How to increase immunity in a dog: 8 effective ways

The body of the animal, like humans, every day meets with a huge number of bacteria, viruses, infections. These pathogenic particles are trying in every possible way to harm health, to bring the body out of balance. But immunity is on guard. Congenital immunity kills most bacteria and germs even on the way the microorganism enters the bloodstream. For example, the nasal mucosa is a powerful filter that purifies the air from various types of diseases. But sometimes immune cells for various reasons can weaken. And then the dog's immunity should be raised, and as soon as possible.

How to increase immunity in a dog

How to understand that a dog has reduced immunity

  1. Immunity often weakens after a long illness, when the body weakens after a fight.
  2. Another common cause of decreased immunity is childbirth. After the brood is born, the female is completely exhausted, all her resources are running out. The postpartum period requires careful care.
  3. If the dog is often sick, if she has recently exacerbated chronic diseases, this means that the body is weak.
  4. With low immunity, the appearance of the dog also changes - the coat becomes dull.
  5. A decrease in immunity is reflected in the behavior of the dog. The dog becomes apathetic, often hides, tries to be alone, loses his appetite, he may even have bouts of aggression against the owner.

If you noted all the signs of reduced immunity, you need to take care of the dog and strengthen its health.

What causes low immunity

There are many factors that affect an animal’s immunity. Here is some of them.

  1. Worms and other parasites. They poison the body of the animal from the inside, violate the integrity of the intestinal walls, which directly affects the immune system.
  2. Fleas, bugs, ticks violate the integrity of the skin, which is an open gate for various viruses and bacteria.
  3. An unbalanced diet leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals. And this, in turn, violates the integrity of the immune system.
  4. If you treated your dog with a course of antibiotics, this can also lead to a decrease in immunity. After all, everyone has long known that these powerful medicines kill not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This leads to dysbiosis and a decrease in immunity.
  5. Another common cause of decreased immunity in dogs is stressful situations. If she survived a move, a change of owner, a fight or a strong fear, the body is exhausted by a nervous shake.

Failure to respond can lead to serious problems. With low immunity, diseases of the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system are activated. Not to mention the depression and depression of your pet.


Immunity can be innate and acquired. Congenital immunity is laid at birth, but acquired is something else. If the dog is ill with a certain disease, its body will develop antibodies to the virus, which in the next life will protect the animal from reinfection. Vaccination is a tiny fraction of an infected substance that is injected into the body of an animal to produce antibodies.

Dog vaccination

A competent and timely approach to vaccination allows you to contain the epidemic of viral diseases, as well as save your pet’s life from sometimes fatal diseases. 90% of vaccinated dogs do not have the diseases from which they were vaccinated. The remaining 10% carry the disease in a mild form.

In our country, vaccines against plague, rabies, viral enteritis, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza and adenovirus are considered mandatory for dogs. All vaccinations are given as scheduled. The first vaccination occurs at the age of two months. After this, revaccination is done three weeks later. Adult dogs are injected once a year to maintain the amount of antibodies in the body. Rabies is vaccinated only once.

Do not vaccinate pregnant or just giving birth to bitches, as their body is weakened. After vaccination, quarantine should be observed for several days — do not overcool the pet, walk only in clean places, and do not communicate with other dogs.

How to increase immunity in a dog

If all vaccinations are done, you can take additional measures to strengthen and enhance immunity in the animal.

How to increase dog immunity

  1. Constantly protect your pet from parasites. A special remedy for bloodsucking should be applied to the withers once a month. Once every 3-4 months, give the dog a pill for helminths.
  2. Proper nutrition is the basis of strong immunity. Whatever you feed the dog — homemade food or dry food — its diet must be diluted with vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. Be sure to offer the dog dairy products a couple of times a week - kefir, milk, cottage cheese. Do not forget about boiled meat. Raw meat is not recommended, it can provoke the appearance of worms. In eating, there must be a regime, discipline.
  3. If you notice problems with stools in the dog (diarrhea or constipation), you must definitely give the pet probiotics. They will improve the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system.
  4. If the dog has obvious violations in the immune system, you can resort to immunomodulators. Among them can be noted tincture of Echinacea, Cycloferon, Ribotan, Maksidin, Gamavit, Immofonal. Before using medications, be sure to consult your veterinarian about the possibility of taking these medications.
  5. So that the dog does not get sick, it is very important to provide her with peace of mind. Often dogs experience stress from constant trips to the veterinarian, moving, visiting exhibitions. Perhaps for some time you should refuse to go out.
  6. The dog needs to be tempered. To do this, more often be with her in the fresh air, if possible, visit water bodies, run and play. Try to walk the dog at any time of the year - in the heat and frost, not limited to five minutes to satisfy natural needs.
  7. It is possible to strengthen immunity in the season of colds and rains with the help of a vitamin complex. When buying, pay attention to the following vitamins - A, B5, C, D, F, PP. The complex should include minerals that are most necessary for the dog - this is zinc, iron, calcium, manganese, selenium, magnesium, iodine.
  8. Twice a year, you can drink the Altai mummy course. This is a great tool that helps restore strength and strengthens the immune system. The course is 20 days, during which you need to give the dog every day one tablet of mummy per 5 kg of weight.

These simple rules will help you keep your dog healthy. The most important thing in providing strong immunity for a dog is your love, care and affection. After all, when the owner is nearby, the dog does not experience psychological discomfort, it is calm and balanced. Love your dog, take care of her, watch over her health, and she will answer you with dog devotion and boundless love.

Video: how to increase immunity in a dog

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