How to teach a baby to a nipple: useful tips

The large army of parents has long been divided into two warring camps. Some extremely categorically declare that the child should grow strictly without a nipple. Others with foam at the mouth prove that the baby's dummy is vital. We will not take sides. Everyone is free to choose for his child what he considers best.

How to teach a baby to a nipple

Today on the agenda is an interesting question - how to accustom a child to a nipple? Often they are looking for the exact opposite, how to wean. But sometimes children refuse a dummy, and after all there are times when its use is necessary.

Why do you need a nipple

Let's face it. The baby most of all needs the mother's breast, its warmth. A dummy is required more by parents. After all, with its help you can quickly calm the child at the right time. This may be a walk, a trip to the clinic or a temporary absence of a mother. After all, it is not always appropriate to calm the crumb, putting this process on public display. Or, for example, in the winter. They just went out into the street, and the child was squeamish. What, right in the cold will you poke his chest to calm him down?

Here, ardent opponents of dummies can rejoice, if not for one moment. When the baby is so accustomed to the chest that you can’t even move away, I'm sorry, out of need, then we’ll see how you will be against dummies. With constant sucking, overeating occurs. The kid is gaining excess weight, the stomach begins to hurt, gases appear. Then he consciously demands a breast every minute, indulges, bites. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he starts yelling in a bad voice until hoarseness and triggering of the gag reflex.

Honestly answer yourself: are you ready to walk with your baby hanging on your chest the entire period of feeding every second, without a break? It is impossible to really swim or get enough sleep - the walls are shaking from crying. Going somewhere is also a problem. So stomp with open chest and sucking child?

And here we’ll step back supporters of the nipple. The dummy is not a permanent resident of the infant's mouth. You can not poke her child with or without. First, try to calm him down on your own or to put him to sleep with motion sickness. And only when all methods are tried, then the nipple comes to the rescue. And then some parents now and then shut up the baby with a dummy. And they don’t think whether this is necessary now or not. This is also wrong to do.

The nipple is just a method of distraction, not an alternative to parental warmth and attention. It’s better to stay with the baby for an extra few minutes than to stuff a dummy for him.

Well, let’s leave verbal battles for discussion lovers. And consider some of the mistakes of parents who teach a child to a nipple. Perhaps this will avoid some problems in the future.

The use of sweets

How two-faced people! First, they pound themselves on the chest, proving the harm of sweet to infants. And then they carefully dip the nipple into the jam and shove the child. Or even worse, honey is coated with condensed milk. So what? But he doesn’t spit it out, like he champs!

It does not spit out yet. Firstly: children under 6 months of age are strictly forbidden to give jam, honey and other sweets. Secondly: as soon as the sweet taste is gone, your dummy will fly around the room cooler than a comet. Thirdly: this method will not work even when using mother’s milk or the usual formula for feeding. The taste will end and after 10 seconds, look for a pacifier somewhere behind the furniture.

Right actions

The nipple should be warm, as well as the mother's breast. Put it in a warm water for a while and only then give it to the baby.You must admit that it’s not pleasant when you are dissatisfied with something, you demand mom’s attention, and they put a cold thing into your mouth. Which is not a warm boobs at all!

Teaching a baby to a nipple

Do not smear the dummy. Not only that, harm the child’s body with unnecessary substances, so also teach the little one to eat. Then he will take a pacifier only after spreading.

Choose the desired shape and material. The necessary ones are those that the baby will like. You may have to go through many options before you please the little whim. A little advice: try to pick up such dummies that are as similar as possible to the shape of the mother's nipple.

But now it’s not necessary now about the wrong bite, possible defects of diction and inhibited development. And about strictly orthodontic nipples, too, is not necessary! How many generations have grown up on a regular rubber shaker, which is still terrifying with just one look? But the children liked it. And the whole country in childhood gladly played this ugly dummy. However, a large number of the mentally retarded with crooked jaws and not able to pronounce sounds correctly were noticed on the streets. And following this logic there should be millions.

And in the days of great-grandmothers there was no nipple at all. They were replaced by chewed bread in a rag. And nothing, no one was lost. All healthy, adequate people.

The size of the nipples also matters. Now the industry offers three types of nipples for different ages. However, this does not mean that as soon as the baby is 6 months old, it is necessary to take a dummy from him and poke a more suitable age. Take it easy. The child will figure out which one he likes best. You only offer a few different ones.

The right moment also needs to be caught on time. You can’t just pop a dummy that does not understand a baby. "What is it? Why do I need it? Ahh! Mamaaa! ” Calm down now. And it is unlikely that you will be able to do this with the help of a nipple.

How to teach a baby to nipple correctly
To do this, you need the pose in which you are used to feed the little one. First, give him a chest or a bottle of mixture, let him eat plenty. Usually after eating, the baby begins to doze. But you just do not doze off. A ready-made warm nipple should be at hand.

Gently, but quickly remove the nipple from the baby from the mouth and immediately offer a dummy. Just do not scare him with your actions. Otherwise, you can forget about it forever.

Hold the nipple with your fingers a little so that the baby will not spit it out of habit. Or put a warm diaper, a small pillow if it falls asleep on its side.

Try not to leave it in the mouth of the child when he falls asleep completely. Carefully pull out and place nearby. If the baby sleeps with a dummy throughout the night, then after she accidentally falls out of her mouth, the whole house risks waking up from a desperate roar.

It is advisable to use the pacifier as rarely as possible. Only in case of emergency. Try to make sure that the baby does not perceive it as a replacement for the mother's breast. Asleep or calmed down? Take out the dummy. Otherwise, the peanut will cease to distinguish one from the other. This is fraught with the fact that, accustomed to nibbling the nipple, he will bite the breast with the same force.

A few tricks

How to teach a baby a dummy

  1. The child is accustomed to the nipple, but once began to refuse? Inspect her carefully. Perhaps it is deformed, stuck together or torn. Dummies should be changed at least once every 6 weeks.
  2. Or maybe he was just tired? For some parents, this is a plus. You do not have to look for methods and ways of learning.
  3. Instead of silicone teething, offer your baby a dummy. It is also very convenient for her to scratch her gums when the first teeth begin to appear. And sometimes children themselves are more likely to prefer it.
  4. Carefully watch the child in a dream. If he periodically sticks fingers, fists in his mouth, or tries to suck a blanket, then maybe it would be better if it was a dummy? Weaning then will be easier.After all, you can’t give a finger to a squirrel or another baby, you will not throw it out of the window. A pacifier - easily.
  5. As soon as the child begins to crawl, a problem arises. Everything that catches your eye or tiny hands reaches into your mouth. And no matter how parents try to keep track, the child still manages to cram all sorts of nastiness into himself. This is a normal occurrence, so the sucking reflex is satisfied. And wouldn’t it be better if this reflex is satisfied with a dummy instead of licking toys and other objects?
  6. Use a special clothespin for nipples. Hook it to the edge of the crib or stroller. Then at night she will not fall to the floor. And at the first demand, you can quickly find it in the dark.

Despite all your efforts, is the tenth pacifier angrily rejected? Well. So, you will not be able to accustom the baby to the nipple. Look for other methods to distract him or put him to bed without a fight. In the end, you are the parents and know better what your baby needs.

Video: dummy pros and cons

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