How to train a dog to stay at home

Dog lovers know how important it is to conduct timely pet training. This applies not only to basic commands, peace of mind during hygiene procedures and other aspects. Parenting also includes the fact that a puppy from early childhood must be accustomed to being alone. This does not mean that you left the pet to the mercy of fate. But it is necessary for every modern person to go away on business or work, the pet should endure such circumstances calmly.

How to train a dog to stay at home

Fear of loneliness in a dog

It is worth immediately running ahead and studying the essence of the pet. Puppies raised by wild dogs live in minks lasting 8-12 months. Only after this period the mother of the family allows them to go free swimming, and even then not always.

When a person takes a puppy from his mother, he is literally responsible for him. If the mother of the family fed her children, warmed them and protected them, now all these responsibilities are on your shoulders. You are the only adult in whom the dog sees a protector. Only you, according to the puppy, will be able to feed him, warm and soothe.

Agree, a little sentimental, but such is life. When you go to work, the "center of the universe" is taken away from the puppy. He is simply frightened, but many inexperienced parents take barking and howling at the door as whims. The animal is afraid, but this fact does not prevent the pet from manipulating you.

Manipulation occurs when the owner often returns home with the appearance of the first squeals of the animal. The dog, already at 6 months old, is well aware of what he is doing, and therefore he is happy to use his charm.

But this behavior also has a flip side to the coin. Some owners, when they go to work, after the end of the working day, return and find their family's favorite savoring slippers or other shoes. The dog does not get bored when the change of teeth begins. But at such a time it is necessary to teach her something completely different - not to spoil things for the period of your absence.

This is another issue affecting education and punishment. Today we are talking about the fact that the dog really misses you when it howls and barks near the door. This situation often affects non-adaptive pets that have recently been taken away from their mother. Also in this group fall adults who have experienced extreme stress, fear, betrayal. The animal is simply afraid of loneliness.

Such individuals prefer to follow the owner in the footsteps, waiting for him to finish his business. But the owner only has to take a step beyond the threshold, as the pet begins to urinate, make sad sounds, whine. This is how the dog is stressed. It is necessary to accustom her, but in order not to harm.

Where to begin

  1. Not a single dog that has just been taken from their parents wants to be alone. There is nothing strange in this, because for many centuries four-legged friends have been living with a person and exist perfectly together.
  2. On the first day, the dog may whine while in another room from you. Do not run at the first call, wait for silence and only then go to your pet. So you show that silence is welcome, not squeak.
  3. After last night, introduce the animal to its new home and place. Put a bed or a box, let the baby sniff. Until he gets used to it, you should never leave the dog at home alone. Only when she gets used to it, begin to manipulate.
  4. If for some reason you are forced to leave, there is no way to find a “nurse,” then proceed as follows. Add one to the number of months of the pet.For example, a dog is 3 months old, which means you can be absent for 4 hours. Strictly no more.
  5. Adult dogs can be left for a maximum of 8 hours, this is the limit. For this period you need to do all your work, work and return home. For the period of absence, the pet needs to leave a lot of toys.
  6. When the animal misses the owner, some aggression wakes up in it. It manifests itself in damage to shoes and other interior items. Therefore, a pet walking around the apartment must constantly stumble upon its toys. They can be bought at the pet store. Treats for dogs will not be superfluous.

How should the owner behave

How to leave a dog alone at home

  1. Do not think that you need to educate only a dog. You must also pay attention to yourself. If the pet is not alone at home, analyze your own actions and monitor your behavior. Often the owner himself provokes poor pet behavior.
  2. Leaving home and returning should always be calm. Do not show emotional impulses and do not stroke the animal goodbye. Do not sob or speak appropriate phrases. Just pack up, pet the dog and head out.
  3. Do not pre-report the pet and give him any instructions. In any case, the dog will not understand what you are telling her. But the animal will perfectly feel your already upset tone. The dog understands that something is wrong when you say goodbye to her.
  4. A more difficult situation will be in the form of a general suppression of emotions after coming home. Most owners are happy that the pet is jumping, climbing into his arms and squealing. If you encourage this behavior from puppyhood, imagine what will happen to an adult dog.
  5. A strengthened individual during your absence may begin to tear off furniture upholstery or wallpaper. Hearing that you are returning home, the dog will constantly scratch the door, or rush towards you, sweeping away everything in its path. No one argues that the pet loves you very much, only everything should be in moderation.
  6. Separately, it is worth noting the grossest mistake of the owners. While waiting, the pet could crash a lot, you come home and start scolding him. That's just such behavior on your part is unacceptable. If you didn’t find the animal at the scene of the crime, it won’t understand why you are so angry and aggressive.

What to do if a puppy pees in an apartment

  1. Often, when the dog is left alone at home, it begins to crap in the wrong places. If you have a small puppy, be prepared for the fact that up to 8 months, such problems will often come up. It is necessary to train the dog to wait before the walk or to the tray.
  2. Do not scold the animal and do not poke your nose. Such behavior is unacceptable and pointless. When a pet is left alone at home, he has no one to ask for outside, hence the consequences. Therefore, one should not be surprised at “surprises” upon arrival home.
  3. Put a tray with a special filler, as an alternative, you can lay a newspaper or an old rag. After coming home, silently clean up after the pet. Put a dirty rag or newspaper in the place of the future toilet. Thus, the dog will get used to the home toilet.

Teach your pet to stay at home - these are important actions that can not be done in a day. Have patience, learn to distinguish manipulations of pure water from the real fear which the pet experiences. Start small, gradually increase the duration of absence. Encourage silence, not howling animals.

Video: what to do if a dog stays home alone badly

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