How to teach a kitten to a name: useful tips

Reflexes conditioned, unconditional, Pavlov’s dogs ... Actually, why not Kuklachev’s cats? This I mean that many articles give advice on training animals on reflexes. For example, how to teach a kitten to a name? Sausage offer beckon and nickname to speak. And, they say, then the pet will fly to you, like a Tygdyn horse, you just need to name it. And here are the pipes. Now let's figure it out.

How to teach a kitten to a name

General rules

The very first recommendation is the correct choice of a nickname for a kitten. Remember, the name of the animal must have 1 or 2 syllables. Everything. The kitten simply won’t perceive more.

Now about the sounds. Scientists have long denied the mandatory presence in the nickname of whistling and hissing sounds. For example, my cat responds perfectly to the name of Viva.

Important! A kitten will come to you only when he needs it. You can call an animal hoarse, but if it doesn’t need it (there is no mood, doesn’t want, it is naughty, it’s sick), then it will pretend to be deaf and you will not get it.

Another subtlety that rarely anyone mentions, and some do not even know. The name you need to choose one where there is a long vowel sound. For example, Viiiva, Muuusya, Iiigor, Liuuusa. The kitten will quickly learn to respond to your call, distinguishing with a subtle ear a lingering pronunciation. And choose the name you like.

Call and feed

Training will be more successful if you periodically treat the animal with snacks. Otherwise, the kitten will simply stop coming to your call. What for? Do not give food, what else do you need?

Just do not use sausage. It is dangerous for people to eat it, not like giving animals. But a piece of meat, cottage cheese, liver - will fit perfectly.

Be sure to prepare delicious in advance. Otherwise, the baby will respond not to the name, but to the slamming of the refrigerator door, kitchen cabinet or the rustling of the bag.


  • Call the baby by name, stretching the vowel sound.
  • If the kitten ran up, then give him goodies. Pet, praise.
  • If the fluffy bully did not come up, then approach him yourself.
  • Give a tidbit. Praise, stroke.
  • Constantly call the kitten by name, let it get used to it.

The voice should be even, without sharp intonations. And do not deal with the baby if you are in the hearts. You can raise your voice without noticing. And the animal will subtly feel your angry mood and hear a rise in decibels.

Repeat the steps until the kitten begins to respond to the name given to it. Over time, you can give food less and less. But do not stop completely treat the baby. Well then, why run to you? Don’t give anything!

By the way, sometimes you can play on a hunger kitten. After all, he probably already knows that you feed him. So it will definitely come to you at the sound of a voice when it is hungry. Here you feed him, calling by name several times. With each feeding, move further away from the baby. Gradually, he will understand that you need to run not just into your voice, but directly to a specific word, that is, to a name.

Tip. Some recommend carrying delicious in your pocket. So that at any time you can start learning. Firstly, you’ll stain all your pockets, you are tormented by washing. And secondly, animals have a better sense of smell than humans. And you won’t have to call, the kitten will walk after you until you give the food away.

Call and play (stroke)

Kittens are like children. Also love games and affection. So why not use it in training? Choose the time when the pet is full and slept. Typically, during such a period, a jet engine wakes up inside the kitten and wings grow.

Pet kitten

Start playing with the animal while pronouncing the nickname. Do not forget about the correct intonation. After some time, the cat's child will build an association: the name is a game, and it will be fun to have fun with you. Of course, with age the games will be forgotten, but the name will remain.

The same principle is used if the owner has noticed a kitten’s particular passion for stroking. The next time the baby comes to you, please say his name several times. Again there will be an associative series: nickname - affection. And soon the fluffy will be happy to respond to your call. Just do not forget to pet the kitten more often. Otherwise, what to expect from you and why resort to you?

Tip. Do not scold the kitten if he does not want to recognize the nickname for a long time and refuses to rush to you at all costs. Some pets understand what they want from him in a week. And others, and months later, do not really respond. And it’s not even a matter of a different level of intelligence. Most likely, your stubborn kitten is too independent and freedom-loving. Surely he perfectly remembered his name. He’s just a cat who walks by itself. Get behind him already with your activities. Anyway, he is the most beautiful and beloved.

Some helpful suggestions

Some owners claim that their kittens categorically refuse to respond to the name. They resort only to the food cry of all cats and cats "xc-xs". And what to do if they themselves have so trained their pets? There is an exit.

The next time you call on the furry king to have a meal, be sure to add a name to the famous cry. After about one. Gradually decrease the number of “cs” by adding more name. Over time, completely remove the standard cat callsign for lunch. And always call only by name. You will see, the kitten will quickly get used to it.

Tip. Talk constantly with your pet, saying a nickname. Otherwise, he will respond to her only when he is hungry.

It will be nice if all members of the family are engaged in training the kitten for the nickname. This is necessary so that the baby understands and accepts his name. Otherwise, the cat's child will perceive only the one who taught him, the rest will be ignored.

We strongly advise you to agree in advance with the household that the kitten should be called by the same name. Affectionate or humorous nicknames are desirable to leave for later, when the baby learns his nickname. Otherwise, there will be confusion in the tiny head.

There was such a case when the family secretly from each other taught the baby three names. And when Filimon rushed from one end of the apartment, Kolobashka from the other, and Pooh from the third, the kitten got confused and didn’t go anywhere. By the way, then I had to pick up another name for him. He just stopped responding. Probably even offended.

Some owners do not bother. Why teach a kitten to a name? And so it goes. We strongly recommend that you do not follow this opinion. Who knows why you need to call a pet? And if you plan to let the kitten out, then such training can one day save the life of the animal.

Did you know? It turns out that cats are slandering in vain. Say, unlike dogs, they are very poorly trained. Not true. Even the smallest kittens are well trained, but with one condition: they need a reason or motivation. It is desirable those that bring satisfaction to the kitten itself. The dog is more important to satisfy the owner. Knowing this feature, you can teach a kitten many tricks, and not just teach it to a name. After all, could Kuklachev? And what are you worse?

How to teach a kitten to a name? Patience, love and affection. Another understanding of the nature of your pet. And of course a delicious treat. Otherwise, why come to you?

Video: how to train a cat to respond to his name

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