How to make a pregnancy test

For every woman, pregnancy is an important event in life. Someone is waiting for her impatiently, but for someone she becomes an unpleasant surprise. The critical ones that have not arrived at the right time are already a cause for unrest. A pregnancy test can help resolve doubts, which you can purchase without any problems at any pharmacy. The procedure is not difficult, just read the instructions carefully.

How to do a pregnancy test

When analysis is recommended

The objective of the test is to determine the level of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is formed only during pregnancy. Every day, its level doubles, therefore, the test gives a more reliable result. If the procedure is carried out too early (on the first day after the delay), the test will not be able to diagnose pregnancy, even if it is present. It is better to spend it on the 4-7th day after the delay. There are especially sensitive tests that can determine pregnancy in the earliest possible time. But after a week of delay, all tests, without exception, accurately show whether there is a pregnancy or not.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Part of the test interacts with urine and examines it. After this, the urine enters the sensitive matrix, on which the proteins are applied. Proteins, in turn, are in contact with the hormone. A reaction occurs and a mark appears in the corresponding test area.

Many women, having discovered one or another result that did not satisfy them, are sure that the test was wrong. Is it possible? Theoretically, yes. A full guarantee will not give a single test.

Sometimes a test gives a false negative result. The reasons for this may be:

  • Early analysis.
  • The individual characteristics of the woman’s body when the implantation of the fetal egg occurs after 15 days after sex.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • If there is a serious threat of miscarriage.
  • A large amount of water consumed on the eve of the test.
  • Taken with the day before the analysis of the drug with a diuretic effect.
  • Violation of instructions.
  • Expiration date or violation of storage rules.

False positive result can contribute to:

  • Taking medications containing hCG two weeks before the analysis.
  • Certain chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  • Expired.
  • After a recently terminated pregnancy or childbirth (for some time, the hormone remains elevated in the body).
  • The test interacted with urine in time more than indicated in the instructions (more than 10 minutes).

Regardless of what the woman received, the final verdict regarding the presence or absence of pregnancy is made by a gynecologist.

Types of tests

Today, there are 4 types of pregnancy tests:

  • Stripes. These tests are centenarians. They are the most common and cheapest.
  • Tablet. The most convenient tests, for this reason, and the most popular among women.
  • Jet. New generation test with high accuracy.
  • Electronic. This device (and you can’t call it another way) can be used repeatedly.

Many women are interested in which test is the most accurate, and believe that the more expensive it is, the more reliable. Accuracy does not depend on price, but on sensitivity. This indicator is indicated on the package. It is believed that the most reliable and sensitive inkjet tests.They can show pregnancy within a few days after sexual intercourse.


One of the reasons for a false analysis may be the incorrect procedure. To get the correct result, you must strictly follow the instructions that are attached to the test. The principle is the same, but different manufacturers have their own nuances.

Pregnancy test

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The test should be done immediately after waking up, during the first urination, it is during these hours that the level of hCG hormone is highest in the body. This is especially true in the early stages of pregnancy. Subsequently, when the delay is more than 10 days, the test can be done at any time of the day.
  2. Open the package (this must be done immediately before the analysis). Discard the silica gel bag. Try not to touch the part of the test that is responsible for the diagnosis.
  3. Collect a little urine into the dishes (it needs to be sterilized in the evening). If the test is jet - unscrew the protective cap and substitute the necessary part of the test under a stream of urine (contact time - up to 5 seconds).
  4. If the test is a litmus test, lower the strip in the container with the collected urine to the specified strip and hold for 5 seconds. In a cassette (tablet) test, 4 drops of urine are applied to the diagnostic area (window) with a pipette.
  5. Put the processed test on a flat surface. After five seconds, see what the result is.
  6. After 10 minutes, the test can be discarded, since by that time it loses the ability to diagnose. You cannot reuse it.
  7. If the analysis was carried out in the early stages, then after three days it is recommended to re-diagnose.

The price of the test depends on its sensitivity and brand. Strips are considered to be the cheapest, the most expensive and most convenient, since there is no need to urine to type in containers - innovative inkjet tests.

How to see the result

As soon as the package is opened, a bright red strip can be distinguished on the surface of the dough. This suggests that the test is not expired and can be used for its intended purpose. But if the strip is barely noticeable, has a faint pink tint, then it is likely that the test is expired and analysis is not worth it to avoid getting a false result.

Pregnancy test result

If the test shows one strip, it means that the woman is not pregnant. But the appearance of the second, even if weakly expressed, means that there is a pregnancy.

If the strip is not brightly colored, this can signal a threat of miscarriage or a lack of hCG hormone in the body.

A pale pink streak may indicate a poor test. Sometimes a woman forgets to throw away the used test and after a while, with surprise, finds a second strip on it, which at first was not there. This does not mean anything, just evaporation of moisture and the release of dye. Such a result is false.

To dispel doubts, the diagnosis can be repeated after a couple of days. After this, you can go to the gynecologist to confirm or deny the birth of a new life. Even experienced medical professionals cannot always determine pregnancy in the early stages. In this case, an ultrasound examination is prescribed, which, in addition, can determine a dangerous ectopic pregnancy.

Tests are an affordable, timely, convenient and, importantly, anonymous way to determine an early pregnancy.

Video: how to use a pregnancy test

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