How to train a kitten to dry food: useful tips

Well, the long-awaited fluffy lump appeared in the house. The kitten with pleasure drinks milk, eats meat, cottage cheese and other goodies. But the problem is, for the whole day the baby is left alone. And only in the evening the family gathers to feed and play with him. There seems to be a way out - to leave water and finished food in bowls. And it seems to be not, because a feline child flatly refuses to understand incomprehensible crunches.

How to train a kitten to dry food

How to train a kitten to dry food? After all, then the life of the family will become much simpler and there will be no constant excitement that the animal wanders hungry all day. Read and learn everything.

To force?

Some sources recommend just pouring dry food into a kitten in a bowl. Do not give other food under a strict ban at all! Say, he wants to eat - he’ll burst, as cute. Cruel, you will not say anything. This way you can bring the baby to starvation, because some kittens are very stubborn.

This method is more suitable for an adult animal. A cat child may simply not know that in a bowl is food, not a toy or a filler. If you have already decided on such an action, then we offer you to simplify the task:

  1. Leave some of the dry food soaked in water. It is possible that such a mess will be more to the baby's taste.
  2. Pour a few bowls of dry food from various manufacturers. Let the kitten choose what attracts him.
  3. Detail dry lumps into smaller fractions. It may be difficult for a pet to gnaw large balls.
  4. Do not forget that clean drinking water should always be plenty. Because dry food always causes thirst in an animal.

In the evening, coming home from work, first of all, examine all the bowls. By the presence of content, you will already appreciate whether your idea turned out or you have to move on to the next step.

By the way, a hunger strike, which may be announced by a pet, can take place without prejudice to the health of the kitten for no longer than 5 days. If by this time the baby did not start eating dry food, then you did not succeed. Tune in to eating natural foods.

Tip. Do not try to accustom a kitten to dry food economy class. It is a cheap, low-nutrient meal. If you have already decided to feed your baby with a dryer, then at least choose a decent food so as not to harm the growing body.


Other sources advise you to gradually transfer the kitten to dry food. There are several ways to do this.

For example, there are recommendations to grind a little drying into powder. An ordinary household coffee grinder, blender or even a meat grinder with a fine mesh can easily cope with this task. Then the crumbs obtained are simply sprinkled on absolutely all the baby’s food. Gradually increase the proportion of drying. Natural people are reduced, and eventually removed at all.

The method works well, it has been tested repeatedly, but has one significant minus. This process takes more than one day, and often there is simply no time.

Then go to the next option. Leaving the house in the morning, leave the kitten 3 cups:

  • clean drinking water
  • natural food that will not go bad in a day (porridge with meat or cottage cheese)
  • selected dry food

Every day they reduce the proportion of naturalki and increase the proportion of dry food. Gradually, porridge (or other food) is completely excluded. Leave only drying. The third bowl is not immediately removed. Let the kitty get used to it first.

The method also worked well. Its advantage over the first is that at lunchtime you don’t have to rush headlong home to sprinkle food on the kitten with crumbs of dry food.

Tip. Try to teach a kitten to eat only one type of dry food.Indeed, different manufacturers have completely different composition of “crackers”.

Speed ​​up?

A thousand times yes! The sooner you accustom a kitten to dry food, the easier it will be for you. Ideally, you should feed your pet with a dryer as soon as you take it from your mother. In this case, he will not know the taste of other foods. But dry food will go off with a bang. After all, there were options when breeders fed kittens straight at the same time as cat's milk. Here the owners had to work hard.

Although, it is quite possible that you will pick up a dry food of such a manufacturer that your pet will immediately like. Just don’t listen to the weary owners of cats who claim that drying is harmful to kittens. If you choose premium or super premium food, then you have nothing to worry about. Manufacturers too value their reputation to cheat with the composition. Feel free to buy such food to your baby.

But cheap feeds often sin in obscure production, so it is not recommended to stuff the pet with strange drying by unknown companies. Sorry, you cannot save on pet health.

Useful Tips

  1. Manufacturers almost always place recommendations on the amount of food for 1 meal on dry food packaging. Do not forget that this is a recommendation, not a strict indication! It all depends on the age, breed, temperament of the kitten and the conditions of detention. Let it be better in the bowl will be slightly more than normal. But you will be sure that the baby is not starving.
  2. After a complete transition to feeding the dryer, forget about the natural. Forever. You can’t even sometimes give your pet treats, slices from your table or any other food. Even an adult animal is hard to rebuild the digestive system from one type of food to another, what can we say about a cat child. Yes, and do not spoil the pet then.
  3. And remember, no matter how good the dry food composition is, it will never replace natural food. But in the case of feeding ordinary food, you also need to maintain a full balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which is difficult in the modern rhythm of life and pricing. In any situation, the choice always remains with the owner.

Well, we figured out how to train a kitten to dry food. Now you only need patience and adequate perseverance. And of course, love, care and affection. Not one kitten will refuse from it.

Video: how to feed a monthly kitten

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