How to care for dry hair

Owners of dry hair often face the problem of excessive cross-section and loss. The reason for this phenomenon is the environmental factor, individual characteristics, an improperly balanced diet, bad habits, malfunctioning of the hormonal background, low-quality caring cosmetics, abuse of thermal appliances, etc. This necessitates taking measures to mitigate and improve the structure of the head.

How to care for dry hair

Dry Hair Care

  1. The beginning of the hair section is towel drying. Many women do not know why the hair becomes dry, brittle, constantly tangled and split. Care for the mop involves wrapping the strands with a towel without further mechanical friction. Gather excess moisture by clenching your hair.
  2. Dry hair is most susceptible to cross-section. To exclude this aspect, use the services of a hairdresser, cutting 2 cm in strands once a month and a half. Try to visit salons that practice cutting with hot scissors. Thus, the tips are sealed, hair stratification is excluded.
  3. Some types of hairstyles require regular styling. If you are forced to constantly use a hair dryer, turn it on for a cold airflow (“snowflake” function). At the same time, do not comb wet hair with plastic and metal combs. The first option combs promotes electrification and subsequent fragility, the second - provokes a cross-section. Get a brush with a natural pile or a wooden comb.
  4. Owners of dry hair should refuse to wash frequently (once a day or every other day). Start to wean the mop from such manipulations. To begin, carry out hygiene once in 2 days, then in 3. If there is no such possibility, use means for daily washing (shampoos, balms). Buy a professional series of caring cosmetics that contains natural oils, keratin, biotin, ceramides.
  5. In most cases, dry hair is constantly split, no matter how often you cut the ends. In order not to disrupt the flow of blood to the scalp and provoke even greater dryness, refuse to wear tight hairstyles (tails, braids, etc.). The recommendation is more aimed at long-haired beauties who can not constantly wear loose strands. Do hairstyles, only slightly fixing them on your head.
  6. Hairdressing professionals forbid girls with dry hair to use thermal appliances. These include curling iron, ironing, hot curlers, hair dryer. If you cannot afford such a luxury, turn on the cold mode or straighten / hair at minimum power.
  7. Dry hair often falls out due to weak follicles. To do this, it is recommended to drink a course of special vitamins for hair and absorbent preparations like Polysorb, activated carbon. Multivitamins will saturate the bulbs with oxygen, and coal or Polysorb will remove toxins from the intestines. The course of drugs should be carried out at least 1 time every six months. As a supplement, you can saturate dry hair with fatty acids using fish oil capsules.
  8. The condition of the hair directly depends on the foods consumed. Exclude canned foods, homemade pickles, sausages, soda, sweet juices in bags from the daily diet. Do not neglect breakfast, it should be half the diet. After waking up in the morning, eat porridge with berries, drink coffee with milk / cream (low fat content).
  9. The basis of the correct diet necessarily includes sea cocktails, fish, cereals and legumes, pasta from whole grains.At the same time, due attention is paid to lean meat (veal flesh (beef, pork), chicken breast, rabbit, turkey). Make sure that in the arsenal there are always fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal berries, milk of low fat content, nuts.
  10. Dry hair is most in need of intensive hydration. To do this, buy cosmetics marked "Deep hydration along the entire length." Also use special sprays and hydro serums, apply them preferably on the tips. Daily replenish fluid balance, drink 3 liters. clean water per day in summer, 2.3-2.5 liters. - in the winter.
  11. Dye your hair once every 2-3 months, not more often. If possible, tint only the roots. Give preference to formulations that do not contain ammonia. You can also tint the hair with shampoos, balms. Do not use foam, wax, gel, varnish for fixing or keep styling to a minimum. To restore dry hair, regularly do lamination and keratinization.
  12. Proper care for dry hair involves the use of protective equipment in summer and winter. Before prolonged sun exposure, apply a spray with an SPF filter to the strands. In the cold period, do nourishing masks at least 3 times a week. After swimming in the sea, river or pool, rinse the mop with running water. Wear a hat while visiting the bathhouse and sauna.
  13. After washing your hair, apply moisturizing serum to the ends of your hair to prevent further dryness. Also spray the curls with a spray for split or dry hair. The following manufacturing firms have proven themselves: Loreal, Schwarzkopf, Sjoss, Pantin.

Folk ways to care for dry hair

Folk ways to care for dry hair

  1. Honey and sour cream. Take 4 chicken yolks (can be replaced with 10 quail), mix them with 75 gr. honey. Beat the mass with a mixer, add 65 gr. sour cream of high fat content. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, spread it over the entire pile with a thick layer. Rub the mask thoroughly into your hair, then wrap it in polyethylene and a thick cloth. Soak the composition for 1.5-2 hours, rinse with slightly warm water.
  2. Oil and aloe vera. Select a few dense stalks of aloe, rinse them, grate or grind in a blender / meat grinder to make gruel. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil, apply the contents to the hair. Pay proper attention to the tips, back off from the scalp by 2 cm. Wait half an hour, to enhance the effect, you can wrap the head with cling film.
  3. Burdock oil and pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel, take 80 gr. pulp. Dice, boil (you can not do this), send to a blender for chopping. Here also break 4 chilled chicken yolks, beat the composition. Add 30 ml. burdock oil, make a hair mask. Soak it for about 35-40 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  4. Pharmacy vitamins. To prepare a moisturizing mask, purchase vitamins A and E. Each ampoule contains 10 ml. pure composition. Rub the composition into the scalp and the ends of the hair, the procedure is performed every day (vitamins alternate one day every other day). The product can not be washed off for 4 hours after application, during this period it is well absorbed into the hair structure. If desired, you can mix 2 types of vitamins, and not use them alternately.
  5. Henna and vegetable oil. Get colorless henna at a cosmetic store, dilute 45 g. warm water according to the instructions. When the remedy is infused (about half an hour), pour in 60 ml. sunflower or olive oil, break a couple of chicken yolks. The mixture is ready, to improve the effect, breed henna in a strong brewing of green tea. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair and aged for at least 5 hours under dense polyethylene.
  6. Sour cream and gelatin. Dilute 25 gr. gelatin with warm water, let it swell (about 30 minutes). Pour in 60 g. kefir, add 30 gr. fat sour cream and 2 egg yolks.Beat the mass with a blender or mixer, distribute through the hair. Wrap with cling film, lay a towel on your shoulders so that the composition does not stain the skin. Wait about 40-60 minutes, rinse with warm (closer to cold) water.

Owners of dry hair are advised to reduce the use of hairdressing equipment that involves working at high temperatures. Take the habit of making masks 3-4 times a week, use moisturizing sprays and serums. In the summer, protect the mop from overdrying, wear a hat when visiting the pool, thermal complexes, salt / fresh springs.

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