How to teach a child to drink water: useful tips

Water is the source of life. From the first days, the baby receives mother’s breast milk, which is almost 90% water. The right attitude to water - not only to drink, but also to bathing, arises in childhood. A child who drinks a lot and eagerly drinks often does not have problems with constipation, he has ARVI easily, as the virus, as you know, is washed out with a plentiful drink. In general, drinking a lot is good for both an adult and a child. But is water always needed?

How to teach a child to drink water

Do I need to finish babies

Breastfeeding counselors say that breast milk contains all the necessary vitamins and enough fluid for the baby. They insist that the baby does not need to be drunk, at least in the first 6 months. This is explained by the fact that in nature mammals do not drink water, which can be infected and dangerous for a fragile organism. Modern conditions allow us to “get” clean water, but does the baby need it if he has breast milk? Pediatricians around the world say that in some cases, dipping a child with water is not only possible, but also necessary. What cases are we talking about?

  1. If the child is poisoned. Temperature, vomiting, diarrhea leads to rapid dehydration, especially in young children. This can be extremely dangerous. In addition to the fact that you should definitely consult a doctor, you must definitely drink the baby, even if he is breast-feeding.
  2. For some kidney problems, your child should drink plenty of water.
  3. Newborn jaundice is associated with a large amount of bilirubin, which remains in the tissues after decay. This bilirubin can only be washed with plenty of water. If the physiological jaundice of the newborn is delayed, this requires a visit to a doctor.
  4. Some drugs require leaching from the body. Therefore, their intake is accompanied with a large amount of fluid drunk. Usually, when prescribing such drugs, the doctor informs about this need.
  5. If the child is breast-fed, he must drink water.
  6. The hot season, heavy sweating of the child is also an occasion to offer the baby clean water.
  7. If the child has feces of sheep, that is, in hard pieces, this is a sign of dehydration. In such cases, water must be drunk necessarily.
  8. If the baby’s lips are dry or chapped, this is another serious sign of dehydration.

Choosing water for the baby, it is not necessary to buy special baby water. Often you buy ordinary clean water at a triple price. Such a purchase is justified only if you are in the city center and the baby is thirsty. In other cases, ordinary filtered and boiled water is suitable.

How to teach a child to drink water

Here are some practical tips to help you teach your baby to drink water. After all, children's habits remain with the child for life. And this is the quality of the future health of the crumbs.

Teach your child to drink water

  1. A small child needs to be taught to water gradually. If he does not drink from a bottle, you can give your child to drink water from a spoon every 10-15 minutes. The kid will become accustomed to an unusual taste for him and will continue to drink more readily.
  2. Water for the child should not be excessively hot or cold. Negative sensations can lead to unpleasant consequences and even fear, and the baby will no longer want to take a spoon or a bottle in his mouth.
  3. If the child needs water critically (he is sick and suffering from dehydration), give the baby a syringe without a needle. Draw water into a clean syringe and carefully, with a thin stream and in small portions, fill the child with water on the cheek so that he has time to swallow the liquid and does not choke.
  4. After six months, not only complementary foods, but also drinking is introduced into the child’s diet. The kid should drink diluted juices, kefir, yogurt. A mandatory part of the daily diet should be clean water.
  5. Older children can be attracted to drink water by interesting beautiful mugs, glasses, bottles and drinkers. Let the child choose for himself what he wants to drink from, even if it is a children's toy utensil or dad's mug.
  6. If the baby does not drink in any, try to offer him a tube. Some babies, having learned the joy and pleasure of drinking through a straw, drink only in this way. Who cares? If only the child drank!
  7. In general, water is the best drink. But if the baby refuses to drink pure water, and the body needs fluids, you can offer the child compote, tea, juice. But remember that the compote should be with a minimal amount of sugar or its absence, and the juice should be greatly diluted. Otherwise, the child will receive not food, but food - this is how the body perceives thick juices and saturated drinks.
  8. Leave mugs, bottles, and glasses of water in a conspicuous place, preferably at the eye level of the child. Often the baby does not drink, simply because he does not see the water, just forgets. And when mom offers, she often refuses harm. If you leave water containers in each room - there is a greater chance that the child will drink more often. But be careful and watch the drink so that the baby does not get wet and slip on the puddle.
  9. Children over the age of one can be taught to drink frequently through the game. Drink teddy bears, dogs and dolls and tell them how delicious the water is in the bottle. Often this leads to the fact that the baby begins to drink more.
  10. Children often copy adults. Therefore, in order for the baby to take an example from you, start drinking water with the whole family. Put a cooler at home, let the water be in a conspicuous place. And then the child will begin to understand that drinking is an integral part of life.

These simple rules will help you push your child to the right lifestyle and drink enough water.

Water is a vital nutrient that helps to digest food, softens stools, helps the body develop, and the muscles to be elastic and flexible. A sufficient amount of water in the body improves its work, removes toxins and regulates body temperature. Teach your baby to drink water - this habit will make your baby healthier.

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