three-month-old puppy who has no idea to occupy the territory.As a rule, cats with misunderstanding belong to small running lumps, poking their nose everywhere. However, they do not release their claws and do not hiss, allowing a new friend to sniff themselves. In rare cases, the cat can run away because it gets tired of the annoying puppy.

Before starting a second pet, think several times. You must have sufficient time to feed, walk, swim and socialize. Moreover, an important criterion is the presence of a person who can be entrusted with animals in case of departure. When a cat or dog arrives in a new home, start introducing them from afar. Do not put the bowls too close, give each pet their place so that they do not violate the boundaries.

Video: how to make a dog a cat

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